





PODCAST  //  February 7, 2024

The Power of Permission

The Power of Permission

The Power of Permission - The Self-Creation School Podcast with Leanne Letica

Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach and founder of The Self-Creation School, explores the concept of giving oneself permission to pursue personal desires and dreams. She emphasizes how societal pressures often dissuade individuals, particularly women, from acknowledging and acting upon their own wants and needs.

Leanne encourages listeners to break through societal expectations, rewrite their limiting personal narratives, and authentically align their lives with their passions, values, and purpose. She wraps up the episode by inviting her listeners to join her in her FREE 5-day Week of YES! workshop aimed at empowering women to say YES! to themselves and their dreams.

In This Episode:

00:00 Introduction: The Power of Permission

02:42 Understanding the Concept of Wanting What You Want

04:17 The Impact of Societal Pressures and Expectations

06:05 The Importance of Recognizing and Accepting Your Personal Desires

07:04 The Power of Giving Yourself Permission

08:48 My Personal Journey: From Self-Denial to Self-Creation

12:00 Breaking Down Self-Imposed Barriers

14:16 Rewriting Your Life Story: A Simple Exercise

17:39 Saying YES! to Yourself: An Act of Self-Love

20:45 Invitation to the Week of YES! Workshop

21:18 Final Thoughts: The Choice is Yours

23:24 Bonus: The Self-Created Woman’s Manifesto

Must-Have Resources:

  • Discover your YES! Block here.
  • Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
  • Get My Personal Manifesto here.
  • Grab My Daily Journal here.
  • Join Week of YES! here.

Connect with Leanne:

Episode Transcript:

Download the Transcript here.


From an early age, so many of us are conditioned to deny ourselves permission. We learn that our needs, wants and desires are not important. Think back to your school days as a child. Can you recall a time where you really needed to go to the bathroom? You put your hand up and your teacher says, not now Jenny, you can go in the next break. Or perhaps you can recall being told that children should be seen but not heard.

There are so many societal influences that teach us we shouldn't want what we want, need what we need, or desire what we desire. But what if we didn't need society to give us permission? What if we simply gave it to ourselves? Let's explore the power of permission and how you can tap into it to create a life that ignites your soul.

Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.

Hello there, my beautiful friends, and welcome to the fourth episode in the special launch series of The Self-Creation School podcast. For those of you listening in for the first time, I'm your host, Leanne Letica. I am a Self-Creation Coach and the founder of The Self-Creation School. And in this podcast, I share my insights into the Self-Creation process and offer practical strategies that you can apply right now to start writing the life story you truly do deserve to tell.

In this episode, I'm talking about a topic very close to my heart and one that is a game changer when it comes to Self-Creation and creating a life that is rich from the inside out. And that is, giving yourself permission to want what you want simply because you want it, without judgment and without justification.

So, whether you've been listening in to all the launch series episodes so far, or this is your very first time, I'm so happy to have you here with me right now.

Let's dive in.

And let's start with understanding what exactly it is I mean when I talk about wanting what you want, simply because you want it. On the surface, it may seem like a pretty simple concept, but it's also a really profound concept that so many women really struggle to embrace.

Wanting what you want simply because you want it, is about acknowledging and embracing your deepest desires, without justification, without guilt, and without the need to explain it to anyone – even to yourself. It's about giving yourself the permission to desire, to aspire, to dream, and to do so freely and openly.

And this concept is a significant concept in the Self-Creation process because your wants and desires are an expression of your authentic self. They are windows to your passions, your values, and your purpose. They're like the stepping stones to a life that truly lights you up.

So when you ignore or suppress your desires for whatever reason, and there are so many reasons, what you're actually doing is suppressing a part of your authentic self. And this is why so many of you are leading lives that don't feel completely satisfying.

Now, as I mentioned at the start of this episode, one of the really common reasons we suppress what we want is as a result of societal pressures and expectations. We live in a world where we're often told what we should want, what we should aspire to. And whether it's societal norms, cultural expectations, family obligations, or even the subtle or sometimes not so subtle influences of media and advertising, our desires are constantly being shaped and sometimes constrained by these external influences.

