In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica explores the concept of the ‘Growth Gap’, the awkward in-between of who you are and who you aspire to be.
Leanne discusses how this gap, filled with uncertainty and discomfort, is where significant personal growth and transformation occur. She emphasizes that the Growth Gap represents a phase of opportunity rather than an obstacle, encouraging listeners to embrace the power of saying YES! to the process.
Additionally, Leanne provides actionable steps and strategies to help listeners bridge the gap and gradually transform into their desired identity. The episode also covers how to manage setbacks or ‘backslides’, and remain committed to the growth journey, ultimately encouraging listeners to say YES! to themselves and the life they dream of.
In This Episode:
00:00 Introduction to the Growth Gap
02:12 Understanding the Growth Gap
09:16 Embracing the Discomfort of Growth
10:43 Building the Bridge to Your Future Self
14:48 Transforming Your Identity
21:43 Dealing with Backslides
24:10 The Power of Saying YES!
26:14 Final Thoughts and Conclusion
Must-Have Resources:
- Discover your YES! Block here.
- Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
- Get My Personal Manifesto here.
- Grab My Daily Journal here.
- Join Week of YES! here.
Connect with Leanne:
Episode Transcript:
Imagine standing on the edge of a canyon. Behind you is the person you've been with all her experiences, her lessons, setbacks and even her successes. On the other side of the canyon is the person you dream of becoming, the version of you who has created the life you truly want to say YES! to. Between you and that vision lies a pretty large gap. And this gap is filled with uncertainty, discomfort, and all of those nagging doubts that whisper, "are you sure you can make it that far?”.
This space, my friends, is where magic happens, where growth takes root, the kind of growth that allows the future you to bloom into a reality. It's what I like to call the Growth Gap. And today, we're talking about how to embrace the discomfort of this awkward in-between and navigate through it with confidence, and I'll share actionable steps along the way to help you bridge the distance between one side of the canyon to the other.
So, if you've ever felt stuck in this awkward in-between phase, or perhaps you're there right now. This episode is for you.
Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.
Hello and welcome, my beautiful listeners, to episode 10 of The Self-Creation School podcast, where we create a life we love one YES! at a time. Today, I'm talking about the Growth Gap. It's a phase of growth that's challenging, incredibly rewarding, and crucial in saying YES! to the life you desire. And it's a space that so many of us find ourselves in when we reach out for our dreams, yet it's not something that many of us talk about.
I've found myself in the Growth Gap on numerous occasions, caught between that familiar comfort of who I was and the unknown promise of who I could be. And it's kind of like being in no man's land, where every step forward feels uncertain, and every glance back tempts you with the safety of what you know. But here's the thing, this no man's land, this Growth Gap, is actually where the magic of transformation happens.
So today, I'll be discussing what the Growth Gap is, and perhaps more importantly what it isn't, why it exists, and the importance of recognizing this transformative space not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity - an opportunity for growth, through patience, commitment, and curiosity. Because my friend, the journey through the Growth Gap is not just about reaching the other side, it's about creating sustainable change and becoming who you want to be one step at a time, one YES! at a time. I'll also be sharing plenty of tips and practical strategies to help you bridge the gap.
And with that said, let's dive straight in and let's talk about what the Growth Gap is and isn’t.
Essentially, the Growth Gap is the uncharted territory that stretches between who you are right now and who you want to be, that version of you who is living the life you dream of for yourself. It's the empty divide for which no guide really exists. And to cross this divide requires that you build a bridge plank by plank, with each plank representing an action you take, a challenge that you overcome, a lesson you learn, or a moment of self-discovery. And as you lay down each plank, you gradually build the inner strength, that SELF Wealth, and the mindset and habits you need to support being this new you that you are becoming.
Eventually, this bridge spans the distance between your current reality and the life you dream of. A life where you've fully embrace the potential you saw in yourself across the divide and you live each day with the purpose and the personal fulfillment you ultimately set out to seek. It's here, in the construction of this bridge, that you experience the most profound growth and you create sustainable change.
