A Remarkable Mindset: Your Best Asset and Greatest Gift of Time in 2025
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica shares her insights on the significance of adopting a ‘Remarkable Mindset’ as a foundational goal for herself in 2024.
After experiencing the theft of her luggage and laptop, Leanne reflects on how a strong mindset has not only helped her navigate this crisis but also why investing time in mindset work can profoundly transform one’s life experience.
Leanne discusses common misconceptions about mindset work, offers strategies for committing to it, and emphasizes the long-term benefits such as resilience, clarity, and reclaiming one’s time to live the joyous moments they deserve.
The episode encourages listeners to commit to building a Remarkable Mindset in the New Year as a means to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
In This Episode:
00:00 Life’s Other Plans
01:37 The Power of a Remarkable Mindset
02:46 Dealing with the Emotional Rollercoaster
04:45 Lessons from a Remarkable Mindset
06:52 The Value of Time and Mindset
10:25 Commitment to Building a Remarkable Mindset
11:02 Practical Tips for Mindset Work
18:08 Final Thoughts and Conclusion
Must-Have Resources:
- Discover your YES! Block here.
- Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
- Get My Personal Manifesto here.
- Grab My Daily Journal here.
- Join Week of YES! here.
Connect with Leanne:
Episode Transcript:
Now, that mindset has not only helped me create some truly remarkable experiences in my life this year, but this past week, it has been my greatest comfort and best asset in dealing with the very messy aftermath of our stolen luggage. And this really got me thinking how putting a Remarkable Mindset on your goal list for the coming year is probably the most important goal you could set for yourself.
Today, I want to share with you why I believe your mindset is the best investment in you that you will ever make, and hopefully inspire your goals for the New Year. Let's dive in.
Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.
Well, hello from my snow-covered winter wonderland corner of the world and a much warmer welcome to today's episode of the podcast. If you are joining me for the very first time, this is a space I share my tips, insights and strategies for becoming a woman who says YES! to living a life you love.
If you listened in on last week's episode, you'll already know that my world came to an abrupt standstill in a few short hours on our final leg home from our two-month slow travel adventure, when our hand baggage was stolen from the bus we were traveling on.
I have to say, the fallout has been immense, and it's far from over. It certainly took away the afterglow of our travels pretty quick smart. And like I said last week, I have been experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions. Now, I also walked you through what I'm doing to embrace the human experience that's happening for me right now while choosing not to get stuck there so I can continue to move forward.
Since I recorded that episode, it has really hit home for me just how important my commitment to building a Remarkable Mindset this year has been in offering myself the comfort, support and strength I have so very much needed this past week.
One of the things I come across in my coaching is how mindset work is often perceived as something that is too overwhelming, too time consuming, or too confronting, and how it just as often gets tossed into the too hard basket. A bit like those expensive New Year resolution gym passes, right?
Now, I agree it is not easy to do mindset work or suddenly start going to the gym, especially if your mindset or your body isn't in such good shape. But my hope in having this conversation with you today is that I can encourage you to put mindset work front and center of your focus in the coming year and persist.
Because when you need it most, as I have in this past week, and as you might in using that gym pass come January 1, having a mindset that is in remarkably good shape, makes all the hard work so very worthwhile.
Now, before I get completely sidetracked by the fresh snow that is so magically starting to fall outside my window, let me share how having a Remarkable Mindset has impacted my week and helped me shape a more positive experience out of what I think you'll agree is a pretty ugly one.
Firstly, with a Remarkable Mindset, I've been able to give myself the grace to feel all the feels and the space to clean up the stories creating them. I stand strong in the knowledge that the thieves cannot control my story, and I get to choose what I make their actions, and my experience mean.
I might not be able to undo the moment in time that happened, but I do get to choose the story I give to it and what happens in my next moments.
With a Remarkable Mindset, I can also remind myself that we can keep the moments captured on our stolen camera's unbacked-up holiday photos, in our hearts, and the thieves cannot take that from us.