And this leads us to judge our own desires. We start doubting ourselves, questioning whether our wants are valid, whether they're worthy, whether they're realistic, or even if they're achievable. We hesitate, we hold back, we suppress.

But here's one thing I know for sure. If you want to experience a life that feels like a true expression of you, that feels like it has purpose, and you're not just wasting away your days, it's time to unlearn all of this. It's time to realize that your desires do not need to be justified. Your wants do not need validation from anyone or anything outside of you. They don't need to align with societal norms or expectations. They are simply valid because they exist, because they come from within you, from your authentic self.

I really want to emphasize this. Recognizing and fully accepting your personal desires is a vital step in creating the SELF you could be and stop being the SELF you should be. It's the starting point of creating a life that you're excited to wake up to. A life that does align with your passions, that does align with your values and your purpose, and what makes you feel deliciously fulfilled. A life that you can look back on when you're 95 and be completely blown away by.

Remember, it's your ONE life and it's YOUR life. Your desires are yours to own, to cherish, to pursue. And you have the power to define your aspirations, your purpose, and YOUR version of a fulfilled life. You have the power to want what you want simply because you want it. And giving yourself this permission to want what you want simply because you want it, will have a powerfully transformative effect in your life.

Now again, when I talk about permission, it's not about seeking external approval or validation. I hope that much is already perfectly clear. It's about giving yourself the approval, the green light to acknowledge your desires, whether or not you choose to actually pursue them.

It's also about removing self-imposed limitations and stepping into a space of freedom – the freedom to dream, to want, and the freedom to decide to act. It's about allowing yourself to take ownership of your true desires, your true dreams, and your truest life.

We so often deny ourselves this kind of permission, especially as women. Think about how many times you've caught yourself thinking, “Can I really do this?”, “Should I even want this?”, “Do I deserve this?”. Or how many times you've held yourself back from pursuing a desire because you felt it wasn't the right thing to go after.

These are all examples of denying yourself permission, and in doing so, you deny yourself the chance to explore and embrace the things that are possible for you. You play it small when you deny yourself permission, and you get a much smaller life because of this.

My friend, this is something I know a whole lot about. You see, way back in my early 20s, I was a newly divorced single mum, cleaning the homes of millionaires to make ends meet. To say I was living an ordinary life is an understatement, and it was certainly a far cry from my dreams. And then I met my now husband, who introduced me to the power of choosing your story, of choosing who you be. And I went on to create my own millions and live a truly extraordinary life.

The thing is, what I had really done was create a success of other people's dreams. And I had this lingering, dissatisfied feeling inside of me for a very long time. But I just kept sweeping that under the carpet. I told myself, I had such a great life that it wasn't right for me to feel like there should be something more.

And what happened was, I felt such a discord between my life and myself, that I basically put my whole existence on autopilot. I stopped nurturing my relationship with myself, and I pretty much stopped intentionally participating in my life. I just woke up every day and went through the motions. And I know some of you will understand exactly what I mean.

I started settling for a mediocre life and it led me to a place of being very disconnected with that life and very disconnected with myself. And as I settled for less all round, less showed up in my life. And because less showed up, I told myself I was a failure. Honestly, I felt like a failure. I had created an outwardly successful life that was anything but rich and rewarding on the inside. I didn't give myself permission to own my success because it wasn't off the back of my dreams.

Which brings me to another deep societal conditioning that so many of us have been subjected to – and that is one of self-denial, of putting others needs and wants before your own, of conforming to societal expectations before you cater to your own.

But here's my take on that. It's not selfish to want what you want. It's not wrong to put your needs and desires at the forefront. Apart from leading to things like burnout (and like in my case, complete disconnection from yourself), the fact is, when you fulfill your needs first, you become so much more capable of serving society in ways that is beneficial to many. It's a win-win situation. Actually, I believe the win for society is much grander when you take care of yourself first.