The Growth Gap exists as a natural part of the transformation process. Change by its very nature pushes us out of our comfort zones, prompting us to confront our fears, our doubts, and the limiting beliefs that have held us back. This gap often feels awkward because it's where your old identity starts to shed, making room for your new identity. And our new skin can sometimes feel a bit weird, perhaps a little bit raw, and sometimes a little bit awkward. And while growth isn't always comfortable, my friend, let me tell you it is always worth it.
Now, what the Growth Gap isn't is a sign of failure, or an indication you've lost your way, or a directive to return to your old self. Rather, it's a clear marker of progress. It's evidence that you are actively moving towards your goals, even when it doesn't feel like it. And acknowledging this gap for what it really is, without making it mean you have failed or are failing and resigning yourself to going back to who you've been, is crucial for your development and in your ability to say YES! to this new version of you and the life she is living.
So it's important to acknowledge that the discomfort, and fear, and awkwardness that you feel when you're in the Growth Gap is in fact a sign that you're moving, evolving, and inching closer to the version of you who waits on the other side of the divide.
Recognizing that the Growth Gap and your growing pains are actually there to serve you, that they are an important companion on this journey across the divide, allows you to approach your growth journey with patience, and commitment, and an open heart and ultimately, an understanding that each step, each plank that you lay down, no matter how small, is a step forward. And it's in this recognition that you will find the strength to continue, the courage to face the unknown, and the wisdom to appreciate the beauty of your transformation.
It's also important as you navigate the Growth Gap, to remind yourself that this journey is not about quick fixes or instant gratification. It's about saying YES! to the process, learning to become the person you're becoming, to gradually start to exist in her skin and in her way of being. Every moment of discomfort is an opportunity to say YES! to this version of you and the incredible life you are creating.
As I said earlier, navigating the Growth Gap is very much like setting off on a journey through unknowing territories, armed only with your determination, your dreams, and the lessons and inner strength that you gather along the way. It is a path untravelled and so it is only natural that this path is going to be marked by moments of discomfort. And listen, this discomfort is actually a really great thing. It plays a pivotal role in building the bridge to your future self, because when discomfort shows up, It is a sign that you are pushing through your boundaries and this is a crucial part of growth and evolution.
So, here's a few tips to help you embrace the discomfort of your growing pains.
The first is to lean into learning. When you feel discomfort, ask yourself, "what is this teaching me?". Is it resilience, patience, or perhaps a new perspective on what you're capable of? And remember, each lesson is a plank in your bridge.
Tip number two is to reframe your discomfort. Start viewing discomfort, not as a barrier, but as a companion on your journey to growth. It's a sign that you're pushing through boundaries and expanding your horizons. And that is a good thing.
Tip number three is to embrace the power of saying YES! to challenges and new situations that make you feel uncomfortable. Saying YES! is two-fold here. It's about saying YES!, I feel uncomfortable and acknowledging your feelings, and YES!, I welcome the opportunity for this experience, and the lessons and the growth that it brings. Saying YES! removes the resistance you have to your discomfort and it allows you to embrace these experiences with so much more ease, calm and flow.
Now I want to share with you four more things that will help you navigate the Growth Gap.
The first being to have patience and persistence. The pathway through the Growth Gap is rarely straight or predictable, so it does require patience with yourself and persistence in your actions. Patience with yourself is honestly, non-negotiable on this journey. Remember, building a bridge to your future self is not going to happen overnight. It's a personal transformation process. You're shedding your old skin, at the same time growing into your new skin. And every transformation process like this is going to have its own unique pace.
So be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you'd offer to your best friend navigating their own Growth Gap. Listen, you are charting new territory and you deserve to give yourself all the patience and compassion you need to find your way.
The second thing that will help empower your journey is to stop and celebrate every victory. No win is too small to celebrate, my friend. Whether it's overcoming a fear, taking a small action, thinking one new thought, changing a habit, or simply choosing to show up for yourself every day. Every victory is significant and these more regular celebrations reinforce your progress and help you stay motivated to keep moving forward.