In the same way, I am comforted knowing that I can forever appreciate the token of my husband's love gifted to me in beautiful jewels while we were in Hanoi in Vietnam. The thieves cannot steal that either.
I cannot tell you how much these small thoughts have given me comfort in dealing with my trauma and my emotional rollercoaster this week. But perhaps the most important thing about having a Remarkable Mindset has been this.
In cleaning up my stories and my emotions, I have created space for clarity of mind, which has enabled me to very quickly see the lesson being offered to me in this saga and process it so I can reclaim my power to create the life experience I want. So I can not stay stuck in the drama and instead grow from it.
The lesson that came for me is a really potent one, and it is the true inspiration behind this episode today. Are you ready? Here's what a Remarkable Mindset revealed to me I can learn from this event in my life and why I believe having a Remarkable Mindset is an absolute game-changer.
As painful as it is to replace all of our tech, our prescription eyewear, my husband's medications and so on, I know the money it costs us to do that, we can make that again. But the time the thieves are costing me in dealing with the fallout, the hundreds of passwords that need changing, the redoing of lost work, the cleaning up of my stories and emotions – unfortunately, I will never get that back.
For me, this is the biggest lesson being delivered to me right now. Time is the most precious thing we all have in our one precious life, and it must be our priority to protect it. Because without time, nothing else matters.
My friend, time wasted to procrastination, perfectionism, second guessing, self-doubting, feeling like it's all too hard, feeling like an imposter, staying stuck in drama – frankly, this is not time any of us can afford.
And so, this is why I want so much to encourage you to put building a Remarkable Mindset on your list of goals. Because imagine how much more time I might have lost in picking up the pieces, of rising above the challenges, of reclaiming my peace, joy and power to move forward if I didn't have a mindset in such remarkably good shape.
And imagine how much time I've gained this year to experience the life I do want, because with the support of that same Remarkable Mindset, I haven't spun my wheels doing things that do nothing but keep me stuck and cost me time I could be using to live out my dreams.
Let me ask you this. How much time living out a life you love are you willing to give up to overcoming your challenges, your setbacks, your own stolen luggage moments, to maybe staying stuck in the drama instead of experiencing the beauty of life?
When you think about how you could be spending your time in your one precious life, what is having a mindset that isn't up to the job – both in helping you overcome the hard times, and in helping you create the good times – what is it really costing you?
I would suggest it is for sure costing you a whole lot of time you will never get back. And like I just said a moment ago, without time, nothing else matters.
Here's the thing, your mindset is like your muscles. It needs to be flexed and strengthened regularly to get it into good shape. That does cost time, and I hope you are starting to see that it really is an investment of time you must afford yourself. Because listen, when your mindset is out of shape, you cannot expect it to perform in perfect shape. And nor can you expect getting an into perfect shape will happen without time.
Yes, this work can sometimes feel overwhelming and doing this work is what helps you change the story creating that feeling. Yes, this work can sometimes take much more time than you'd like and taking the time to do it is what will help you make the best of your time on this Earth.
And yes, it can be tempting to put doing this work in the all too hard basket and being able to deal with the things that are hard, like your own stolen luggage sagas, they will be in that basket too.
But if you will commit to spending a little time every single day to doing what you can, from where you are, to build a Remarkable Mindset – just step by step, no matter what it takes and no matter how hard it is – I promise you, my friend, your future self will be thanking you one day soon, just like I'm thanking the me who committed this time last year to having a Remarkable Mindset.
Because she is going to have so much more time to live out her best life instead of gifting it to thieves like drama and trauma, as my US ladies would say it, and all those things I mentioned just before.
Now, I am going to jump off my soapbox and give you some quick tips for how you can change your mindset around doing the work to change your mindset.
Here's the first thing. Investing time into flexing and strengthening your mindset to get it into remarkably good shape is like investing into a savings account for your future self. It's up to you to decide whether or not you see the value in this kind of investment over the cost of your time and effort today.