Okay, so bringing it back in house. Isn't it interesting how you can put up barriers for yourself? Barriers that don't actually serve you. That keep you stuck inside the world as you know it while there's a whole world of opportunity to explore and experience on the other side. And how often, you don't give yourself permission to break down these barriers, which is why you stay stuck right where you are inside the walls you've created for yourself.

And these barriers get woven into your life by the stories you tell yourself. You know the ones I mean, right? “I'm not good enough”. “I'm not smart enough”. “I don't have enough experience”. “Now's not the right time”. These stories, over time, become your reality because they shape your beliefs. They influence your actions, and in many cases, they restrict your potential. And they're acting as a cover for the real story, which is one of permission. The permission to be good enough, the permission to be smart enough, the permission to gain the experience., the permission to make it the right time.

The problem is, you tell yourself these stories so often, you believe them as if they're facts. But here's the catch – they aren't actually facts. They're simply stories you've been telling yourself about the events that happen in your life. They are the meaning you give to things that you experience. The story of you not being good enough, the story of you not having enough, the story of perfect timing – they’re all self-imposed stories and they're keeping you stuck behind a barrier to the life you want.

The beauty of these stories, though, is that since they are fiction and you are the one who created them, you also have the power to change them. You actually are the writer of your own life story, and you can rewrite any chapter anytime you want, in any way you want. Just imagine that for a moment. Imagine being able to rewrite any chapter.

Let me share a simple exercise with you to help you start differentiating between the facts and the stories you tell yourself. When you catch yourself saying something like, I'm not good enough, ask yourself, is that really true? How do you know it's absolutely true? You see, we need to separate what what FEELS like the truth, what SEEMS like the truth, from the ACTUAL truth.

Yes, if the story you tell yourself is “I'm not good enough”, it's going to feel pretty real to you and it's probably making you feel pretty lousy. This is a story I personally have had to do so much work around, so I'm totally with you on that. The thing is, facts are something that can't be disputed. In a room of a hundred people, we would all need to agree that you are not good enough. And the chances of that happening are, quite frankly, pretty slim.

Facts are something that we all agree on. Like, the number on the scales is 150 pounds. Like I'm wearing glasses. Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere. We could all readily agree on these things. They are the facts.

What we wouldn't agree on is what we each make those facts mean. You might make the number on the scales mean that you're not attractive and no one would want to date a woman like you. We all wouldn't agree on that. You can make the fact that you wear glasses mean that you're getting old and you can't do the things you want anymore. We all wouldn't agree on that.

These are stories, they are fiction, they are how you choose to give meaning to your life. And these stories were often written long ago in the past, based on experiences and conditions that you were not well equipped to make sense of.

As long as you hold on to these stories, you deny yourself permission to see what's on the other side of them. So, if you want to become a Self-Created Woman who says YES! to the life she craves, it's time to review these stories, challenge them, and rewrite them in a way that supports your growth, your desires, and your dreams.

With every story that you rewrite, you are essentially saying YES! to yourself, YES! to your potential and YES! to your best life. You're stepping into the world of possibilities, into a space where you're no longer confined by limiting stories, beliefs, or self-doubt.

And this concept of permission and rewriting your stories is something I go into and provide more detail on in my Week of YES! workshop, which is a free five-day mini workshop delivered straight to your inbox every day for, well, five days. I'll tell you a little bit more about this in a moment.

But I want to highlight that saying YES! really is an act of self-love, of self-respect, and of self-empowerment. It's about creating space in your life for what truly matters to you and YOU alone. This can be YES! to pursuing a passion, or carving out me time, or a YES! to setting boundaries, or even a YES! to embracing rest and relaxation without guilt. It could just be a YES! to daydreaming.

So, what I invite you to do is think about the areas in your life where you've been longing to say YES!. What are those areas? What desires have you been suppressing? Is it a hobby you want to take up? A career shift you've been contemplating? An adventure you've been dreaming of? Recognize these desires. Acknowledge them. They are valid. They are important. They are a part of you.

