





PODCAST  //  February 7, 2024

Setting Standards for Success

Setting Standards for Success

Setting Standards for Success - The Self-Creation School Podcast with Leanne Letica

Life will meet you at the level of your standards. In this episode, Self-Creation Coach Leanne Letica discusses the importance of personal standards and their impact on every aspect of our lives. She shares insightful stories and actionable tips on identifying current personal standards, raising them, and evaluating their alignment with one’s goals.

Leanne also emphasizes the transformative power of setting intentional standards and stepping out of mediocre existence into a more fulfilling life. The episode is designed for women who are ready to take control of their lives, aligning their standards with their values and aspirations, avoiding self-judgment or criticism, and molding their futures proactively and intentionally.

In This Episode:

00:00 Introduction to the Power of Standards

01:53 Understanding the Role of Standards in Your Life

03:11 The Impact of Low Standards: Sarah’s Story

04:56 Reflecting on Your Own Standards

05:22 The Consequences of Your Standards

06:01 The Power of High Standards

07:23 Choosing Your Standards

09:22 The Power of Raising Standards: Olivia’s Story

11:35 Self-Reflection and Evaluation of Your Standards

13:57 Five Actionable Ways to Elevate Your Standards

17:45 Conclusion: Embrace Your Power and Raise Your Standards

19:11 Invitation to Download the Self-Created Woman’s Manifesto

Must-Have Resources:

  • Discover your YES! Block here.
  • Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
  • Get My Personal Manifesto here.
  • Grab My Daily Journal here.
  • Join Week of YES! here.

Connect with Leanne:

Episode Transcript:

Download the Transcript here.


Your standards act as the compass that guides your actions and decisions. They define what you believe you're worth, and therefore they have an enormous impact on your personal and professional life. And here's the thing, life will always meet you at the level of your standards. So, what happens when you set your standards too low, or when your standards don't truly align with who it is you aspire to be?

Well, that's exactly what I'm going to explore in this episode, the power of standards. And I'll share with you five ways to raise your standards to match the woman you need to be to experience the life you want.

So if you've ever felt like you're settling for less than you deserve, or like you're not living up to your fullest potential, this episode is for you. My friends, it's time to stop simply existing and start truly living. Let's talk about how you can do that by elevating your standards.

Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.

Hello, hello, beautiful souls. It's time for another episode in this special launch series of The Self-Creation School podcast. I'm your host, Leanne Letica, and I'm thrilled that you've chosen to spend some of your precious time here with me today.

In this episode, I'm having a conversation that has the potential to significantly transform your life. I'm talking about setting standards – the kind that support who you need to be to have the life you want.

Standards are the principles, the rules if you like, that you set for yourself. They're your personal guidelines for what you're willing to accept in your life, the boundaries you establish in your relationships and the expectations you have for yourself and from others.

Essentially, your standards act as your internal rule book, guiding your behavior, your choices, and how you interact with others and with the world. Now they can range from your work ethic and the quality of work you're willing to accept from yourself, right through to how you expect to be treated in your personal relationships.

And the standards you set and accept for yourself play a significant role in your life because they shape the choices you make and in turn, the life you lead. They reflect and form your self-concept, your belief about who you are and what you believe you're capable of achieving. In essence, your standards are the baseline for the life you live and the life you aspire to live.

Let me illustrate this with a story. I worked with a client named Sarah, a brilliant woman who felt stuck in a job she didn't enjoy. Now, despite her impressive skills and her impressive credentials, she was constantly overlooked for promotions. Why? Well, the truth is, Sarah had set her standards low. She accepted being undervalued and under-appreciated as her norm, and as a result, she'd become content with doing just enough to get by.

Over time, we worked together to identify and shift her standards. And so, Sarah began demanding more from herself and more from her employer. She started asserting her worth, showing up differently, delivering beyond expectations. And guess what happened? Sarah's employer started to notice. She was recognized for her value and soon she received the promotion her skill set deserved.

Now her confidence soared and she began to see herself in a whole new light. Importantly, she realized that her happiness and fulfillment was actually in her hands, not the hands of her employer. And that is a truly empowered place to be.

