Shifting Your Possibility Edge

Shifting Your Possibility Edge

PODCAST  //  October 2, 2024


Shifting Your Possibility Edge – The Self-Creation School Podcast

Embracing Life Beyond Your Limits and Transforming Dreams Into Reality:

In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica discusses the concept of the Possibility Edge – the mental barrier that limits what women believe is possible in their lives. She explores how this barrier inhibits women from saying YES! to bigger, bolder life experiences and shares her personal journey of expanding her own Possibility Edge.

Leanne offers practical tips for shifting one’s mindset, challenging limiting beliefs, and adopting new identities to open up a vast landscape of opportunities. As she heads to Thailand to explore new possibilities, Leanne invites listeners to give themselves permission to dream big, rewrite their stories, and take actionable steps towards living an expansive and fulfilling life.

Tune in to learn how to push past the roadblock of your current possibilities and start seeing the vast landscape of opportunities that exist beyond, waiting only for you to say YES!

Episode Details:

00:00 Introduction to the Possibility Edge

00:39 Personal Journey and Thailand Adventure

01:24 Tips to Shift Your Possibility Edge

04:34 Understanding Your Possibility Edge

06:08 Overcoming Fears and Blocks

11:25 The Power of Belief and Identity

19:44 Acting As If and Embodying Your Future Self

26:40 Planning for Obstacles and Trusting the Process

29:45 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Useful Resources:

Connect with Leanne:

Episode Downloads:

Download Transcript


One of the most common barriers I see women coming up against in my work is their Possibility Edge. Out of all five YES! Blocks I've identified over the years, being able to see past the edge of what's currently possible and believe that other possibilities do exist beyond what you know, is the second biggest roadblock stopping women saying YES! to a bigger, bolder, and more fulfilling life experience.

It's easy to get stuck in the mindset of what's realistic or what's been done before. But the thing I've learned is that the life you dream of is waiting just on the other side of your belief in its possibility.

Now, I am not immune to coming up against my Possibility Edge. In fact, I spend a great deal of time pushing and expanding my edge in my mission to be amazed at what I can make possible in my lifetime.

Most recently, I've had a lot of work to do around believing in the possibility that I can combine my love of travel and my dedication to coaching at the same time. And because of the work I've done to shift my Possibility Edge around this, as this episode goes to air, I am on a plane headed for Thailand where I'm going to be living in the question of what's possible for the next two months. I will be trying on one possibility of how adventure and work might go hand in hand.

So today, I thought it was fitting that I share with you some of my tips for how you can shift your Possibility Edge so you can push past the roadblock of your current possibilities and start seeing the vast landscape of opportunities that exist beyond, and that wait only for you to say YES!

Let's dive in.

Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.

Well, hello, and a very warm welcome to today's episode of The Self-Creation School podcast. If you are joining me for the very first time, this podcast is the place where I share my insights, tips, and strategies for becoming a woman who says YES! to a life you love.

I've got to be honest, as I record this episode, I'm feeling the adrenaline rush that comes with heading into uncharted waters. That mixed bag of excitement, nerves, fear, and maybe a dash of overwhelm because I've never before traveled for this long with my normal workload thrown into the equation.

And what I love so much about feeling this way is that I know my Possibility Edge is expanding as we speak. The trip I allowed to be possible on paper is now jumping from the pages it is written on into my reality. It's no longer just a possibility, it's happening.

And often it's feeling this mixed bag of emotions when we start to shift what's possible for us that causes us to start second-guessing. The self-doubt kicks in. We start to self-sabotage and look for reasons why we should retreat back to what we know. We look for ways to justify why this isn't really for us. When the reality is, if you can see the possibility, it is absolutely for you. It's for you to try on for size and live in the question, if you are willing to feel the discomfort that does come with expanding your Possibility Edge.

Now, not all possibilities will be the right fit. But standing on the shoulders of those possibilities that don't fit is what will help you see the possibilities that lie even further beyond them that do. Every possibility that you can imagine is for you. You wouldn't be able to see it if it wasn't. And every possibility that you try on for size helps you shift your Possibility Edge to allow many more possibilities into your world. And that, my friend, is how you can live out your most expansive life imaginable.

Perhaps before we get too far into this conversation, let's make sure we are on the same page when it comes to exactly what your Possibility Edge is, and more importantly, what it isn’t.

Essentially, your Possibility Edge is the boundary of what you believe is possible in your life. And it is set in place largely by who you believe yourself to be, which is shaped by your past experiences, your current reality, and your mindset.

What it's not is permanent. What it's not is an indication of what is possible. What it's not is the limit of which you are capable of reaching in your lifetime. The only limit to what you can do have an experience in your lifetime is the limit that you decide to accept for you. When you recognize that your limits are, in fact, not fixed, and you are willing to do the work to expand your Possibility Edge to allow new possibilities into your life, you will open a door to new ideas, new ways of being, new pathways that will expand your life experience in ways you can't yet even imagine.

Listen, your lifetime is filled with infinite possibilities just waiting for you to say YES!, I believe that possibility can be mine. But you must shift your Possibility Edge to allow those possibilities into your world. And this requires first and foremost that you give yourself permission to invite possibility into your world.

A lot of women who face a Possibility YES! Block do so because they are denying themselves permission to expand their vision beyond their current reality. To open their heart and mind to dreaming bigger and more boldly. And this happens for so many reasons.