Saying YES! to these desires doesn't mean neglecting your responsibilities or being unreasonable. It doesn't even mean you have to pursue them. It simply means creating a balance where your desires and aspirations also get a place in your life, where your wants also matter. It's about living a life where you're not just existing, but truly living, experiencing, growing, and thriving.

Imagine living a big and bold life. A life that is not dictated by “shoulds” and “musts", but driven by want-to’s and love-to’s. Imagine a life where you wake up each morning feeling excited about the day ahead because it's filled with the things that make you feel so vibrantly alive. Imagine a life where you're constantly evolving, learning, and exploring because that's what you choose to do. That's what living a big and bold life looks like.

It's about authenticity and fulfillment. It's about living on your terms, in alignment with your true self. It's about saying YES! to the life you've always wanted to live. And guess what, that life is not a far-fetched dream, it's well within your reach. And all you have to do is give yourself the permission to reach out and grab it. Everything changed in my world when I gave myself permission to say YES! to myself and my dreams. I promise you my friend, it can change for you too.

Before I close this episode out, I just want to say that this conversation doesn't need to end here. In fact, this is just the beginning, the spark to ignite what already lies within you. If what I've talked about today resonates with you, if you feel that pull, that yearning to say yes to your desires, then I want to extend a warm invitation to you to join me in my Week of YES! workshop.

This workshop is designed as a self-guided exploration of you. It's about you saying YES! to yourself. It's about you becoming a Self-Created Woman who lives a life that sets her soul on fire. So, if you're ready to say YES! to yourself, your dreams, and your best ever life yet, you can join me in the workshop at selfcreationschool.com/weekofyes.

I want to leave you with this final thought. Imagine yourself at 95 coming face to face with the woman you could have become. The woman who said YES! to herself, her desires, and her dreams. She's the woman who lived all of the stories you wanted to live. What does she look like? What is her life story? Where does she live? What has she done in her lifetime?

Now, imagine the woman you became because you didn't say YES!. Because you didn't allow yourself to want what you truly wanted. Because you didn't give yourself the permission to pursue your dreams, to say YES! to you. Imagine the story you lived and your regrets of what could have been.

The choice between these two women is yours. The choice to become whoever you choose, to make everything you want possible, is in your hands. You can be the woman with the stories, not the woman with the regrets. And it starts with a simple YES! – a YES! to yourself and your dreams.

So again, I invite you to join me in the Week of YES! workshop and begin to make this transformation. Head to selfcreationschool.com/weekofyes and discover what's possible when you embrace the freedom to want, to dream, and to act – and shape all of this into the future you. That next version of you who has created the life she wants.

My friends, you have the power to create the life you desire. It's your life, your story. Make it one you're proud to tell. Say YES! to yourself. Say YES! to your dreams. Say YES! to a life story that's truly worth telling.

And with that, I'm signing off for this episode. I look forward to seeing you in the Week of YES! workshop.

Until then, stay curious, stay brave, and be the woman who says YES!

Have you grabbed your free copy of the Self-Created Woman's Manifesto? This powerful manifesto will inspire and empower you in your everyday life and help guide you towards a life that sets your soul on fire. It's the must have statement for every woman on the path of Self-Creation and the best part is, you can grab your copy right now for free.

Set your everyday up for success and head over to selfcreationschool.com/manifesto to download your free copy of this powerful manifesto today. That's selfcreationschool.com/manifesto. I'll see you there.

Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach and founder of The Self-Creation School, explores the concept of giving oneself permission to pursue personal desires and dreams. She emphasizes how societal pressures often dissuade individuals, particularly women, from acknowledging and acting upon their own wants and needs.

Leanne encourages listeners to break through societal expectations, rewrite their limiting personal narratives, and authentically align their lives with their passions, values, and purpose. She wraps up the episode by inviting her listeners to join her in her FREE 5-day Week of YES! workshop aimed at empowering women to say YES! to themselves and their dreams.