The third thing that will help you navigate through the Growth Gap is having a support team. Now, I know I talk a lot about this on this podcast and it's for good reason. Having the right support team to accompany you on your journey can make all the difference.
If you've ever experienced the Growth Gap, you'll know that it can sometimes feel like a pretty lonely place to be because let's face it, it's you and you alone who's doing all the stretching and all the growing. But it doesn't have to be a lonely experience. There's immense value in finding a like-minded community or a coach who can offer encouragement, share their insights, and help keep you accountable to your dreams.
So seek out like-minded individuals. Whether it's joining a group or an online community, enrolling in a program, reading a book, perhaps listening to a podcast like this one, or working with a coach in some capacity, surround yourself with people who understand your journey and support your growth.
The other really great thing that a support team will help you with is accountability. Let me tell you, when the Growth Gap territory presents difficult terrain to navigate, or you just feel like you aren't making progress, or when you're really experiencing the pain of growth, it's very easy to want to retreat back to what you know, the familiar you, the old you.
Having someone to share your progress with, or your feelings of your lack of progress with, and your experiences, your challenges, can help you stay on track and be incredibly motivating. It's not so much about having someone to report to, although that can be super helpful, it's about knowing that you're not alone in this. And it can also help you to see your wins and your progress when perhaps you can't see this for yourself, which can be a timely reminder when needed that your dreams are achievable.
And so the fourth thing that will help you navigate the Growth Gap is the actual transformation of your identity itself in this process. Transforming your identity is perhaps one of the most profound aspects of navigating the Growth Gap. It's about shedding the layers that no longer serve you one by one and embracing the essence of who you aspire to be in your natural way of being. This transformation is pivotal in bridging the divide between your current self and this evolved version of you.
And the first part of this transformation process is to shift your old limiting stories and beliefs out to make room for new more empowering ones that support the evolved version of you that you are becoming.
My friends, unless this is your very first rodeo with me, you've heard me say this before and you will hear me say it again. The stories you tell yourself about your SELF, and what's possible in your world, shape your reality. And many of these stories you are holding on to that keep you stuck in your current reality, are grounded in your past experiences and fears, not in your potential. So to cross the Growth Gap, you first must say YES! to new stories about who you are and what's possible for you.
To do this, start by recognizing the stories that are holding you back, that are keeping you stuck in your old identity. These could be beliefs about your capabilities, your worth, or what you deserve in life. One question you could ask yourself is, "What are the stories I'm telling myself about my ability to create the future I desire?". And be open to what comes up, because awareness is always the first step towards change. You cannot change what you don't know exists, or what you deny exists.
And once you have identified these stories, I want you to question them. For each story you're telling yourself, ask yourself, "is this story truly reflective of my potential?". More often than not, you'll find that your stories are based on outdated or, quite frankly, unfounded information. So this step is about opening up to the possibility that you are far more capable than your old stories suggest. I'd also encourage you to look for evidence of how you are, in fact, capable.
And then, it's time to write some new stories. Stories that represent what you truly are capable of, what you are worthy and deserving of. So, essentially, what you're doing here is replacing each limiting story you've been holding onto with a more positive and empowering one that reflects your aspirations and supports your true capabilities. So, for example, you could change, "I can't do this", or "I always fail", to "I can do this because I am fully capable of overcoming challenges”.
The second part of transforming your identity to help you bridge the Growth Gap is to take actionable step towards change. Transforming your identity isn't just about telling yourself new stories and changing how you see yourself. It's about using these new stories to help you align your actions with the person you want to become. And so here are a few examples of actionable steps that you can take that will help you integrate your new identity into who you naturally be.
And the first one is to set small achievable goals that reflect your future self. This could be anything from adopting a new habit that your future self would have or learning a skill that she possesses. I personally like to schedule the actions that these kind of goals require into my calendar as appointments because I know that I am a woman who shows up for my appointments. So you may find it helpful to do this as well.