You get to decide if this work is for you or not. You get to decide if you want to have the safety net of a healthy mindset to draw on in your times of need down the track, or if you are happy to just cross your fingers and hope for the best.
Seriously, I hope with all of my heart, you will see the value. And listen, if you don't, that's okay. You can simply stop listening in right about now and I promise, we'll still be friends.
But if you do see the value, if I have done my job as a coach in inspiring you to see just how much this work can impact your life and change your life experience, then decide that it is an investment of time and effort that offers you value and what action you will take to start making that investment.
Then I want you to immediately notice what your storyteller has to say when you make that decision and with it your plan of action. Here's what I mean.
A lot of us see the value in going to the gym to strengthen and flex our body so we can get it into good shape, right? And yet, before we have completely fallen in love with the process of doing that, before we have really bought into the payoff our hard work will bring, we often have to force ourselves to go and do that workout. Yes?
Unless, of course, you've been listening in on all my podcast episodes, and you know that you can make it a whole lot easier by choosing who you be. But let's not get off track.
The thing about forcing yourself to do something is that it sounds a little bit like this: “I have to get up early to go to the gym.” “I should go and do a workout.” “I must go to the gym to get fit.” “I need to get fit.”
And every time you tell yourself a story that includes words like have to, need to, should, or must, I can almost guarantee you are not going to feel inspired to do whatever words follow. You are going to feel maybe overwhelmed, or like it's all too hard, because have to, need to, should, and must are words that have a very draining energy. They are restrictive, and they are disempowering.
But if you were to change your story to something like, “I get to go to the gym today to flex and strengthen my body.” Not everybody does, right? “I choose to do a workout today.” “I want to work on my health and fitness today.” “I value becoming stronger by going to the gym today.” – you are likely going to feel much more motivated and empowered to jump off that couch or get up a little earlier and go do your workout.
I get to, I choose to, I want to, I love to, I value. These are all positive energy statements, and they feel expansive because they recognize the power of choice you have in doing whatever it is that follows those words.
So, as you think about what action you will take to invest into your mindset, notice if your stories around taking that action have a negative or positive connotation.
Do you immediately think, this is just one more thing I need to add to my list... I should do this, but I just don't have time... I need to make time in my morning to get this done... then before you do anything else, my friend, rewrite that story. Rewrite it to one that acknowledges your choice and power in investing your time and energy into doing this work.
“I love that I get to improve my mindset.” “I choose to start my days by honoring a healthy mind.” “I value having a mindset in remarkably good shape.” “I want to invest my time and effort into my mindset.” With these kinds of stories, you are going to find it a whole lot easier to persist with doing this work, even when it feels hard, time consuming or confronting.
So, to change your mindset around working on your mindset, first, decide you see the value in doing so and what action you will take. And second, choose a positive and empowering story that supports and inspires you in taking that action.
Then my friend, here is the magic. Commit.
Commit to taking action to flex and strengthen your mindset in some way every single day. I'm not talking about hours or some kind of all or nothing approach here. I'm talking about doing what you can with what time you have from where your mindset is at right now.
If I was a personal trainer and it was your first week at the gym, I am not going to be giving you the heavy weights and putting you through an intensive cross training session, right? No, I'm going to meet you where you are and help you take action with the strength and fitness you've got right now. And I will likely tell you that frequency and repetition is what is important, not how heavy the weights are or how long or fast you run.
Your mindset is just the same. All of this work I share with you to help you be the woman who says YES! to a life you love is the same. Meet yourself where you're at right now. Do what you can with what you have from where you are.
If you can afford to invest into a coach or mentor to guide you, then I highly recommend you do so, just like I would if you wanted to get fit at the gym. If you can't, then don't. Find other ways to receive the guidance you need by listening into podcasts like this one, for example, reading self-improvement books and so on.
Listen, your mindset work, if you are just starting out, is going to look a whole lot different than someone like me who has been doing this work for many years. And the thing about mindset is that it is just so individual for each of us.