In This Episode:

00:00 Introduction: The Power of Permission

02:42 Understanding the Concept of Wanting What You Want

04:17 The Impact of Societal Pressures and Expectations

06:05 The Importance of Recognizing and Accepting Your Personal Desires

07:04 The Power of Giving Yourself Permission

08:48 My Personal Journey: From Self-Denial to Self-Creation

12:00 Breaking Down Self-Imposed Barriers

14:16 Rewriting Your Life Story: A Simple Exercise

17:39 Saying YES! to Yourself: An Act of Self-Love

20:45 Invitation to the Week of YES! Workshop

21:18 Final Thoughts: The Choice is Yours

23:24 Bonus: The Self-Created Woman’s Manifesto

Must-Have Resources:

  • Discover your YES! Block here.
  • Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
  • Get My Personal Manifesto here.
  • Grab My Daily Journal here.
  • Join Week of YES! here.

Connect with Leanne:

Episode Transcript:

Download the Transcript here.


From an early age, so many of us are conditioned to deny ourselves permission. We learn that our needs, wants and desires are not important. Think back to your school days as a child. Can you recall a time where you really needed to go to the bathroom? You put your hand up and your teacher says, not now Jenny, you can go in the next break. Or perhaps you can recall being told that children should be seen but not heard.

There are so many societal influences that teach us we shouldn't want what we want, need what we need, or desire what we desire. But what if we didn't need society to give us permission? What if we simply gave it to ourselves? Let's explore the power of permission and how you can tap into it to create a life that ignites your soul.

Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.

Hello there, my beautiful friends, and welcome to the fourth episode in the special launch series of The Self-Creation School podcast. For those of you listening in for the first time, I'm your host, Leanne Letica. I am a Self-Creation Coach and the founder of The Self-Creation School. And in this podcast, I share my insights into the Self-Creation process and offer practical strategies that you can apply right now to start writing the life story you truly do deserve to tell.

In this episode, I'm talking about a topic very close to my heart and one that is a game changer when it comes to Self-Creation and creating a life that is rich from the inside out. And that is, giving yourself permission to want what you want simply because you want it, without judgment and without justification.

So, whether you've been listening in to all the launch series episodes so far, or this is your very first time, I'm so happy to have you here with me right now.

Let's dive in.

And let's start with understanding what exactly it is I mean when I talk about wanting what you want, simply because you want it. On the surface, it may seem like a pretty simple concept, but it's also a really profound concept that so many women really struggle to embrace.

Wanting what you want simply because you want it, is about acknowledging and embracing your deepest desires, without justification, without guilt, and without the need to explain it to anyone – even to yourself. It's about giving yourself the permission to desire, to aspire, to dream, and to do so freely and openly.

And this concept is a significant concept in the Self-Creation process because your wants and desires are an expression of your authentic self. They are windows to your passions, your values, and your purpose. They're like the stepping stones to a life that truly lights you up.

So when you ignore or suppress your desires for whatever reason, and there are so many reasons, what you're actually doing is suppressing a part of your authentic self. And this is why so many of you are leading lives that don't feel completely satisfying.

Now, as I mentioned at the start of this episode, one of the really common reasons we suppress what we want is as a result of societal pressures and expectations. We live in a world where we're often told what we should want, what we should aspire to. And whether it's societal norms, cultural expectations, family obligations, or even the subtle or sometimes not so subtle influences of media and advertising, our desires are constantly being shaped and sometimes constrained by these external influences.

And this leads us to judge our own desires. We start doubting ourselves, questioning whether our wants are valid, whether they're worthy, whether they're realistic, or even if they're achievable. We hesitate, we hold back, we suppress.

But here's one thing I know for sure. If you want to experience a life that feels like a true expression of you, that feels like it has purpose, and you're not just wasting away your days, it's time to unlearn all of this. It's time to realize that your desires do not need to be justified. Your wants do not need validation from anyone or anything outside of you. They don't need to align with societal norms or expectations. They are simply valid because they exist, because they come from within you, from your authentic self.