Sarah's story is just one example of how your standards impact your life. When you set and maintain high standards for yourself, you send a message not just to others, but also to yourself about your value and your capabilities. So I invite you to think about your own standards. What are the rules and expectations you've set for yourself? And do they truly align with the life you'd like to live, and the person you wish to be in that life? If they don't, that's perfectly okay. The beauty of our standards is, they're not fixed. You can choose to raise them at any moment.

Now, I want to come back to this concept that life will meet you at the level of your standards. Essentially what this means is, the quality of your life is a reflection of the standards you've set for yourself.

Think about it like this, if you tolerate disrespect in your relationships, you'll find yourself surrounded by people who don't value you. If you accept mediocrity in your work, you'll miss opportunities for growth and advancement. Your standards act like a beacon, drawing in experiences and outcomes that match what you've set as acceptable.

Imagine for a moment, two women who are each starting their own business. The first woman sets her standards high. She is determined to deliver exceptional service, work only with clients who value her expertise, and charge rates that reflect her worth. The second woman, on the other hand, is more focused on attracting as many clients as she can, even if that means undercharging for her services or working with clients who don't respect her time.

Let's fast forward a year and we see that the first woman's business is likely thriving, while the second woman is highly likely struggling, overworked, underpaid and unsatisfied. The difference in their outcome is fundamentally a result of their differing standards. The first woman has attracted success, respect and fulfillment because those were the standards she set and upheld, while the second woman's lower standards have led her to a place of struggle and dissatisfaction.

Listen my friends, your standards shape everything. The way you interact with others, the type of relationships you form, the type of food you eat, the kind of clothes you wear, and even as I've already highlighted, the personal and professional achievements you can accomplish. So the question I have for you is, will you choose to be like the first woman, setting and upholding high standards that align with your values and aspirations? Or will you be more like the second woman, setting low standards and accepting less than what you truly deserve?

And I don't put this question forth as any kind of judgement. It's simply an invitation for self-reflection. Because it's through understanding where you are that you can begin to map the path to where you ultimately would like to be. At the end of the day, this is how you become a Self-Created Woman – through self-awareness and intention. You see, a Self-Created Woman takes full ownership of her life. She acknowledges her past and her present, but most importantly, she takes control of her future. She's proactive, purposeful, and intentional in her actions. And this is very much where intentional standards come into play.

Setting intentional standards is about being clear and deliberate about the expectations you set for yourself. It's about aligning your actions, behaviors and attitudes with your values, goals, and your desired outcome. It's not just about going with the flow or letting life happen to you. Instead, it's about taking the reins and actively shaping the life you want. But I want you to remember that setting standards isn't about perfectionism, or being hard on yourself, or pushing yourself to the point of burnout. Rather, it's about cultivating a healthy self-concept, empowering yourself, and paving the way to a fulfilling life of YES!.

Let me share another story of a woman I've had the absolute privilege of working with and to maintain her privacy, let's call her Olivia. Now Olivia was a woman who felt very lost in her life. She had a good job and a comfortable life, but something was missing. She felt like she was just going through the motions, living a life that was expected of her, not a life that was meant for her. And that's something I completely resonated with on a very deep personal level and I know many of you will too.

So when Olivia and I started working together, we identified that she had unintentionally set low standards for herself. She was settling for a career she didn't love, relationships that didn't serve her, and most importantly, she was living a life that didn't light her up.

In the work that we did together, Olivia decided to try raising her standards. She decided to pursue a career that she was passionate about, start surrounding herself with people who supported and inspired her, and to commit to a lifestyle that brought her joy and fulfillment. Now, I won't tell you this happened overnight, and nor was it necessarily an easy journey, but the eventual transformation in Olivia's life was profound. And today, she is a successful entrepreneur, who's in a loving and supportive relationship, and she just radiates joy and fulfillment.

Olivia became a Self-Created Woman by raising her standards and aligning her life with her true values and desires. I think her story illustrates so well the power of setting intentional standards It's a testament to the transformation that can occur when you decide to stop settling and start demanding more for yourself. You have the power to make the same changes in your life starting right now.