The second actionable step that you can take is to practice regular self-reflection. Take time to regularly reflect on your progress and how your actions are helping you embody your desired identity. You can also use this as time to celebrate your wins and recalibrate if necessary. This practice of regular self-reflection will ensure that you're continuously saying YES! to growth and YES! to self-discovery, both of which are vital in bridging the Growth Gap.
The third actionable step you could take is to visualize your future self. So spend some time visualizing the person you want to become. What does she look like? How does she act? What conversations is she having? What choices is she making? And then use this vision as a guide for your daily actions and decisions.
And the last actionable step that you could take is to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace new opportunities that align with your future self. And understand that each new experience is an opportunity to embody the traits and values of the person you aspire to be. So say YES! to new opportunities because they are an essential part of your identity transformation.
Transforming your identity is once again, about saying YES! to the process. A process that requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to embrace change and the discomfort that this change brings. But as you shed your old stories and adopt more empowering stories, and you take action based on these new stories, you will find yourself moving closer to the person you're destined to become as a result. You will be building the Growth Gap plank by plank.
So that's a few strategies to help you navigate The Growth Gap. I want to talk now about dealing with what I like to call the backslides. Because as I've said throughout this episode, navigating through the Growth Gap isn't without its hurdles and there will be moments when you find yourself slipping back into your old self, and your old stories, and habits, and thought patterns. And my friend, if there's one thing I know, it's in these moments that the true opportunity for growth is available to you. So let's talk about these backslides.
Firstly, I want you to understand that these backslides or moments of regression are a natural part of any growth journey. They do not signify failure on your part and they are not a sign that what you want isn't possible. Rather, they are indicators of where additional attention or effort may be needed, of where you may need to build your inner strength to enable you to grow. And there is a way that you can manage these moments without losing momentum.
So, let me share four simple steps that you can work through to help you deal with your backslides.
The first step is to acknowledge and accept your backslide without judgement. Accept that it's part of the process and not an indicator of your capability or your worth.
The second step is to seek out the lesson. Every backslide or setback carries with it a lesson. Ask yourself what you can learn from this experience. Perhaps it's highlighting an area of your life that needs more focus or a strategy that needs adjusting.
Step number three is to recommit to your goals. Use this moment as an opportunity to recommit to your transformation. Remind yourself why you started this journey and the person you are aspiring to become.
And lastly, step number four is to adjust your approach. If this particular strategy isn't working, be flexible enough to try something new. Sometimes, a slight change in approach can be the thing that makes all the difference.
Listen, the Growth Gap may have its challenges, but it is also going to be rich in triumphs. And the most important thing that you can do to help you move through this gap is to embrace the power of saying YES! to the process. And saying YES! to the process means embracing every aspect of this journey – the highs, the lows, and everything in between.
It's about staying committed to your growth even when the path ahead isn't clear. In fact, part of saying YES! is being comfortable with that uncertainty. Trusting in the process and in your ability to navigate whatever comes your way. Saying YES! also means staying open to the lessons and growth opportunities that the Growth Gap will inevitably bring. It's about leaning into the discomfort with curiosity and a willingness to learn.
Most of all, I want you to remember that saying YES! to this journey through the Growth Gap is ultimately about saying YES! to yourself and the life you dream of. So, I encourage you to embrace this process with open arms and trust that you have what it takes to bridge the gap and cross the divide. And as I bring this episode to a close, I invite you to think about how the Growth Gap is currently serving you and helping you say YES! to the life you want to experience.
Thank you for joining me today for this conversation. If you found it helpful, I'd love it if you would rate this show and leave me a review. And of course, don't forget to subscribe. So new episodes are queued and ready for listening right inside your library. I'll be here for another episode next Wednesday.
Until then, be the woman who says YES!
Hey, have you joined my FREE mini-workshop the Week of YES!? This powerful five-day workshop will help you take your foot off the brake and start saying YES! to more of the life you crave. Isn't it time you created a life you're beyond excited to wake up to? It all begins with saying YES!. Head over to and get started on your YES! story today. I'll see you there.