I really want to emphasize this. Recognizing and fully accepting your personal desires is a vital step in creating the SELF you could be and stop being the SELF you should be. It's the starting point of creating a life that you're excited to wake up to. A life that does align with your passions, that does align with your values and your purpose, and what makes you feel deliciously fulfilled. A life that you can look back on when you're 95 and be completely blown away by.

Remember, it's your ONE life and it's YOUR life. Your desires are yours to own, to cherish, to pursue. And you have the power to define your aspirations, your purpose, and YOUR version of a fulfilled life. You have the power to want what you want simply because you want it. And giving yourself this permission to want what you want simply because you want it, will have a powerfully transformative effect in your life.

Now again, when I talk about permission, it's not about seeking external approval or validation. I hope that much is already perfectly clear. It's about giving yourself the approval, the green light to acknowledge your desires, whether or not you choose to actually pursue them.

It's also about removing self-imposed limitations and stepping into a space of freedom – the freedom to dream, to want, and the freedom to decide to act. It's about allowing yourself to take ownership of your true desires, your true dreams, and your truest life.

We so often deny ourselves this kind of permission, especially as women. Think about how many times you've caught yourself thinking, “Can I really do this?”, “Should I even want this?”, “Do I deserve this?”. Or how many times you've held yourself back from pursuing a desire because you felt it wasn't the right thing to go after.

These are all examples of denying yourself permission, and in doing so, you deny yourself the chance to explore and embrace the things that are possible for you. You play it small when you deny yourself permission, and you get a much smaller life because of this.

My friend, this is something I know a whole lot about. You see, way back in my early 20s, I was a newly divorced single mum, cleaning the homes of millionaires to make ends meet. To say I was living an ordinary life is an understatement, and it was certainly a far cry from my dreams. And then I met my now husband, who introduced me to the power of choosing your story, of choosing who you be. And I went on to create my own millions and live a truly extraordinary life.

The thing is, what I had really done was create a success of other people's dreams. And I had this lingering, dissatisfied feeling inside of me for a very long time. But I just kept sweeping that under the carpet. I told myself, I had such a great life that it wasn't right for me to feel like there should be something more.

And what happened was, I felt such a discord between my life and myself, that I basically put my whole existence on autopilot. I stopped nurturing my relationship with myself, and I pretty much stopped intentionally participating in my life. I just woke up every day and went through the motions. And I know some of you will understand exactly what I mean.

I started settling for a mediocre life and it led me to a place of being very disconnected with that life and very disconnected with myself. And as I settled for less all round, less showed up in my life. And because less showed up, I told myself I was a failure. Honestly, I felt like a failure. I had created an outwardly successful life that was anything but rich and rewarding on the inside. I didn't give myself permission to own my success because it wasn't off the back of my dreams.

Which brings me to another deep societal conditioning that so many of us have been subjected to – and that is one of self-denial, of putting others needs and wants before your own, of conforming to societal expectations before you cater to your own.

But here's my take on that. It's not selfish to want what you want. It's not wrong to put your needs and desires at the forefront. Apart from leading to things like burnout (and like in my case, complete disconnection from yourself), the fact is, when you fulfill your needs first, you become so much more capable of serving society in ways that is beneficial to many. It's a win-win situation. Actually, I believe the win for society is much grander when you take care of yourself first.

Okay, so bringing it back in house. Isn't it interesting how you can put up barriers for yourself? Barriers that don't actually serve you. That keep you stuck inside the world as you know it while there's a whole world of opportunity to explore and experience on the other side. And how often, you don't give yourself permission to break down these barriers, which is why you stay stuck right where you are inside the walls you've created for yourself.

And these barriers get woven into your life by the stories you tell yourself. You know the ones I mean, right? “I'm not good enough”. “I'm not smart enough”. “I don't have enough experience”. “Now's not the right time”. These stories, over time, become your reality because they shape your beliefs. They influence your actions, and in many cases, they restrict your potential. And they're acting as a cover for the real story, which is one of permission. The permission to be good enough, the permission to be smart enough, the permission to gain the experience., the permission to make it the right time.