And a great place to start is with self-reflection. You see, understanding where your current standards lie is the first step towards making intentional changes. It's crucial to recognize what you're currently tolerating and accepting in your life because it's in this awareness that the seeds of transformation are sown.

So ask yourself, what standards have I set in my life right now? Reflect on your personal life, your professional life, your relationships, your health and wellness, your spiritual growth, your finances, your mindset, your personal development. What are you accepting in these areas? Are these standards serving you? Are they moving you closer to a life that you can't wait to live every single day? Or are they holding you back, preventing you from reaching your true potential?

Now I want you to consider what you're tolerating. Are there behaviors, circumstances, or situations that you are tolerating? And if so, why? Is it because of fear, doubt, lack of self-worth? Or perhaps you've simply become accustomed to these conditions? Whatever the reason is for you personally, I want you to realise that tolerating rarely serves you. And nor does it align with becoming a Self-Created Woman who lives a life that ignites her soul.

And listen, this process of reflection isn't meant to entice self-judgment or self-criticism. Instead simply see it for what it is, which is a powerful tool for change and growth. It's a way of identifying the areas in your life where you can choose to raise your standards, to reclaim your power, and realign your path with your true desires and aspiration. Or not, by the way. This is completely your choice.

But just know that recognizing where you are right now is the first step towards getting to where you want to be. So take some time for yourself to reflect on this with the incredible, powerful, Self-Created Woman you are becoming in mind.

Now let me share some practical strategies with you. I have five actionable ways you can start elevating your standards today to align with the woman you want to be.

Number one, define your non-negotiables. Begin by defining what is non-negotiable for you. These are your must haves, the things you refuse to compromise on. They could be anything from the respect you deserve in your relationships, to the quality of work you produce, or even the health habits you maintain. Personally, I like to choose three main non-negotiables that form the core part of my every day. Now, once you have these non-negotiables clearly defined, I want you to stick to them relentlessly. Remember, these are non-negotiable, and they serve as your compass to help guide you towards a life that's rich from the inside out.

Number two, believe in your worth. This is crucial. You must truly believe that you are worthy of the highest standards you set for yourself. And remember, this is not about arrogance or entitlement. It's about understanding your intrinsic value and realizing that you deserve the best that life has to offer. Both affirmations and positive self-talk can be powerful tools in reinforcing this belief. And I'll be talking more about the power of affirmations in the next podcast episode, so definitely make sure you tune in for that.

Tip number three is to surround yourself with high standard individuals. As the old saying goes, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Surrounding yourself with individuals who also have high standards can be a super great source of inspiration and motivation. It creates a supportive environment for you to continue elevating your own standards. And for me personally, when I place myself amongst others with similar or perhaps even higher standards, I find this really helps keep me accountable to the standards I set for myself.

Now, number four is to take action consistent with your higher standards. Having higher standards means nothing if your actions don't align with them. Be conscious of your daily decisions and actions, and make sure they reflect the standards you've set for yourself. This will mean saying no to certain things and yes to others. But remember, every choice is an opportunity to reaffirm your commitment to your standards. And if you find yourself off track, don't beat yourself up. Spend some time to reflect on this and gently steer yourself back on course.

And finally, tip number five is to regularly evaluate and readjust your standards. As you grow and evolve, so should your standards. Regular self-reflection and evaluation can ensure that your standards continue to align with your goals and your values. Remember, raising your standards is not a one-time event, but an ongoing journey of growth and of self-improvement.

Now, these strategies may seem very simple, but they can have a profound impact on your life. By consciously raising your standards, you are choosing to step into the powerful, purposeful, Self-Created Woman you are meant to be. Listen, this is your one life and you have the power to shape it in accordance with your highest aspiration. Don't settle for anything less than what you truly desire and deserve.