It could be the fear of failure, of not being good enough. A fear of being judged. A fear of stepping beyond what's expected or acceptable. A fear of upsetting their stable life, even if it is unfulfilling, underwhelming and uninspiring.

Many women experience Imposter Syndrome, which leads them to doubt their capabilities to achieve their dreams, so they simply stop dreaming. Sometimes, it's the fear of the unknown that prevents us from imagining possibilities outside our comfort zone. There can also be a simple lack of support from family, friends, and partners that make women resign themselves to settling for their current reality.

But underlying all of these issues are our past negative experience, which we create stories around that place limits on what we believe is possible. And what happens is, often we tell ourselves these stories for so long, they become our absolute truth. And that is what ultimately stops us from allowing other possible truths into our world.

So in order to shift your Possibility Edge, you must first give yourself permission to invite new possibilities into your world. Which means you must also allow yourself to challenge your current stories about what is and isn't possible and open your heart and mind to new truths.

Last week I talked about the power of your what ifs. If you haven't listened to that episode, I highly recommend it because you will learn how to shift your limiting what ifs, like what if I fail, what if I'm not good enough, what if people judge or don't approve and so on, to higher quality questions that will help you consider new possible truths. I think that episode really goes hand in hand with this one, so definitely take a listen in if you haven't already.

But back to our conversation today, one of the things that tends to happen when you allow even a tiny glimpse of what might be possible into your world is that straight up you go to, but how? How will this be possible? How will this be possible for me?

And the reality is you won't know how something is possible until you've done it, until you've made it your reality. You cannot know for sure all the things you will need to do to make your possibilities your reality until you can look back in hindsight and see all the things you needed to do. No one knows for sure how something will happen until they can look back and see how they've made it happen.

And focusing on the how is the hardest way to go about making your possibilities your reality. The easiest and most powerful way is to focus on who you be and I'll talk about that in just a moment. But for now, give yourself permission to invite possibility into your world and don't get caught up in the how.

The other thing I see come up a lot is that we tend to think that just because we put a possibility onto our list of dreams, that means we must commit to going after it.

Here's what I have to say about that. No, you don't. In fact, I will suggest you don't. Because if you truly open your heart and mind to all of the possibilities you can dream up for yourself, your list is going to be pretty long. Likely, pages long. If you committed to making all of these possibilities your reality, my friend, you won't even set one foot off the ground.

The reason why it's important to allow yourself to imagine all of the possibilities, big and small, wild and wonderful, is that this will help you really figure out the handful of dreams that will matter the most. Those are the dreams to commit to. Or not, by the way. You have a say in this the whole way through. You can dream up all the possibilities and choose not to go after any of them. You can.

So take the pressure off needing to know the how, or thinking that just because it's on your list, you need to do it. And just allow yourself the opportunity to daydream without the boundaries. But I will say this, once you do open yourself to seeing new possibilities beyond your current edge of possibilities, you cannot unsee them. Those possibilities now exist, and they are true possibilities because they exist.

This is the powerful thing about putting your dreams on paper. They become something tangible. And the only thing standing in between these dreams remaining possibilities and those possibilities becoming your reality is you making a decision to allow them to sit inside your Possibility Edge. That means shifting your belief that what you can now see is possible isn't just possible but it's possible for you.

My friend, your beliefs are powerful. If you believe something is impossible, you will act in ways to confirm that to be true. But the same thing happens when you believe something is possible. You will act in ways to confirm this to be true.

And so this is the second step in shifting your Possibility Edge. Shifting your beliefs around who you are and what is possible for you. Once you've given yourself permission to dream of what's possible, you must then shift your belief that the things you can imagine are possible for you.

Once again, you don't need to make them possible. This is simply about shifting your belief around them being possible for you. And this comes back to rewriting your stories around what is and isn't possible and using your new stories to shift your identity. Who it is you believe yourself to be, because it is from your identity that you will take action.

Your beliefs, the stories you tell yourself about yourself and your world, they shape your identity, and your identity is what shapes your reality. When you are a woman who believes that your current reality is all there is, you will take action that confirms this to be true. When you are a woman who believes that your reality can change, you will take action to confirm that it can. When you are a woman who believes her wildest dreams are hers to make happen, you will take action to confirm that you can.

As the saying goes, whether you believe you can or you can't, either way, you're right.

For me, I decided years ago to be a woman who lives in the question of what's possible. Now, it's not always easy, but when it feels hard to see what's next, or when what I see is so far beyond my Possibility Edge it feels mighty uncomfortable, who I believe myself to be determines how I move forward.

Believing myself to be a woman who lives in the question of possibility means that I am willing to feel the discomfort and explore the possibility anyway. It means that my default way of thinking has become, over time, to ask, what are the possibilities here? What solutions can I find? How else could this happen for me? What's next for me?

And because I see myself as a woman for whom living in the question of what's possible is just who I am and what I do, I tap into new possibilities all the time. I see new ways of doing things, experiencing things, and I am constantly expanding my vision and inviting new possibilities into my world every single day.

It also means I am pushing at my Possibility Edge nearly all of the time. It sounds exhausting, right? And it can be, if that's what you decide that it is. But for me, it's exciting, because I know I am fulfilling my life mission to explore all the possibilities I dare to imagine.