The problem is, you tell yourself these stories so often, you believe them as if they're facts. But here's the catch – they aren't actually facts. They're simply stories you've been telling yourself about the events that happen in your life. They are the meaning you give to things that you experience. The story of you not being good enough, the story of you not having enough, the story of perfect timing – they’re all self-imposed stories and they're keeping you stuck behind a barrier to the life you want.

The beauty of these stories, though, is that since they are fiction and you are the one who created them, you also have the power to change them. You actually are the writer of your own life story, and you can rewrite any chapter anytime you want, in any way you want. Just imagine that for a moment. Imagine being able to rewrite any chapter.

Let me share a simple exercise with you to help you start differentiating between the facts and the stories you tell yourself. When you catch yourself saying something like, I'm not good enough, ask yourself, is that really true? How do you know it's absolutely true? You see, we need to separate what what FEELS like the truth, what SEEMS like the truth, from the ACTUAL truth.

Yes, if the story you tell yourself is “I'm not good enough”, it's going to feel pretty real to you and it's probably making you feel pretty lousy. This is a story I personally have had to do so much work around, so I'm totally with you on that. The thing is, facts are something that can't be disputed. In a room of a hundred people, we would all need to agree that you are not good enough. And the chances of that happening are, quite frankly, pretty slim.

Facts are something that we all agree on. Like, the number on the scales is 150 pounds. Like I'm wearing glasses. Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere. We could all readily agree on these things. They are the facts.

What we wouldn't agree on is what we each make those facts mean. You might make the number on the scales mean that you're not attractive and no one would want to date a woman like you. We all wouldn't agree on that. You can make the fact that you wear glasses mean that you're getting old and you can't do the things you want anymore. We all wouldn't agree on that.

These are stories, they are fiction, they are how you choose to give meaning to your life. And these stories were often written long ago in the past, based on experiences and conditions that you were not well equipped to make sense of.

As long as you hold on to these stories, you deny yourself permission to see what's on the other side of them. So, if you want to become a Self-Created Woman who says YES! to the life she craves, it's time to review these stories, challenge them, and rewrite them in a way that supports your growth, your desires, and your dreams.

With every story that you rewrite, you are essentially saying YES! to yourself, YES! to your potential and YES! to your best life. You're stepping into the world of possibilities, into a space where you're no longer confined by limiting stories, beliefs, or self-doubt.

And this concept of permission and rewriting your stories is something I go into and provide more detail on in my Week of YES! workshop, which is a free five-day mini workshop delivered straight to your inbox every day for, well, five days. I'll tell you a little bit more about this in a moment.

But I want to highlight that saying YES! really is an act of self-love, of self-respect, and of self-empowerment. It's about creating space in your life for what truly matters to you and YOU alone. This can be YES! to pursuing a passion, or carving out me time, or a YES! to setting boundaries, or even a YES! to embracing rest and relaxation without guilt. It could just be a YES! to daydreaming.

So, what I invite you to do is think about the areas in your life where you've been longing to say YES!. What are those areas? What desires have you been suppressing? Is it a hobby you want to take up? A career shift you've been contemplating? An adventure you've been dreaming of? Recognize these desires. Acknowledge them. They are valid. They are important. They are a part of you.

Saying YES! to these desires doesn't mean neglecting your responsibilities or being unreasonable. It doesn't even mean you have to pursue them. It simply means creating a balance where your desires and aspirations also get a place in your life, where your wants also matter. It's about living a life where you're not just existing, but truly living, experiencing, growing, and thriving.

Imagine living a big and bold life. A life that is not dictated by “shoulds” and “musts", but driven by want-to’s and love-to’s. Imagine a life where you wake up each morning feeling excited about the day ahead because it's filled with the things that make you feel so vibrantly alive. Imagine a life where you're constantly evolving, learning, and exploring because that's what you choose to do. That's what living a big and bold life looks like.