Raise your standards and life will meet you at this new level. And can I just say once again, this isn't about striving for an unattainable idea or being hard on yourself. This is about embracing the innate power that you hold and using it to create a life that you truly love. This is about stepping into the identity of a Self-Created Woman. A woman who is in control of her destiny, who understands her worth, and who refuses to settle for less than she deserves or to be less than she can be.

So to wrap things up, I invite you to take the first step towards becoming the woman you can be. Towards elevating your standards to meet the heights of your aspirations. And to remember, this journey starts with a decision. A decision that you deserve more. A decision that you have the power to shape your life. A decision to say YES! to you and your dreams.

And I also invite you to download a copy of my Self-Created Woman's Manifesto. It's a powerful statement of standards, of intent, that will help guide you on your own unique Self-Creation journey. This manifesto serves as a constant reminder of the woman you are becoming. The woman who sets her soul on fire, who lives on her own terms, and who walks the path she has intentionally created. And you can grab your free copy of this powerful manifesto by heading over to selfcreationschool.com/manifesto.

Remember, becoming a Self-Created Woman is not just an event – it's an ongoing journey, a beautiful process of growth and transformation. And you, my beautiful friend, are at the helm of this journey. So set your standards, embrace them, live them, and own them like the Self-Created Woman you want to be.

Thanks so much for joining me.

Until next time, be the woman who says YES!

Hey, have you joined my FREE mini-workshop the Week of YES!? This powerful five-day workshop will help you take your foot off the brake and start saying YES! to more of the life you crave. Isn't it time you created a life you're beyond excited to wake up to? It all begins with saying YES!. Head over to https://selfcreationschool.com/weekofyes and get started on your YES! story today. I'll see you there.

Life will meet you at the level of your standards. In this episode, Self-Creation Coach Leanne Letica discusses the importance of personal standards and their impact on every aspect of our lives. She shares insightful stories and actionable tips on identifying current personal standards, raising them, and evaluating their alignment with one’s goals.

Leanne also emphasizes the transformative power of setting intentional standards and stepping out of mediocre existence into a more fulfilling life. The episode is designed for women who are ready to take control of their lives, aligning their standards with their values and aspirations, avoiding self-judgment or criticism, and molding their futures proactively and intentionally.

In This Episode:

00:00 Introduction to the Power of Standards

01:53 Understanding the Role of Standards in Your Life

03:11 The Impact of Low Standards: Sarah’s Story

04:56 Reflecting on Your Own Standards

05:22 The Consequences of Your Standards

06:01 The Power of High Standards

07:23 Choosing Your Standards

09:22 The Power of Raising Standards: Olivia’s Story

11:35 Self-Reflection and Evaluation of Your Standards

13:57 Five Actionable Ways to Elevate Your Standards

17:45 Conclusion: Embrace Your Power and Raise Your Standards

19:11 Invitation to Download the Self-Created Woman’s Manifesto

Must-Have Resources:

  • Discover your YES! Block here.
  • Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
  • Get My Personal Manifesto here.
  • Grab My Daily Journal here.
  • Join Week of YES! here.

Connect with Leanne:

Episode Transcript:

Download the Transcript here.


Your standards act as the compass that guides your actions and decisions. They define what you believe you're worth, and therefore they have an enormous impact on your personal and professional life. And here's the thing, life will always meet you at the level of your standards. So, what happens when you set your standards too low, or when your standards don't truly align with who it is you aspire to be?

Well, that's exactly what I'm going to explore in this episode, the power of standards. And I'll share with you five ways to raise your standards to match the woman you need to be to experience the life you want.

So if you've ever felt like you're settling for less than you deserve, or like you're not living up to your fullest potential, this episode is for you. My friends, it's time to stop simply existing and start truly living. Let's talk about how you can do that by elevating your standards.

Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.

Hello, hello, beautiful souls. It's time for another episode in this special launch series of The Self-Creation School podcast. I'm your host, Leanne Letica, and I'm thrilled that you've chosen to spend some of your precious time here with me today.

In this episode, I'm having a conversation that has the potential to significantly transform your life. I'm talking about setting standards – the kind that support who you need to be to have the life you want.