There is no one way or right way to approach this work. It will unfold for you in the unique way that it should. The time it takes to get your mindset into remarkably good shape will happen at a pace that is perfect for you. So long as you take some kind of action towards doing just that.
Remember the weight you lift, the distance you run, it's not the important. What's important is that you commit to lifting some weight and running some distance every single day.
What's important is that you keep on flexing and strengthening your mindset in whatever way you are currently capable of doing, day by day, knowing that with each repetition, you are investing into the kind of Remarkable Mindset your future self will truly thank you for.
Decide for you if having a Remarkable Mindset is something you value. Choose to value it and take action and rewrite your stories if you need to stories that support your time and effort. And then commit to persisting.
I promise, it does get so much easier and when you have the kind of Remarkable Mindset that truly supports you, comforts you and empowers you in your ugly stolen luggage moments, you will realize what a rich investment of your time this has been.
And just imagine, if a Remarkable Mindset can help turn your chaos into calm, your challenges into triumphs, just imagine what it can do to help create more time in your life for experiencing your biggest, boldest dreams. A Remarkable Mindset truly is the only thing I know that is capable of giving you the gift of time.
I hope today I have inspired you to consider the cost of time in not working on your mindset. To consider that spending the time now to flex and strengthen your mind is time that will be returned to you tenfold in the moments when you need a Remarkable Mindset most.
To consider that today, right now, you have a choice that will either shrink or grow the amount of time you have in your one precious life to experience the many remarkable moments you deserve. And finally, to consider making a Remarkable Mindset one of your goals this coming year.
Thank you for spending a little of your precious time here with me today. I'll be here same time, same place next Wednesday for another conversation to help you create a life you love. I do hope you will join me.
Until then, be the woman who says YES!
Hey, want to know what's stopping you from saying YES! to you and a life you love?
Head over to https://selfcreationschool.com/yesblock and take my FREE 60 second quiz to find out what's standing in your way today and I'll send you my Self-Creation Shift process for shifting it.
That's https://selfcreationschool.com/yesblock. I’ll see you there.
A Remarkable Mindset: Your Best Asset and Greatest Gift of Time in 2025
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica shares her insights on the significance of adopting a ‘Remarkable Mindset’ as a foundational goal for herself in 2024.
After experiencing the theft of her luggage and laptop, Leanne reflects on how a strong mindset has not only helped her navigate this crisis but also why investing time in mindset work can profoundly transform one’s life experience.
Leanne discusses common misconceptions about mindset work, offers strategies for committing to it, and emphasizes the long-term benefits such as resilience, clarity, and reclaiming one’s time to live the joyous moments they deserve.
The episode encourages listeners to commit to building a Remarkable Mindset in the New Year as a means to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
In This Episode:
00:00 Life’s Other Plans
01:37 The Power of a Remarkable Mindset
02:46 Dealing with the Emotional Rollercoaster
04:45 Lessons from a Remarkable Mindset
06:52 The Value of Time and Mindset
10:25 Commitment to Building a Remarkable Mindset
11:02 Practical Tips for Mindset Work
18:08 Final Thoughts and Conclusion
Must-Have Resources:
- Discover your YES! Block here.
- Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
- Get My Personal Manifesto here.
- Grab My Daily Journal here.
- Join Week of YES! here.
Connect with Leanne:
Episode Transcript:
Now, that mindset has not only helped me create some truly remarkable experiences in my life this year, but this past week, it has been my greatest comfort and best asset in dealing with the very messy aftermath of our stolen luggage. And this really got me thinking how putting a Remarkable Mindset on your goal list for the coming year is probably the most important goal you could set for yourself.
Today, I want to share with you why I believe your mindset is the best investment in you that you will ever make, and hopefully inspire your goals for the New Year. Let's dive in.
Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.
Well, hello from my snow-covered winter wonderland corner of the world and a much warmer welcome to today's episode of the podcast. If you are joining me for the very first time, this is a space I share my tips, insights and strategies for becoming a woman who says YES! to living a life you love.