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica explores the concept of the ‘Growth Gap’, the awkward in-between of who you are and who you aspire to be.
Leanne discusses how this gap, filled with uncertainty and discomfort, is where significant personal growth and transformation occur. She emphasizes that the Growth Gap represents a phase of opportunity rather than an obstacle, encouraging listeners to embrace the power of saying YES! to the process.
Additionally, Leanne provides actionable steps and strategies to help listeners bridge the gap and gradually transform into their desired identity. The episode also covers how to manage setbacks or ‘backslides’, and remain committed to the growth journey, ultimately encouraging listeners to say YES! to themselves and the life they dream of.
In This Episode:
00:00 Introduction to the Growth Gap
02:12 Understanding the Growth Gap
09:16 Embracing the Discomfort of Growth
10:43 Building the Bridge to Your Future Self
14:48 Transforming Your Identity
21:43 Dealing with Backslides
24:10 The Power of Saying YES!
26:14 Final Thoughts and Conclusion
Must-Have Resources:
- Discover your YES! Block here.
- Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
- Get My Personal Manifesto here.
- Grab My Daily Journal here.
- Join Week of YES! here.
Connect with Leanne:
Episode Transcript:
Imagine standing on the edge of a canyon. Behind you is the person you've been with all her experiences, her lessons, setbacks and even her successes. On the other side of the canyon is the person you dream of becoming, the version of you who has created the life you truly want to say YES! to. Between you and that vision lies a pretty large gap. And this gap is filled with uncertainty, discomfort, and all of those nagging doubts that whisper, "are you sure you can make it that far?”.
This space, my friends, is where magic happens, where growth takes root, the kind of growth that allows the future you to bloom into a reality. It's what I like to call the Growth Gap. And today, we're talking about how to embrace the discomfort of this awkward in-between and navigate through it with confidence, and I'll share actionable steps along the way to help you bridge the distance between one side of the canyon to the other.
So, if you've ever felt stuck in this awkward in-between phase, or perhaps you're there right now. This episode is for you.
Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.
Hello and welcome, my beautiful listeners, to episode 10 of The Self-Creation School podcast, where we create a life we love one YES! at a time. Today, I'm talking about the Growth Gap. It's a phase of growth that's challenging, incredibly rewarding, and crucial in saying YES! to the life you desire. And it's a space that so many of us find ourselves in when we reach out for our dreams, yet it's not something that many of us talk about.
I've found myself in the Growth Gap on numerous occasions, caught between that familiar comfort of who I was and the unknown promise of who I could be. And it's kind of like being in no man's land, where every step forward feels uncertain, and every glance back tempts you with the safety of what you know. But here's the thing, this no man's land, this Growth Gap, is actually where the magic of transformation happens.
So today, I'll be discussing what the Growth Gap is, and perhaps more importantly what it isn't, why it exists, and the importance of recognizing this transformative space not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity - an opportunity for growth, through patience, commitment, and curiosity. Because my friend, the journey through the Growth Gap is not just about reaching the other side, it's about creating sustainable change and becoming who you want to be one step at a time, one YES! at a time. I'll also be sharing plenty of tips and practical strategies to help you bridge the gap.
And with that said, let's dive straight in and let's talk about what the Growth Gap is and isn’t.
Essentially, the Growth Gap is the uncharted territory that stretches between who you are right now and who you want to be, that version of you who is living the life you dream of for yourself. It's the empty divide for which no guide really exists. And to cross this divide requires that you build a bridge plank by plank, with each plank representing an action you take, a challenge that you overcome, a lesson you learn, or a moment of self-discovery. And as you lay down each plank, you gradually build the inner strength, that SELF Wealth, and the mindset and habits you need to support being this new you that you are becoming.
Eventually, this bridge spans the distance between your current reality and the life you dream of. A life where you've fully embrace the potential you saw in yourself across the divide and you live each day with the purpose and the personal fulfillment you ultimately set out to seek. It's here, in the construction of this bridge, that you experience the most profound growth and you create sustainable change.