Standards are the principles, the rules if you like, that you set for yourself. They're your personal guidelines for what you're willing to accept in your life, the boundaries you establish in your relationships and the expectations you have for yourself and from others.

Essentially, your standards act as your internal rule book, guiding your behavior, your choices, and how you interact with others and with the world. Now they can range from your work ethic and the quality of work you're willing to accept from yourself, right through to how you expect to be treated in your personal relationships.

And the standards you set and accept for yourself play a significant role in your life because they shape the choices you make and in turn, the life you lead. They reflect and form your self-concept, your belief about who you are and what you believe you're capable of achieving. In essence, your standards are the baseline for the life you live and the life you aspire to live.

Let me illustrate this with a story. I worked with a client named Sarah, a brilliant woman who felt stuck in a job she didn't enjoy. Now, despite her impressive skills and her impressive credentials, she was constantly overlooked for promotions. Why? Well, the truth is, Sarah had set her standards low. She accepted being undervalued and under-appreciated as her norm, and as a result, she'd become content with doing just enough to get by.

Over time, we worked together to identify and shift her standards. And so, Sarah began demanding more from herself and more from her employer. She started asserting her worth, showing up differently, delivering beyond expectations. And guess what happened? Sarah's employer started to notice. She was recognized for her value and soon she received the promotion her skill set deserved.

Now her confidence soared and she began to see herself in a whole new light. Importantly, she realized that her happiness and fulfillment was actually in her hands, not the hands of her employer. And that is a truly empowered place to be.

Sarah's story is just one example of how your standards impact your life. When you set and maintain high standards for yourself, you send a message not just to others, but also to yourself about your value and your capabilities. So I invite you to think about your own standards. What are the rules and expectations you've set for yourself? And do they truly align with the life you'd like to live, and the person you wish to be in that life? If they don't, that's perfectly okay. The beauty of our standards is, they're not fixed. You can choose to raise them at any moment.

Now, I want to come back to this concept that life will meet you at the level of your standards. Essentially what this means is, the quality of your life is a reflection of the standards you've set for yourself.

Think about it like this, if you tolerate disrespect in your relationships, you'll find yourself surrounded by people who don't value you. If you accept mediocrity in your work, you'll miss opportunities for growth and advancement. Your standards act like a beacon, drawing in experiences and outcomes that match what you've set as acceptable.

Imagine for a moment, two women who are each starting their own business. The first woman sets her standards high. She is determined to deliver exceptional service, work only with clients who value her expertise, and charge rates that reflect her worth. The second woman, on the other hand, is more focused on attracting as many clients as she can, even if that means undercharging for her services or working with clients who don't respect her time.

Let's fast forward a year and we see that the first woman's business is likely thriving, while the second woman is highly likely struggling, overworked, underpaid and unsatisfied. The difference in their outcome is fundamentally a result of their differing standards. The first woman has attracted success, respect and fulfillment because those were the standards she set and upheld, while the second woman's lower standards have led her to a place of struggle and dissatisfaction.

Listen my friends, your standards shape everything. The way you interact with others, the type of relationships you form, the type of food you eat, the kind of clothes you wear, and even as I've already highlighted, the personal and professional achievements you can accomplish. So the question I have for you is, will you choose to be like the first woman, setting and upholding high standards that align with your values and aspirations? Or will you be more like the second woman, setting low standards and accepting less than what you truly deserve?

And I don't put this question forth as any kind of judgement. It's simply an invitation for self-reflection. Because it's through understanding where you are that you can begin to map the path to where you ultimately would like to be. At the end of the day, this is how you become a Self-Created Woman – through self-awareness and intention. You see, a Self-Created Woman takes full ownership of her life. She acknowledges her past and her present, but most importantly, she takes control of her future. She's proactive, purposeful, and intentional in her actions. And this is very much where intentional standards come into play.

Setting intentional standards is about being clear and deliberate about the expectations you set for yourself. It's about aligning your actions, behaviors and attitudes with your values, goals, and your desired outcome. It's not just about going with the flow or letting life happen to you. Instead, it's about taking the reins and actively shaping the life you want. But I want you to remember that setting standards isn't about perfectionism, or being hard on yourself, or pushing yourself to the point of burnout. Rather, it's about cultivating a healthy self-concept, empowering yourself, and paving the way to a fulfilling life of YES!.