If you listened in on last week's episode, you'll already know that my world came to an abrupt standstill in a few short hours on our final leg home from our two-month slow travel adventure, when our hand baggage was stolen from the bus we were traveling on.
I have to say, the fallout has been immense, and it's far from over. It certainly took away the afterglow of our travels pretty quick smart. And like I said last week, I have been experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions. Now, I also walked you through what I'm doing to embrace the human experience that's happening for me right now while choosing not to get stuck there so I can continue to move forward.
Since I recorded that episode, it has really hit home for me just how important my commitment to building a Remarkable Mindset this year has been in offering myself the comfort, support and strength I have so very much needed this past week.
One of the things I come across in my coaching is how mindset work is often perceived as something that is too overwhelming, too time consuming, or too confronting, and how it just as often gets tossed into the too hard basket. A bit like those expensive New Year resolution gym passes, right?
Now, I agree it is not easy to do mindset work or suddenly start going to the gym, especially if your mindset or your body isn't in such good shape. But my hope in having this conversation with you today is that I can encourage you to put mindset work front and center of your focus in the coming year and persist.
Because when you need it most, as I have in this past week, and as you might in using that gym pass come January 1, having a mindset that is in remarkably good shape, makes all the hard work so very worthwhile.
Now, before I get completely sidetracked by the fresh snow that is so magically starting to fall outside my window, let me share how having a Remarkable Mindset has impacted my week and helped me shape a more positive experience out of what I think you'll agree is a pretty ugly one.
Firstly, with a Remarkable Mindset, I've been able to give myself the grace to feel all the feels and the space to clean up the stories creating them. I stand strong in the knowledge that the thieves cannot control my story, and I get to choose what I make their actions, and my experience mean.
I might not be able to undo the moment in time that happened, but I do get to choose the story I give to it and what happens in my next moments.
With a Remarkable Mindset, I can also remind myself that we can keep the moments captured on our stolen camera's unbacked-up holiday photos, in our hearts, and the thieves cannot take that from us.
In the same way, I am comforted knowing that I can forever appreciate the token of my husband's love gifted to me in beautiful jewels while we were in Hanoi in Vietnam. The thieves cannot steal that either.
I cannot tell you how much these small thoughts have given me comfort in dealing with my trauma and my emotional rollercoaster this week. But perhaps the most important thing about having a Remarkable Mindset has been this.
In cleaning up my stories and my emotions, I have created space for clarity of mind, which has enabled me to very quickly see the lesson being offered to me in this saga and process it so I can reclaim my power to create the life experience I want. So I can not stay stuck in the drama and instead grow from it.
The lesson that came for me is a really potent one, and it is the true inspiration behind this episode today. Are you ready? Here's what a Remarkable Mindset revealed to me I can learn from this event in my life and why I believe having a Remarkable Mindset is an absolute game-changer.
As painful as it is to replace all of our tech, our prescription eyewear, my husband's medications and so on, I know the money it costs us to do that, we can make that again. But the time the thieves are costing me in dealing with the fallout, the hundreds of passwords that need changing, the redoing of lost work, the cleaning up of my stories and emotions – unfortunately, I will never get that back.
For me, this is the biggest lesson being delivered to me right now. Time is the most precious thing we all have in our one precious life, and it must be our priority to protect it. Because without time, nothing else matters.
My friend, time wasted to procrastination, perfectionism, second guessing, self-doubting, feeling like it's all too hard, feeling like an imposter, staying stuck in drama – frankly, this is not time any of us can afford.
And so, this is why I want so much to encourage you to put building a Remarkable Mindset on your list of goals. Because imagine how much more time I might have lost in picking up the pieces, of rising above the challenges, of reclaiming my peace, joy and power to move forward if I didn't have a mindset in such remarkably good shape.
And imagine how much time I've gained this year to experience the life I do want, because with the support of that same Remarkable Mindset, I haven't spun my wheels doing things that do nothing but keep me stuck and cost me time I could be using to live out my dreams.