My transition from a woman who believed the door to possibility beyond what I had achieved was closed to a woman who lives in the question of possibility has been a pivotal identity shift for me. And I would go so far as to say it has been the most important shift I have ever made.

Living in the question is why I moved to Europe. Living in the question is why I started The Self-Creation School. Living in the question is why I'm traveling to Thailand for two months as you listen to this episode.

The old me believed none of that was possible. The old me believed these kind of things were too much for me to go after, and too much for me to do, have and experience, even if I did. The old me was living in her comfort zone, afraid to go anywhere near her Possibility Edge. And the old me lived a reality that was far from what I am truly capable of creating for myself in my lifetime.

Your reality is a reflection of your beliefs about who you are and what's possible for you. If you believe something is impossible, you'll prove that to be true. If you believe it to be possible, you'll also prove that to be true.

So, to help you challenge your stories and rewrite them so you can shift your identity, your beliefs about who you are, here's a couple of things I can offer you.

One is to use my Self-Creation Shift process which will walk you through a quick-fire method for rewriting your stories. Now you can grab a copy of that by taking my free YES! Block assessment over on my website. That assessment helps you discover the most predominant YES! Block standing in your way to creating a life you love. Given what we are talking about here today, that will be a very good thing to know, by the way. You can find the link to that assessment in the show notes.

The other thing I can offer you is this. Challenging your stories around what's possible is one of the key things that will help you shift them. And the best way I know how to challenge anything is to find evidence to the contrary.

Now, there are two types of evidence I recommend that you look for. The first is evidence of other people achieving your possibility because this confirms that it is indeed possible. And the second is to look for evidence in your own life of all the times you've made something happen. All the times you've turned a possibility into your reality. This confirms that you are capable of doing so.

With this kind of evidence in hand, when your story comes up around how this isn't possible or isn't possible for you, you have findings to the contrary that you can use to dispute your story as being the only possible truth. This will really help to weaken your story and open your mind to other stories available to you.

Once you have shifted your stories from can't to can or to could, if can feels a little too much. For example, instead of I can achieve this, you might say I could achieve this. So once you've shifted your stories from can't to can or to could, use your new story to shift your identity.

Think about how things change for the woman who has your new story. What does she believe about what's possible and her ability to make it happen? How does she approach her decisions? What kind of actions does she take towards making her possibilities her reality? What traits does she have? What standards does she uphold for herself? What does she no longer allow for herself?

I find it really helpful to create a set of ‘I AM’ statements that reflect who I am moving forward, what I believe, and the standards I will uphold for myself. I gave you an example earlier of one such statement that is a core part of my identity. I'm a woman who lives in the question of possibility.

Here are some other examples. I am a woman who trusts in her ability to create the life I desire. I am a woman who takes bold risks to pursue her dreams. I am a woman who embraces challenges as opportunities for growth. I am a woman who refuses to indulge in I can't. I am a woman who is resilient, determined, and worthy.

And then use your I AM statements to help you act as if. As if you are this version of you. This at the end of the day is what will help you shift your Possibility Edge. Taking action that aligns with the version of you for whom this possibility is in fact possible. So this is the third step in shifting your Possibility Edge and acting as if is where the magic begins to happen.

Acting as if is about embodying the traits, actions and mindset of the woman you want to become. The woman for whom your possibilities are a reality. Now, this is not about faking it until you make it, but rather, it's about truly stepping into the identity of the woman for whom your dreams are possible.

It means starting to think like her, starting to make decisions like her, starting to adopt her mindset, her beliefs, her attitudes. It can sometimes also mean borrowing her traits and qualities like her confidence, her resilience, her determination, and so on. The truth is these qualities already exist in you, they simply need some help to shine.

So with your I AM statements in mind, think about how the version of you for whom this possibility is a reality would go about her day. Brainstorm all the things she would do, think, feel, and decide. And then start doing, thinking, feeling, and deciding this same way just one day at a time, over time. Acting as if is not about a sudden and complete change overnight. That isn't realistic. And if you aim for that, you will find this very difficult to sustain.

Acting as if is about choosing one new way to be the future you every single day, one thing at a time, one day at a time. I know it sounds like a very slow way to act as if, but in my experience, it all happens so much faster than you can imagine, because when you change one way of being, there are a lot of other ways that will naturally start to shift to align. Beginning the acting as if process often sets the wheels in motion for every other way of being to fall into place.

But let's keep this real. Let's not be mistaken that acting as if requires continual action to keep your wheels in motion.

It requires that you do the work to shift your stories around who you believe yourself to be again and again until you've fully sold yourself on your new stories. It requires that you get clear on who the you is, for whom your possibilities are a reality. And that you remind yourself of who you're choosing to be again and again, until it's just who you are. And it requires that you take action from that identity again and again, until that action is just a natural part of what you do, because of who you are.

It would be nice if it all just happened simply because you decided to believe it could, but it would be remiss of me as a coach to suggest that it does. In fact, I was talking amongst my peers about this recently, and how, not just in our industry, but in many industries, there are a lot of big promises being made. Promises that suggest achievement requires little effort, if any effort at all. And that if you simply do A, B and C, it will all magically happen.

I think we both know this is not reality. Change takes effort. Success takes effort. Shifting your Possibility Edge takes effort. And there is no one size fits all approach. That is the reality. I can share what I've found to work for me and for others, as I am doing in this conversation, but at the end of the day what I can't do is remove the you.