The Growth Gap exists as a natural part of the transformation process. Change by its very nature pushes us out of our comfort zones, prompting us to confront our fears, our doubts, and the limiting beliefs that have held us back. This gap often feels awkward because it's where your old identity starts to shed, making room for your new identity. And our new skin can sometimes feel a bit weird, perhaps a little bit raw, and sometimes a little bit awkward. And while growth isn't always comfortable, my friend, let me tell you it is always worth it.
Now, what the Growth Gap isn't is a sign of failure, or an indication you've lost your way, or a directive to return to your old self. Rather, it's a clear marker of progress. It's evidence that you are actively moving towards your goals, even when it doesn't feel like it. And acknowledging this gap for what it really is, without making it mean you have failed or are failing and resigning yourself to going back to who you've been, is crucial for your development and in your ability to say YES! to this new version of you and the life she is living.
So it's important to acknowledge that the discomfort, and fear, and awkwardness that you feel when you're in the Growth Gap is in fact a sign that you're moving, evolving, and inching closer to the version of you who waits on the other side of the divide.
Recognizing that the Growth Gap and your growing pains are actually there to serve you, that they are an important companion on this journey across the divide, allows you to approach your growth journey with patience, and commitment, and an open heart and ultimately, an understanding that each step, each plank that you lay down, no matter how small, is a step forward. And it's in this recognition that you will find the strength to continue, the courage to face the unknown, and the wisdom to appreciate the beauty of your transformation.
It's also important as you navigate the Growth Gap, to remind yourself that this journey is not about quick fixes or instant gratification. It's about saying YES! to the process, learning to become the person you're becoming, to gradually start to exist in her skin and in her way of being. Every moment of discomfort is an opportunity to say YES! to this version of you and the incredible life you are creating.
As I said earlier, navigating the Growth Gap is very much like setting off on a journey through unknowing territories, armed only with your determination, your dreams, and the lessons and inner strength that you gather along the way. It is a path untravelled and so it is only natural that this path is going to be marked by moments of discomfort. And listen, this discomfort is actually a really great thing. It plays a pivotal role in building the bridge to your future self, because when discomfort shows up, It is a sign that you are pushing through your boundaries and this is a crucial part of growth and evolution.
So, here's a few tips to help you embrace the discomfort of your growing pains.
The first is to lean into learning. When you feel discomfort, ask yourself, "what is this teaching me?". Is it resilience, patience, or perhaps a new perspective on what you're capable of? And remember, each lesson is a plank in your bridge.
Tip number two is to reframe your discomfort. Start viewing discomfort, not as a barrier, but as a companion on your journey to growth. It's a sign that you're pushing through boundaries and expanding your horizons. And that is a good thing.
Tip number three is to embrace the power of saying YES! to challenges and new situations that make you feel uncomfortable. Saying YES! is two-fold here. It's about saying YES!, I feel uncomfortable and acknowledging your feelings, and YES!, I welcome the opportunity for this experience, and the lessons and the growth that it brings. Saying YES! removes the resistance you have to your discomfort and it allows you to embrace these experiences with so much more ease, calm and flow.
Now I want to share with you four more things that will help you navigate the Growth Gap.
The first being to have patience and persistence. The pathway through the Growth Gap is rarely straight or predictable, so it does require patience with yourself and persistence in your actions. Patience with yourself is honestly, non-negotiable on this journey. Remember, building a bridge to your future self is not going to happen overnight. It's a personal transformation process. You're shedding your old skin, at the same time growing into your new skin. And every transformation process like this is going to have its own unique pace.
So be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you'd offer to your best friend navigating their own Growth Gap. Listen, you are charting new territory and you deserve to give yourself all the patience and compassion you need to find your way.
The second thing that will help empower your journey is to stop and celebrate every victory. No win is too small to celebrate, my friend. Whether it's overcoming a fear, taking a small action, thinking one new thought, changing a habit, or simply choosing to show up for yourself every day. Every victory is significant and these more regular celebrations reinforce your progress and help you stay motivated to keep moving forward.