Let me share another story of a woman I've had the absolute privilege of working with and to maintain her privacy, let's call her Olivia. Now Olivia was a woman who felt very lost in her life. She had a good job and a comfortable life, but something was missing. She felt like she was just going through the motions, living a life that was expected of her, not a life that was meant for her. And that's something I completely resonated with on a very deep personal level and I know many of you will too.

So when Olivia and I started working together, we identified that she had unintentionally set low standards for herself. She was settling for a career she didn't love, relationships that didn't serve her, and most importantly, she was living a life that didn't light her up.

In the work that we did together, Olivia decided to try raising her standards. She decided to pursue a career that she was passionate about, start surrounding herself with people who supported and inspired her, and to commit to a lifestyle that brought her joy and fulfillment. Now, I won't tell you this happened overnight, and nor was it necessarily an easy journey, but the eventual transformation in Olivia's life was profound. And today, she is a successful entrepreneur, who's in a loving and supportive relationship, and she just radiates joy and fulfillment.

Olivia became a Self-Created Woman by raising her standards and aligning her life with her true values and desires. I think her story illustrates so well the power of setting intentional standards It's a testament to the transformation that can occur when you decide to stop settling and start demanding more for yourself. You have the power to make the same changes in your life starting right now.

And a great place to start is with self-reflection. You see, understanding where your current standards lie is the first step towards making intentional changes. It's crucial to recognize what you're currently tolerating and accepting in your life because it's in this awareness that the seeds of transformation are sown.

So ask yourself, what standards have I set in my life right now? Reflect on your personal life, your professional life, your relationships, your health and wellness, your spiritual growth, your finances, your mindset, your personal development. What are you accepting in these areas? Are these standards serving you? Are they moving you closer to a life that you can't wait to live every single day? Or are they holding you back, preventing you from reaching your true potential?

Now I want you to consider what you're tolerating. Are there behaviors, circumstances, or situations that you are tolerating? And if so, why? Is it because of fear, doubt, lack of self-worth? Or perhaps you've simply become accustomed to these conditions? Whatever the reason is for you personally, I want you to realise that tolerating rarely serves you. And nor does it align with becoming a Self-Created Woman who lives a life that ignites her soul.

And listen, this process of reflection isn't meant to entice self-judgment or self-criticism. Instead simply see it for what it is, which is a powerful tool for change and growth. It's a way of identifying the areas in your life where you can choose to raise your standards, to reclaim your power, and realign your path with your true desires and aspiration. Or not, by the way. This is completely your choice.

But just know that recognizing where you are right now is the first step towards getting to where you want to be. So take some time for yourself to reflect on this with the incredible, powerful, Self-Created Woman you are becoming in mind.

Now let me share some practical strategies with you. I have five actionable ways you can start elevating your standards today to align with the woman you want to be.

Number one, define your non-negotiables. Begin by defining what is non-negotiable for you. These are your must haves, the things you refuse to compromise on. They could be anything from the respect you deserve in your relationships, to the quality of work you produce, or even the health habits you maintain. Personally, I like to choose three main non-negotiables that form the core part of my every day. Now, once you have these non-negotiables clearly defined, I want you to stick to them relentlessly. Remember, these are non-negotiable, and they serve as your compass to help guide you towards a life that's rich from the inside out.

Number two, believe in your worth. This is crucial. You must truly believe that you are worthy of the highest standards you set for yourself. And remember, this is not about arrogance or entitlement. It's about understanding your intrinsic value and realizing that you deserve the best that life has to offer. Both affirmations and positive self-talk can be powerful tools in reinforcing this belief. And I'll be talking more about the power of affirmations in the next podcast episode, so definitely make sure you tune in for that.