The you part is you applying these tips in your life and seeing how they work for you. The you part is you doing the work to shift your stories, again and again. The you part is acting as if, again and again. The you part requires effort on your part.

But before I completely burst your bubble, effort doesn't necessarily mean hard. It doesn't necessarily mean it's not enjoyable. In fact, effort can be very enjoyable. It can be exciting, energizing, rewarding, and fulfilling. Because if you understand the why behind your effort, and you keep reminding yourself of where your effort is leading you, to a life where every possibility you expand your Possibility Edge to include can be your reality, that my friend, is exciting, energizing, rewarding and fulfilling kind of stuff.

The other great thing about acting as if, is that you start to create evidence for how you are this new you. And as you collect more and more evidence, your new stories and beliefs will become stronger, your confidence will grow, and honestly, there will be no holding you back. As this evidence builds up, it will start to argue the case for your possibilities being attainable instead of against.

Remember, your Possibility Edge is flexible. Your stories can be rewritten to include new possibilities, and your identity and the action that is possible for you can be changed. And this brings me to my fourth tip, which is something I feel is very important to remember.

You will not always get this right. You will fall back into old habits, old beliefs, old ways of being that close the door on possibility. As you push to expand your Possibility Edge, sometimes it can and will snap back, like when you flex a rubber band. There will be challenges, there will be obstacles. But none of this means that what you want to be possible isn't possible after all. Unless of course you decide to make it mean that.

Remember I said earlier, sometimes possibilities don't work out for us. But it doesn't mean that we've wasted our time, or that we must resign ourselves to things going back to the way they were. No, our efforts are never wasted. A rubber band that gets stretched never goes back to its original size. And the more it gets stretched again and again, eventually it loses resistance and changes size without the ability to snap back.

I want you to think about the challenges, the obstacles and setbacks you face like this too. You are never truly back at the start. There are always lessons and growth that come with our setbacks. So go about stretching your Possibility Edge once more and keep on stretching it until it loses resistance.

I find it very helpful to plan ahead for the kind of obstacles you think might come up for you. When you think about acting as if, and taking action that your new identity takes, what are the barriers that might stand in your way?

If getting back to your pre pregnancy weight is what you want to be possible, and part of acting as if is eating healthier meals and daily exercise, maybe finding the time to cook healthy meals might be an obstacle you need to plan for. Maybe getting time out from your daily responsibilities to take a walk might be a challenge that you need to overcome.

Think about what might stand in your way to acting as if and make a plan ahead of time for how you could potentially deal with it. Honestly, these are the most common kinds of challenges that will come up. Those big unknowns, yes, they happen, but not so much as you might think. For the most part, your obstacles will be the things you can readily identify right now when you think about the action you would take acting as if.

So make a plan for what you know will be a likely obstacle, and remember that you will not always get this right. You get to choose what you make that mean. Setbacks, challenges, obstacles, none of this means your possibilities are not possible for you unless you make it mean that. And there is going to be a certain level of trust involved in this process, which is my fifth and final tip.

You've got to learn to trust the process. Trust that everything will unfold for you exactly as it is meant to. Trust in your ability to keep flexing your Possibility Edge until it expands and loses its resistance. And most of all, trust that everything is possible if you continue to allow yourself to believe that it is possible for you, however long it takes, however it takes place.

You do not need to know how something will be possible for it to be possible. You just need to give yourself permission to find out how. Then do the work to rewrite your stories around what's possible, shift your identity, and act as it.

Like I said, I do this work constantly because I want to look back on my one precious life and be amazed at just what was possible. It gets easier and it can be a whole lot of fun. I love hanging out with possibility and my hope is you become a woman who loves being in the company of possibility too.

My friends, shifting your Possibility Edge is a crucial skill to learn and get good at if you want to live your most fully expressed life and say YES! to the biggest, boldest dreams you dare to dream of. Give yourself permission to dream big and bold today and then say YES! to doing the work to shift your Possibility Edge and make these dreams your lived reality.

That's it from me this week. Don't forget to take my free YES! Block assessment for your copy of my Self-Creation Shift process. You'll find that link in the show notes. And if you're enjoying this podcast, please do leave me a rating and a review. A few words on your behalf can really help my word to reach more women and change lives.

I'll be coming to you next Wednesday from Thailand where I am spending the next two months trying on just one possibility of how adventure and work might go hand in hand.

Until then, be the woman who says YES!

Hey, want to know what's stopping you from saying YES! to you and a life you love?

Head over to and take my FREE 60 second quiz to find out what's standing in your way today and I'll send you my Self-Creation Shift process for shifting it.

That's I’ll see you there.

Embracing Life Beyond Your Limits and Transforming Dreams Into Reality:

In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica discusses the concept of the Possibility Edge – the mental barrier that limits what women believe is possible in their lives. She explores how this barrier inhibits women from saying YES! to bigger, bolder life experiences and shares her personal journey of expanding her own Possibility Edge.

Leanne offers practical tips for shifting one’s mindset, challenging limiting beliefs, and adopting new identities to open up a vast landscape of opportunities. As she heads to Thailand to explore new possibilities, Leanne invites listeners to give themselves permission to dream big, rewrite their stories, and take actionable steps towards living an expansive and fulfilling life.