Let me ask you this. How much time living out a life you love are you willing to give up to overcoming your challenges, your setbacks, your own stolen luggage moments, to maybe staying stuck in the drama instead of experiencing the beauty of life?
When you think about how you could be spending your time in your one precious life, what is having a mindset that isn't up to the job – both in helping you overcome the hard times, and in helping you create the good times – what is it really costing you?
I would suggest it is for sure costing you a whole lot of time you will never get back. And like I just said a moment ago, without time, nothing else matters.
Here's the thing, your mindset is like your muscles. It needs to be flexed and strengthened regularly to get it into good shape. That does cost time, and I hope you are starting to see that it really is an investment of time you must afford yourself. Because listen, when your mindset is out of shape, you cannot expect it to perform in perfect shape. And nor can you expect getting an into perfect shape will happen without time.
Yes, this work can sometimes feel overwhelming and doing this work is what helps you change the story creating that feeling. Yes, this work can sometimes take much more time than you'd like and taking the time to do it is what will help you make the best of your time on this Earth.
And yes, it can be tempting to put doing this work in the all too hard basket and being able to deal with the things that are hard, like your own stolen luggage sagas, they will be in that basket too.
But if you will commit to spending a little time every single day to doing what you can, from where you are, to build a Remarkable Mindset – just step by step, no matter what it takes and no matter how hard it is – I promise you, my friend, your future self will be thanking you one day soon, just like I'm thanking the me who committed this time last year to having a Remarkable Mindset.
Because she is going to have so much more time to live out her best life instead of gifting it to thieves like drama and trauma, as my US ladies would say it, and all those things I mentioned just before.
Now, I am going to jump off my soapbox and give you some quick tips for how you can change your mindset around doing the work to change your mindset.
Here's the first thing. Investing time into flexing and strengthening your mindset to get it into remarkably good shape is like investing into a savings account for your future self. It's up to you to decide whether or not you see the value in this kind of investment over the cost of your time and effort today.
You get to decide if this work is for you or not. You get to decide if you want to have the safety net of a healthy mindset to draw on in your times of need down the track, or if you are happy to just cross your fingers and hope for the best.
Seriously, I hope with all of my heart, you will see the value. And listen, if you don't, that's okay. You can simply stop listening in right about now and I promise, we'll still be friends.
But if you do see the value, if I have done my job as a coach in inspiring you to see just how much this work can impact your life and change your life experience, then decide that it is an investment of time and effort that offers you value and what action you will take to start making that investment.
Then I want you to immediately notice what your storyteller has to say when you make that decision and with it your plan of action. Here's what I mean.
A lot of us see the value in going to the gym to strengthen and flex our body so we can get it into good shape, right? And yet, before we have completely fallen in love with the process of doing that, before we have really bought into the payoff our hard work will bring, we often have to force ourselves to go and do that workout. Yes?
Unless, of course, you've been listening in on all my podcast episodes, and you know that you can make it a whole lot easier by choosing who you be. But let's not get off track.
The thing about forcing yourself to do something is that it sounds a little bit like this: “I have to get up early to go to the gym.” “I should go and do a workout.” “I must go to the gym to get fit.” “I need to get fit.”
And every time you tell yourself a story that includes words like have to, need to, should, or must, I can almost guarantee you are not going to feel inspired to do whatever words follow. You are going to feel maybe overwhelmed, or like it's all too hard, because have to, need to, should, and must are words that have a very draining energy. They are restrictive, and they are disempowering.
But if you were to change your story to something like, “I get to go to the gym today to flex and strengthen my body.” Not everybody does, right? “I choose to do a workout today.” “I want to work on my health and fitness today.” “I value becoming stronger by going to the gym today.” – you are likely going to feel much more motivated and empowered to jump off that couch or get up a little earlier and go do your workout.
I get to, I choose to, I want to, I love to, I value. These are all positive energy statements, and they feel expansive because they recognize the power of choice you have in doing whatever it is that follows those words.
So, as you think about what action you will take to invest into your mindset, notice if your stories around taking that action have a negative or positive connotation.