The third thing that will help you navigate through the Growth Gap is having a support team. Now, I know I talk a lot about this on this podcast and it's for good reason. Having the right support team to accompany you on your journey can make all the difference.
If you've ever experienced the Growth Gap, you'll know that it can sometimes feel like a pretty lonely place to be because let's face it, it's you and you alone who's doing all the stretching and all the growing. But it doesn't have to be a lonely experience. There's immense value in finding a like-minded community or a coach who can offer encouragement, share their insights, and help keep you accountable to your dreams.
So seek out like-minded individuals. Whether it's joining a group or an online community, enrolling in a program, reading a book, perhaps listening to a podcast like this one, or working with a coach in some capacity, surround yourself with people who understand your journey and support your growth.
The other really great thing that a support team will help you with is accountability. Let me tell you, when the Growth Gap territory presents difficult terrain to navigate, or you just feel like you aren't making progress, or when you're really experiencing the pain of growth, it's very easy to want to retreat back to what you know, the familiar you, the old you.
Having someone to share your progress with, or your feelings of your lack of progress with, and your experiences, your challenges, can help you stay on track and be incredibly motivating. It's not so much about having someone to report to, although that can be super helpful, it's about knowing that you're not alone in this. And it can also help you to see your wins and your progress when perhaps you can't see this for yourself, which can be a timely reminder when needed that your dreams are achievable.
And so the fourth thing that will help you navigate the Growth Gap is the actual transformation of your identity itself in this process. Transforming your identity is perhaps one of the most profound aspects of navigating the Growth Gap. It's about shedding the layers that no longer serve you one by one and embracing the essence of who you aspire to be in your natural way of being. This transformation is pivotal in bridging the divide between your current self and this evolved version of you.
And the first part of this transformation process is to shift your old limiting stories and beliefs out to make room for new more empowering ones that support the evolved version of you that you are becoming.
My friends, unless this is your very first rodeo with me, you've heard me say this before and you will hear me say it again. The stories you tell yourself about your SELF, and what's possible in your world, shape your reality. And many of these stories you are holding on to that keep you stuck in your current reality, are grounded in your past experiences and fears, not in your potential. So to cross the Growth Gap, you first must say YES! to new stories about who you are and what's possible for you.
To do this, start by recognizing the stories that are holding you back, that are keeping you stuck in your old identity. These could be beliefs about your capabilities, your worth, or what you deserve in life. One question you could ask yourself is, "What are the stories I'm telling myself about my ability to create the future I desire?". And be open to what comes up, because awareness is always the first step towards change. You cannot change what you don't know exists, or what you deny exists.
And once you have identified these stories, I want you to question them. For each story you're telling yourself, ask yourself, "is this story truly reflective of my potential?". More often than not, you'll find that your stories are based on outdated or, quite frankly, unfounded information. So this step is about opening up to the possibility that you are far more capable than your old stories suggest. I'd also encourage you to look for evidence of how you are, in fact, capable.
And then, it's time to write some new stories. Stories that represent what you truly are capable of, what you are worthy and deserving of. So, essentially, what you're doing here is replacing each limiting story you've been holding onto with a more positive and empowering one that reflects your aspirations and supports your true capabilities. So, for example, you could change, "I can't do this", or "I always fail", to "I can do this because I am fully capable of overcoming challenges”.
The second part of transforming your identity to help you bridge the Growth Gap is to take actionable step towards change. Transforming your identity isn't just about telling yourself new stories and changing how you see yourself. It's about using these new stories to help you align your actions with the person you want to become. And so here are a few examples of actionable steps that you can take that will help you integrate your new identity into who you naturally be.
And the first one is to set small achievable goals that reflect your future self. This could be anything from adopting a new habit that your future self would have or learning a skill that she possesses. I personally like to schedule the actions that these kind of goals require into my calendar as appointments because I know that I am a woman who shows up for my appointments. So you may find it helpful to do this as well.