Tune in to learn how to push past the roadblock of your current possibilities and start seeing the vast landscape of opportunities that exist beyond, waiting only for you to say YES!

Episode Details:

00:00 Introduction to the Possibility Edge

00:39 Personal Journey and Thailand Adventure

01:24 Tips to Shift Your Possibility Edge

04:34 Understanding Your Possibility Edge

06:08 Overcoming Fears and Blocks

11:25 The Power of Belief and Identity

19:44 Acting As If and Embodying Your Future Self

26:40 Planning for Obstacles and Trusting the Process

29:45 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Useful Resources:

Connect with Leanne:

Episode Downloads:

Download Transcript


One of the most common barriers I see women coming up against in my work is their Possibility Edge. Out of all five YES! Blocks I've identified over the years, being able to see past the edge of what's currently possible and believe that other possibilities do exist beyond what you know, is the second biggest roadblock stopping women saying YES! to a bigger, bolder, and more fulfilling life experience.

It's easy to get stuck in the mindset of what's realistic or what's been done before. But the thing I've learned is that the life you dream of is waiting just on the other side of your belief in its possibility.

Now, I am not immune to coming up against my Possibility Edge. In fact, I spend a great deal of time pushing and expanding my edge in my mission to be amazed at what I can make possible in my lifetime.

Most recently, I've had a lot of work to do around believing in the possibility that I can combine my love of travel and my dedication to coaching at the same time. And because of the work I've done to shift my Possibility Edge around this, as this episode goes to air, I am on a plane headed for Thailand where I'm going to be living in the question of what's possible for the next two months. I will be trying on one possibility of how adventure and work might go hand in hand.

So today, I thought it was fitting that I share with you some of my tips for how you can shift your Possibility Edge so you can push past the roadblock of your current possibilities and start seeing the vast landscape of opportunities that exist beyond, and that wait only for you to say YES!

Let's dive in.

Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.

Well, hello, and a very warm welcome to today's episode of The Self-Creation School podcast. If you are joining me for the very first time, this podcast is the place where I share my insights, tips, and strategies for becoming a woman who says YES! to a life you love.

I've got to be honest, as I record this episode, I'm feeling the adrenaline rush that comes with heading into uncharted waters. That mixed bag of excitement, nerves, fear, and maybe a dash of overwhelm because I've never before traveled for this long with my normal workload thrown into the equation.

And what I love so much about feeling this way is that I know my Possibility Edge is expanding as we speak. The trip I allowed to be possible on paper is now jumping from the pages it is written on into my reality. It's no longer just a possibility, it's happening.

And often it's feeling this mixed bag of emotions when we start to shift what's possible for us that causes us to start second-guessing. The self-doubt kicks in. We start to self-sabotage and look for reasons why we should retreat back to what we know. We look for ways to justify why this isn't really for us. When the reality is, if you can see the possibility, it is absolutely for you. It's for you to try on for size and live in the question, if you are willing to feel the discomfort that does come with expanding your Possibility Edge.

Now, not all possibilities will be the right fit. But standing on the shoulders of those possibilities that don't fit is what will help you see the possibilities that lie even further beyond them that do. Every possibility that you can imagine is for you. You wouldn't be able to see it if it wasn't. And every possibility that you try on for size helps you shift your Possibility Edge to allow many more possibilities into your world. And that, my friend, is how you can live out your most expansive life imaginable.

Perhaps before we get too far into this conversation, let's make sure we are on the same page when it comes to exactly what your Possibility Edge is, and more importantly, what it isn’t.

Essentially, your Possibility Edge is the boundary of what you believe is possible in your life. And it is set in place largely by who you believe yourself to be, which is shaped by your past experiences, your current reality, and your mindset.

What it's not is permanent. What it's not is an indication of what is possible. What it's not is the limit of which you are capable of reaching in your lifetime. The only limit to what you can do have an experience in your lifetime is the limit that you decide to accept for you. When you recognize that your limits are, in fact, not fixed, and you are willing to do the work to expand your Possibility Edge to allow new possibilities into your life, you will open a door to new ideas, new ways of being, new pathways that will expand your life experience in ways you can't yet even imagine.

Listen, your lifetime is filled with infinite possibilities just waiting for you to say YES!, I believe that possibility can be mine. But you must shift your Possibility Edge to allow those possibilities into your world. And this requires first and foremost that you give yourself permission to invite possibility into your world.

A lot of women who face a Possibility YES! Block do so because they are denying themselves permission to expand their vision beyond their current reality. To open their heart and mind to dreaming bigger and more boldly. And this happens for so many reasons.

It could be the fear of failure, of not being good enough. A fear of being judged. A fear of stepping beyond what's expected or acceptable. A fear of upsetting their stable life, even if it is unfulfilling, underwhelming and uninspiring.

Many women experience Imposter Syndrome, which leads them to doubt their capabilities to achieve their dreams, so they simply stop dreaming. Sometimes, it's the fear of the unknown that prevents us from imagining possibilities outside our comfort zone. There can also be a simple lack of support from family, friends, and partners that make women resign themselves to settling for their current reality.

But underlying all of these issues are our past negative experience, which we create stories around that place limits on what we believe is possible. And what happens is, often we tell ourselves these stories for so long, they become our absolute truth. And that is what ultimately stops us from allowing other possible truths into our world.