Do you immediately think, this is just one more thing I need to add to my list... I should do this, but I just don't have time... I need to make time in my morning to get this done... then before you do anything else, my friend, rewrite that story. Rewrite it to one that acknowledges your choice and power in investing your time and energy into doing this work.
“I love that I get to improve my mindset.” “I choose to start my days by honoring a healthy mind.” “I value having a mindset in remarkably good shape.” “I want to invest my time and effort into my mindset.” With these kinds of stories, you are going to find it a whole lot easier to persist with doing this work, even when it feels hard, time consuming or confronting.
So, to change your mindset around working on your mindset, first, decide you see the value in doing so and what action you will take. And second, choose a positive and empowering story that supports and inspires you in taking that action.
Then my friend, here is the magic. Commit.
Commit to taking action to flex and strengthen your mindset in some way every single day. I'm not talking about hours or some kind of all or nothing approach here. I'm talking about doing what you can with what time you have from where your mindset is at right now.
If I was a personal trainer and it was your first week at the gym, I am not going to be giving you the heavy weights and putting you through an intensive cross training session, right? No, I'm going to meet you where you are and help you take action with the strength and fitness you've got right now. And I will likely tell you that frequency and repetition is what is important, not how heavy the weights are or how long or fast you run.
Your mindset is just the same. All of this work I share with you to help you be the woman who says YES! to a life you love is the same. Meet yourself where you're at right now. Do what you can with what you have from where you are.
If you can afford to invest into a coach or mentor to guide you, then I highly recommend you do so, just like I would if you wanted to get fit at the gym. If you can't, then don't. Find other ways to receive the guidance you need by listening into podcasts like this one, for example, reading self-improvement books and so on.
Listen, your mindset work, if you are just starting out, is going to look a whole lot different than someone like me who has been doing this work for many years. And the thing about mindset is that it is just so individual for each of us.
There is no one way or right way to approach this work. It will unfold for you in the unique way that it should. The time it takes to get your mindset into remarkably good shape will happen at a pace that is perfect for you. So long as you take some kind of action towards doing just that.
Remember the weight you lift, the distance you run, it's not the important. What's important is that you commit to lifting some weight and running some distance every single day.
What's important is that you keep on flexing and strengthening your mindset in whatever way you are currently capable of doing, day by day, knowing that with each repetition, you are investing into the kind of Remarkable Mindset your future self will truly thank you for.
Decide for you if having a Remarkable Mindset is something you value. Choose to value it and take action and rewrite your stories if you need to stories that support your time and effort. And then commit to persisting.
I promise, it does get so much easier and when you have the kind of Remarkable Mindset that truly supports you, comforts you and empowers you in your ugly stolen luggage moments, you will realize what a rich investment of your time this has been.
And just imagine, if a Remarkable Mindset can help turn your chaos into calm, your challenges into triumphs, just imagine what it can do to help create more time in your life for experiencing your biggest, boldest dreams. A Remarkable Mindset truly is the only thing I know that is capable of giving you the gift of time.
I hope today I have inspired you to consider the cost of time in not working on your mindset. To consider that spending the time now to flex and strengthen your mind is time that will be returned to you tenfold in the moments when you need a Remarkable Mindset most.
To consider that today, right now, you have a choice that will either shrink or grow the amount of time you have in your one precious life to experience the many remarkable moments you deserve. And finally, to consider making a Remarkable Mindset one of your goals this coming year.
Thank you for spending a little of your precious time here with me today. I'll be here same time, same place next Wednesday for another conversation to help you create a life you love. I do hope you will join me.
Until then, be the woman who says YES!
Hey, want to know what's stopping you from saying YES! to you and a life you love?
Head over to https://selfcreationschool.com/yesblock and take my FREE 60 second quiz to find out what's standing in your way today and I'll send you my Self-Creation Shift process for shifting it.
That's https://selfcreationschool.com/yesblock. I’ll see you there.
EPISODE release date // December 11, 2024
By Leanne Letica
By Leanne Letica