It's about authenticity and fulfillment. It's about living on your terms, in alignment with your true self. It's about saying YES! to the life you've always wanted to live. And guess what, that life is not a far-fetched dream, it's well within your reach. And all you have to do is give yourself the permission to reach out and grab it. Everything changed in my world when I gave myself permission to say YES! to myself and my dreams. I promise you my friend, it can change for you too.

Before I close this episode out, I just want to say that this conversation doesn't need to end here. In fact, this is just the beginning, the spark to ignite what already lies within you. If what I've talked about today resonates with you, if you feel that pull, that yearning to say yes to your desires, then I want to extend a warm invitation to you to join me in my Week of YES! workshop.

This workshop is designed as a self-guided exploration of you. It's about you saying YES! to yourself. It's about you becoming a Self-Created Woman who lives a life that sets her soul on fire. So, if you're ready to say YES! to yourself, your dreams, and your best ever life yet, you can join me in the workshop at selfcreationschool.com/weekofyes.

I want to leave you with this final thought. Imagine yourself at 95 coming face to face with the woman you could have become. The woman who said YES! to herself, her desires, and her dreams. She's the woman who lived all of the stories you wanted to live. What does she look like? What is her life story? Where does she live? What has she done in her lifetime?

Now, imagine the woman you became because you didn't say YES!. Because you didn't allow yourself to want what you truly wanted. Because you didn't give yourself the permission to pursue your dreams, to say YES! to you. Imagine the story you lived and your regrets of what could have been.

The choice between these two women is yours. The choice to become whoever you choose, to make everything you want possible, is in your hands. You can be the woman with the stories, not the woman with the regrets. And it starts with a simple YES! – a YES! to yourself and your dreams.

So again, I invite you to join me in the Week of YES! workshop and begin to make this transformation. Head to selfcreationschool.com/weekofyes and discover what's possible when you embrace the freedom to want, to dream, and to act – and shape all of this into the future you. That next version of you who has created the life she wants.

My friends, you have the power to create the life you desire. It's your life, your story. Make it one you're proud to tell. Say YES! to yourself. Say YES! to your dreams. Say YES! to a life story that's truly worth telling.

And with that, I'm signing off for this episode. I look forward to seeing you in the Week of YES! workshop.

Until then, stay curious, stay brave, and be the woman who says YES!

Have you grabbed your free copy of the Self-Created Woman's Manifesto? This powerful manifesto will inspire and empower you in your everyday life and help guide you towards a life that sets your soul on fire. It's the must have statement for every woman on the path of Self-Creation and the best part is, you can grab your copy right now for free.

Set your everyday up for success and head over to selfcreationschool.com/manifesto to download your free copy of this powerful manifesto today. That's selfcreationschool.com/manifesto. I'll see you there.

EPISODE release date  //  February 7, 2024





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Join me every Wednesday for powerful conversations, practical tips, and my SELF-CREATION SECRETS as I share how to SAY YES! to a wildly fulfilling love affair with life.

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Hello! I’m Leanne Letica, Queen of YES! and founder of The Self-Creation School.

Going from a Millionaire’s Maid to making my own millions, I learned how to rewrite the rules I live by, redefine who I can be, and reinvent my entire world.

I *also* learned the HARD WAY that all the money in the world won’t buy a LIFE YOU LOVE.

But I found a SECRET
STASH of riches that will...

And every Wednesday, I share my SECRETS with you.

Join me for powerful conversations, Self-Creation tips and insights, and discover how to SAY YES! to a life you wildly love.

Like a good story? MEET Desperella

Like a good story?
MEET Desperella

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Wondering why
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feel FULFILLED by who you are and what you do, and FLOURISH
confidently in your own skin… come take a seat at my table.

If you want to finally be FREE to live a life
you love, feel FULFILLED by who you are and what you do, and FLOURISH confidently in your own skin… come take a seat at my table.