So in order to shift your Possibility Edge, you must first give yourself permission to invite new possibilities into your world. Which means you must also allow yourself to challenge your current stories about what is and isn't possible and open your heart and mind to new truths.

Last week I talked about the power of your what ifs. If you haven't listened to that episode, I highly recommend it because you will learn how to shift your limiting what ifs, like what if I fail, what if I'm not good enough, what if people judge or don't approve and so on, to higher quality questions that will help you consider new possible truths. I think that episode really goes hand in hand with this one, so definitely take a listen in if you haven't already.

But back to our conversation today, one of the things that tends to happen when you allow even a tiny glimpse of what might be possible into your world is that straight up you go to, but how? How will this be possible? How will this be possible for me?

And the reality is you won't know how something is possible until you've done it, until you've made it your reality. You cannot know for sure all the things you will need to do to make your possibilities your reality until you can look back in hindsight and see all the things you needed to do. No one knows for sure how something will happen until they can look back and see how they've made it happen.

And focusing on the how is the hardest way to go about making your possibilities your reality. The easiest and most powerful way is to focus on who you be and I'll talk about that in just a moment. But for now, give yourself permission to invite possibility into your world and don't get caught up in the how.

The other thing I see come up a lot is that we tend to think that just because we put a possibility onto our list of dreams, that means we must commit to going after it.

Here's what I have to say about that. No, you don't. In fact, I will suggest you don't. Because if you truly open your heart and mind to all of the possibilities you can dream up for yourself, your list is going to be pretty long. Likely, pages long. If you committed to making all of these possibilities your reality, my friend, you won't even set one foot off the ground.

The reason why it's important to allow yourself to imagine all of the possibilities, big and small, wild and wonderful, is that this will help you really figure out the handful of dreams that will matter the most. Those are the dreams to commit to. Or not, by the way. You have a say in this the whole way through. You can dream up all the possibilities and choose not to go after any of them. You can.

So take the pressure off needing to know the how, or thinking that just because it's on your list, you need to do it. And just allow yourself the opportunity to daydream without the boundaries. But I will say this, once you do open yourself to seeing new possibilities beyond your current edge of possibilities, you cannot unsee them. Those possibilities now exist, and they are true possibilities because they exist.

This is the powerful thing about putting your dreams on paper. They become something tangible. And the only thing standing in between these dreams remaining possibilities and those possibilities becoming your reality is you making a decision to allow them to sit inside your Possibility Edge. That means shifting your belief that what you can now see is possible isn't just possible but it's possible for you.

My friend, your beliefs are powerful. If you believe something is impossible, you will act in ways to confirm that to be true. But the same thing happens when you believe something is possible. You will act in ways to confirm this to be true.

And so this is the second step in shifting your Possibility Edge. Shifting your beliefs around who you are and what is possible for you. Once you've given yourself permission to dream of what's possible, you must then shift your belief that the things you can imagine are possible for you.

Once again, you don't need to make them possible. This is simply about shifting your belief around them being possible for you. And this comes back to rewriting your stories around what is and isn't possible and using your new stories to shift your identity. Who it is you believe yourself to be, because it is from your identity that you will take action.

Your beliefs, the stories you tell yourself about yourself and your world, they shape your identity, and your identity is what shapes your reality. When you are a woman who believes that your current reality is all there is, you will take action that confirms this to be true. When you are a woman who believes that your reality can change, you will take action to confirm that it can. When you are a woman who believes her wildest dreams are hers to make happen, you will take action to confirm that you can.

As the saying goes, whether you believe you can or you can't, either way, you're right.

For me, I decided years ago to be a woman who lives in the question of what's possible. Now, it's not always easy, but when it feels hard to see what's next, or when what I see is so far beyond my Possibility Edge it feels mighty uncomfortable, who I believe myself to be determines how I move forward.

Believing myself to be a woman who lives in the question of possibility means that I am willing to feel the discomfort and explore the possibility anyway. It means that my default way of thinking has become, over time, to ask, what are the possibilities here? What solutions can I find? How else could this happen for me? What's next for me?

And because I see myself as a woman for whom living in the question of what's possible is just who I am and what I do, I tap into new possibilities all the time. I see new ways of doing things, experiencing things, and I am constantly expanding my vision and inviting new possibilities into my world every single day.

It also means I am pushing at my Possibility Edge nearly all of the time. It sounds exhausting, right? And it can be, if that's what you decide that it is. But for me, it's exciting, because I know I am fulfilling my life mission to explore all the possibilities I dare to imagine.

My transition from a woman who believed the door to possibility beyond what I had achieved was closed to a woman who lives in the question of possibility has been a pivotal identity shift for me. And I would go so far as to say it has been the most important shift I have ever made.

Living in the question is why I moved to Europe. Living in the question is why I started The Self-Creation School. Living in the question is why I'm traveling to Thailand for two months as you listen to this episode.

The old me believed none of that was possible. The old me believed these kind of things were too much for me to go after, and too much for me to do, have and experience, even if I did. The old me was living in her comfort zone, afraid to go anywhere near her Possibility Edge. And the old me lived a reality that was far from what I am truly capable of creating for myself in my lifetime.

Your reality is a reflection of your beliefs about who you are and what's possible for you. If you believe something is impossible, you'll prove that to be true. If you believe it to be possible, you'll also prove that to be true.

So, to help you challenge your stories and rewrite them so you can shift your identity, your beliefs about who you are, here's a couple of things I can offer you.