Tip number three is to surround yourself with high standard individuals. As the old saying goes, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Surrounding yourself with individuals who also have high standards can be a super great source of inspiration and motivation. It creates a supportive environment for you to continue elevating your own standards. And for me personally, when I place myself amongst others with similar or perhaps even higher standards, I find this really helps keep me accountable to the standards I set for myself.

Now, number four is to take action consistent with your higher standards. Having higher standards means nothing if your actions don't align with them. Be conscious of your daily decisions and actions, and make sure they reflect the standards you've set for yourself. This will mean saying no to certain things and yes to others. But remember, every choice is an opportunity to reaffirm your commitment to your standards. And if you find yourself off track, don't beat yourself up. Spend some time to reflect on this and gently steer yourself back on course.

And finally, tip number five is to regularly evaluate and readjust your standards. As you grow and evolve, so should your standards. Regular self-reflection and evaluation can ensure that your standards continue to align with your goals and your values. Remember, raising your standards is not a one-time event, but an ongoing journey of growth and of self-improvement.

Now, these strategies may seem very simple, but they can have a profound impact on your life. By consciously raising your standards, you are choosing to step into the powerful, purposeful, Self-Created Woman you are meant to be. Listen, this is your one life and you have the power to shape it in accordance with your highest aspiration. Don't settle for anything less than what you truly desire and deserve.

Raise your standards and life will meet you at this new level. And can I just say once again, this isn't about striving for an unattainable idea or being hard on yourself. This is about embracing the innate power that you hold and using it to create a life that you truly love. This is about stepping into the identity of a Self-Created Woman. A woman who is in control of her destiny, who understands her worth, and who refuses to settle for less than she deserves or to be less than she can be.

So to wrap things up, I invite you to take the first step towards becoming the woman you can be. Towards elevating your standards to meet the heights of your aspirations. And to remember, this journey starts with a decision. A decision that you deserve more. A decision that you have the power to shape your life. A decision to say YES! to you and your dreams.

And I also invite you to download a copy of my Self-Created Woman's Manifesto. It's a powerful statement of standards, of intent, that will help guide you on your own unique Self-Creation journey. This manifesto serves as a constant reminder of the woman you are becoming. The woman who sets her soul on fire, who lives on her own terms, and who walks the path she has intentionally created. And you can grab your free copy of this powerful manifesto by heading over to selfcreationschool.com/manifesto.

Remember, becoming a Self-Created Woman is not just an event – it's an ongoing journey, a beautiful process of growth and transformation. And you, my beautiful friend, are at the helm of this journey. So set your standards, embrace them, live them, and own them like the Self-Created Woman you want to be.

Thanks so much for joining me.

Until next time, be the woman who says YES!

Hey, have you joined my FREE mini-workshop the Week of YES!? This powerful five-day workshop will help you take your foot off the brake and start saying YES! to more of the life you crave. Isn't it time you created a life you're beyond excited to wake up to? It all begins with saying YES!. Head over to https://selfcreationschool.com/weekofyes and get started on your YES! story today. I'll see you there.

EPISODE release date  //  February 7, 2024





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Hello! I’m Leanne Letica, Queen of YES! and founder of The Self-Creation School.

Going from a Millionaire’s Maid to making my own millions, I learned how to rewrite the rules I live by, redefine who I can be, and reinvent my entire world.

I *also* learned the HARD WAY that all the money in the world won’t buy a LIFE YOU LOVE.

But I found a SECRET
STASH of riches that will...

And every Wednesday, I share my SECRETS with you.

Join me for powerful conversations, Self-Creation tips and insights, and discover how to SAY YES! to a life you wildly love.

Like a good story? MEET Desperella

Like a good story?
MEET Desperella

Wondering why you’re
not ALREADY saying YES!
to a life you LOVE?

Wondering why
you’re not ALREADY saying YES! to a life
you LOVE?



If you want to be finally FREE to live a life you love,
feel FULFILLED by who you are and what you do, and FLOURISH
confidently in your own skin… come take a seat at my table.

If you want to finally be FREE to live a life
you love, feel FULFILLED by who you are and what you do, and FLOURISH confidently in your own skin… come take a seat at my table.