The second actionable step that you can take is to practice regular self-reflection. Take time to regularly reflect on your progress and how your actions are helping you embody your desired identity. You can also use this as time to celebrate your wins and recalibrate if necessary. This practice of regular self-reflection will ensure that you're continuously saying YES! to growth and YES! to self-discovery, both of which are vital in bridging the Growth Gap.
The third actionable step you could take is to visualize your future self. So spend some time visualizing the person you want to become. What does she look like? How does she act? What conversations is she having? What choices is she making? And then use this vision as a guide for your daily actions and decisions.
And the last actionable step that you could take is to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace new opportunities that align with your future self. And understand that each new experience is an opportunity to embody the traits and values of the person you aspire to be. So say YES! to new opportunities because they are an essential part of your identity transformation.
Transforming your identity is once again, about saying YES! to the process. A process that requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to embrace change and the discomfort that this change brings. But as you shed your old stories and adopt more empowering stories, and you take action based on these new stories, you will find yourself moving closer to the person you're destined to become as a result. You will be building the Growth Gap plank by plank.
So that's a few strategies to help you navigate The Growth Gap. I want to talk now about dealing with what I like to call the backslides. Because as I've said throughout this episode, navigating through the Growth Gap isn't without its hurdles and there will be moments when you find yourself slipping back into your old self, and your old stories, and habits, and thought patterns. And my friend, if there's one thing I know, it's in these moments that the true opportunity for growth is available to you. So let's talk about these backslides.
Firstly, I want you to understand that these backslides or moments of regression are a natural part of any growth journey. They do not signify failure on your part and they are not a sign that what you want isn't possible. Rather, they are indicators of where additional attention or effort may be needed, of where you may need to build your inner strength to enable you to grow. And there is a way that you can manage these moments without losing momentum.
So, let me share four simple steps that you can work through to help you deal with your backslides.
The first step is to acknowledge and accept your backslide without judgement. Accept that it's part of the process and not an indicator of your capability or your worth.
The second step is to seek out the lesson. Every backslide or setback carries with it a lesson. Ask yourself what you can learn from this experience. Perhaps it's highlighting an area of your life that needs more focus or a strategy that needs adjusting.
Step number three is to recommit to your goals. Use this moment as an opportunity to recommit to your transformation. Remind yourself why you started this journey and the person you are aspiring to become.
And lastly, step number four is to adjust your approach. If this particular strategy isn't working, be flexible enough to try something new. Sometimes, a slight change in approach can be the thing that makes all the difference.
Listen, the Growth Gap may have its challenges, but it is also going to be rich in triumphs. And the most important thing that you can do to help you move through this gap is to embrace the power of saying YES! to the process. And saying YES! to the process means embracing every aspect of this journey – the highs, the lows, and everything in between.
It's about staying committed to your growth even when the path ahead isn't clear. In fact, part of saying YES! is being comfortable with that uncertainty. Trusting in the process and in your ability to navigate whatever comes your way. Saying YES! also means staying open to the lessons and growth opportunities that the Growth Gap will inevitably bring. It's about leaning into the discomfort with curiosity and a willingness to learn.
Most of all, I want you to remember that saying YES! to this journey through the Growth Gap is ultimately about saying YES! to yourself and the life you dream of. So, I encourage you to embrace this process with open arms and trust that you have what it takes to bridge the gap and cross the divide. And as I bring this episode to a close, I invite you to think about how the Growth Gap is currently serving you and helping you say YES! to the life you want to experience.
Thank you for joining me today for this conversation. If you found it helpful, I'd love it if you would rate this show and leave me a review. And of course, don't forget to subscribe. So new episodes are queued and ready for listening right inside your library. I'll be here for another episode next Wednesday.
Until then, be the woman who says YES!
Hey, have you joined my FREE mini-workshop the Week of YES!? This powerful five-day workshop will help you take your foot off the brake and start saying YES! to more of the life you crave. Isn't it time you created a life you're beyond excited to wake up to? It all begins with saying YES!. Head over to and get started on your YES! story today. I'll see you there.
EPISODE release date // March 6, 2024
By host Leanne Letica
By host Leanne Letica