One is to use my Self-Creation Shift process which will walk you through a quick-fire method for rewriting your stories. Now you can grab a copy of that by taking my free YES! Block assessment over on my website. That assessment helps you discover the most predominant YES! Block standing in your way to creating a life you love. Given what we are talking about here today, that will be a very good thing to know, by the way. You can find the link to that assessment in the show notes.

The other thing I can offer you is this. Challenging your stories around what's possible is one of the key things that will help you shift them. And the best way I know how to challenge anything is to find evidence to the contrary.

Now, there are two types of evidence I recommend that you look for. The first is evidence of other people achieving your possibility because this confirms that it is indeed possible. And the second is to look for evidence in your own life of all the times you've made something happen. All the times you've turned a possibility into your reality. This confirms that you are capable of doing so.

With this kind of evidence in hand, when your story comes up around how this isn't possible or isn't possible for you, you have findings to the contrary that you can use to dispute your story as being the only possible truth. This will really help to weaken your story and open your mind to other stories available to you.

Once you have shifted your stories from can't to can or to could, if can feels a little too much. For example, instead of I can achieve this, you might say I could achieve this. So once you've shifted your stories from can't to can or to could, use your new story to shift your identity.

Think about how things change for the woman who has your new story. What does she believe about what's possible and her ability to make it happen? How does she approach her decisions? What kind of actions does she take towards making her possibilities her reality? What traits does she have? What standards does she uphold for herself? What does she no longer allow for herself?

I find it really helpful to create a set of ‘I AM’ statements that reflect who I am moving forward, what I believe, and the standards I will uphold for myself. I gave you an example earlier of one such statement that is a core part of my identity. I'm a woman who lives in the question of possibility.

Here are some other examples. I am a woman who trusts in her ability to create the life I desire. I am a woman who takes bold risks to pursue her dreams. I am a woman who embraces challenges as opportunities for growth. I am a woman who refuses to indulge in I can't. I am a woman who is resilient, determined, and worthy.

And then use your I AM statements to help you act as if. As if you are this version of you. This at the end of the day is what will help you shift your Possibility Edge. Taking action that aligns with the version of you for whom this possibility is in fact possible. So this is the third step in shifting your Possibility Edge and acting as if is where the magic begins to happen.

Acting as if is about embodying the traits, actions and mindset of the woman you want to become. The woman for whom your possibilities are a reality. Now, this is not about faking it until you make it, but rather, it's about truly stepping into the identity of the woman for whom your dreams are possible.

It means starting to think like her, starting to make decisions like her, starting to adopt her mindset, her beliefs, her attitudes. It can sometimes also mean borrowing her traits and qualities like her confidence, her resilience, her determination, and so on. The truth is these qualities already exist in you, they simply need some help to shine.

So with your I AM statements in mind, think about how the version of you for whom this possibility is a reality would go about her day. Brainstorm all the things she would do, think, feel, and decide. And then start doing, thinking, feeling, and deciding this same way just one day at a time, over time. Acting as if is not about a sudden and complete change overnight. That isn't realistic. And if you aim for that, you will find this very difficult to sustain.

Acting as if is about choosing one new way to be the future you every single day, one thing at a time, one day at a time. I know it sounds like a very slow way to act as if, but in my experience, it all happens so much faster than you can imagine, because when you change one way of being, there are a lot of other ways that will naturally start to shift to align. Beginning the acting as if process often sets the wheels in motion for every other way of being to fall into place.

But let's keep this real. Let's not be mistaken that acting as if requires continual action to keep your wheels in motion.

It requires that you do the work to shift your stories around who you believe yourself to be again and again until you've fully sold yourself on your new stories. It requires that you get clear on who the you is, for whom your possibilities are a reality. And that you remind yourself of who you're choosing to be again and again, until it's just who you are. And it requires that you take action from that identity again and again, until that action is just a natural part of what you do, because of who you are.

It would be nice if it all just happened simply because you decided to believe it could, but it would be remiss of me as a coach to suggest that it does. In fact, I was talking amongst my peers about this recently, and how, not just in our industry, but in many industries, there are a lot of big promises being made. Promises that suggest achievement requires little effort, if any effort at all. And that if you simply do A, B and C, it will all magically happen.

I think we both know this is not reality. Change takes effort. Success takes effort. Shifting your Possibility Edge takes effort. And there is no one size fits all approach. That is the reality. I can share what I've found to work for me and for others, as I am doing in this conversation, but at the end of the day what I can't do is remove the you.

The you part is you applying these tips in your life and seeing how they work for you. The you part is you doing the work to shift your stories, again and again. The you part is acting as if, again and again. The you part requires effort on your part.

But before I completely burst your bubble, effort doesn't necessarily mean hard. It doesn't necessarily mean it's not enjoyable. In fact, effort can be very enjoyable. It can be exciting, energizing, rewarding, and fulfilling. Because if you understand the why behind your effort, and you keep reminding yourself of where your effort is leading you, to a life where every possibility you expand your Possibility Edge to include can be your reality, that my friend, is exciting, energizing, rewarding and fulfilling kind of stuff.

The other great thing about acting as if, is that you start to create evidence for how you are this new you. And as you collect more and more evidence, your new stories and beliefs will become stronger, your confidence will grow, and honestly, there will be no holding you back. As this evidence builds up, it will start to argue the case for your possibilities being attainable instead of against.

Remember, your Possibility Edge is flexible. Your stories can be rewritten to include new possibilities, and your identity and the action that is possible for you can be changed. And this brings me to my fourth tip, which is something I feel is very important to remember.

You will not always get this right. You will fall back into old habits, old beliefs, old ways of being that close the door on possibility. As you push to expand your Possibility Edge, sometimes it can and will snap back, like when you flex a rubber band. There will be challenges, there will be obstacles. But none of this means that what you want to be possible isn't possible after all. Unless of course you decide to make it mean that.

Remember I said earlier, sometimes possibilities don't work out for us. But it doesn't mean that we've wasted our time, or that we must resign ourselves to things going back to the way they were. No, our efforts are never wasted. A rubber band that gets stretched never goes back to its original size. And the more it gets stretched again and again, eventually it loses resistance and changes size without the ability to snap back.

I want you to think about the challenges, the obstacles and setbacks you face like this too. You are never truly back at the start. There are always lessons and growth that come with our setbacks. So go about stretching your Possibility Edge once more and keep on stretching it until it loses resistance.

I find it very helpful to plan ahead for the kind of obstacles you think might come up for you. When you think about acting as if, and taking action that your new identity takes, what are the barriers that might stand in your way?

If getting back to your pre pregnancy weight is what you want to be possible, and part of acting as if is eating healthier meals and daily exercise, maybe finding the time to cook healthy meals might be an obstacle you need to plan for. Maybe getting time out from your daily responsibilities to take a walk might be a challenge that you need to overcome.

Think about what might stand in your way to acting as if and make a plan ahead of time for how you could potentially deal with it. Honestly, these are the most common kinds of challenges that will come up. Those big unknowns, yes, they happen, but not so much as you might think. For the most part, your obstacles will be the things you can readily identify right now when you think about the action you would take acting as if.

So make a plan for what you know will be a likely obstacle, and remember that you will not always get this right. You get to choose what you make that mean. Setbacks, challenges, obstacles, none of this means your possibilities are not possible for you unless you make it mean that. And there is going to be a certain level of trust involved in this process, which is my fifth and final tip.

You've got to learn to trust the process. Trust that everything will unfold for you exactly as it is meant to. Trust in your ability to keep flexing your Possibility Edge until it expands and loses its resistance. And most of all, trust that everything is possible if you continue to allow yourself to believe that it is possible for you, however long it takes, however it takes place.

You do not need to know how something will be possible for it to be possible. You just need to give yourself permission to find out how. Then do the work to rewrite your stories around what's possible, shift your identity, and act as it.

Like I said, I do this work constantly because I want to look back on my one precious life and be amazed at just what was possible. It gets easier and it can be a whole lot of fun. I love hanging out with possibility and my hope is you become a woman who loves being in the company of possibility too.

My friends, shifting your Possibility Edge is a crucial skill to learn and get good at if you want to live your most fully expressed life and say YES! to the biggest, boldest dreams you dare to dream of. Give yourself permission to dream big and bold today and then say YES! to doing the work to shift your Possibility Edge and make these dreams your lived reality.

That's it from me this week. Don't forget to take my free YES! Block assessment for your copy of my Self-Creation Shift process. You'll find that link in the show notes. And if you're enjoying this podcast, please do leave me a rating and a review. A few words on your behalf can really help my word to reach more women and change lives.

I'll be coming to you next Wednesday from Thailand where I am spending the next two months trying on just one possibility of how adventure and work might go hand in hand.

Until then, be the woman who says YES!

Hey, want to know what's stopping you from saying YES! to you and a life you love?

Head over to and take my FREE 60 second quiz to find out what's standing in your way today and I'll send you my Self-Creation Shift process for shifting it.

That's I’ll see you there.



EPISODE release date  //  October 2, 2024




Join me every Wednesday for powerful conversations, practical tips, and
my SELF-CREATION SECRETS as I share how to ditch self-doubt, say YES!
to you and create a life you are OBSESSED with from the inside out.

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Join me every Wednesday for
powerful conversations, practical tips,
how to ditch self-doubt, say YES! to you
and create a life you're OBSESSED
with from the inside out.

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Hi there, I'm Leanne


I know what it's like to want a more enriching and exciting life with the confidence to do ALL the things you're here to do but be STUCK...

Unable to get out of your own way, challenge the status quo and be the star in your own life story.

Today I live a life I need to pinch myself to believe is mine and help women just like you do exactly the same.

You can create a bigger, bolder and wildly fulfilling life you're excited to wake up to.


Everything changed for me when I shifted my story and SAID YES! unapologetically to myself and my dreams.

Everything changed for
me when I shifted my story and
SAID YES! unapologetically to myself and my dreams.

I will show you how.

Wondering why you’re
not ALREADY saying YES!
to a life you LOVE?

Wondering why
you’re not ALREADY saying YES! to a life
you LOVE?



If you want to live a life you love, write your own rulebook
and confidently do the things you’re here to do, while enjoying the enriched lifestyle, meaningful friendships and deeply fulfilling experiences you deserve… come take a seat at my table.

If you want to live a life you love, write
your own rulebook and confidently do the things you’re here to do, while enjoying the enriched lifestyle, meaningful friendships and deeply fulfilling experiences you deserve… come take a seat at my table.