Breaking Free from External Approval: Say YES! to You
Leading Self-Creation Coach Leanne Letica explores the significance of self-approval and its impact on living a fulfilling life. She discusses how seeking external validation can limit personal growth and highlights common behaviors of seeking approval.
Leanne emphasizes the importance of SELF Wealth, which includes self-approval, self-trust, and self-confidence. She provides actionable steps for recognizing and overcoming approval-seeking habits, urging listeners to take control of their lives by saying YES! to themselves and their dreams.
Tune in to discover how to reclaim your power to live a life you love.
In This Episode:
00:00 Introduction: The Power of Approval
01:55 The Importance of Self-Approval
03:28 Recognizing External Approval Seeking
05:44 Examples of Approval Seeking Behaviors
11:03 The Impact of External Approval Seeking
14:47 Self-Approval and Building SELF Wealth
18:54 Questions to Reflect on Self-Approval
22:57 Conclusion: Embracing Self-Approval
YES! Moments:
“Self-approval isn’t optional if you want to live a life you love. It is essential.”
“Approval is an inside job.”
“Imagine if we all just got on with the job of self-approval. Imagine if the only filter we ran things through was asking of ourselves, do I approve?”
“You are not going to look back on your life and think, I’m so glad I didn’t try that dream on for size because someone didn’t approve.”
“What would change for you if, just for today, you approved of you fully and unapologetically? And then you repeated that, one day at a time, one YES! to you at a time.”
Must-Have Resources:
- Discover your YES! Block here.
- Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
- Get My Personal Manifesto here.
- Grab My Daily Journal here.
- Join Week of YES! here.
Connect with Leanne:
Episode Transcript:
Do you approve?
It’s such a powerful question and it’s who you’re asking that question of that will either keep you playing life small and settling for less than you deserve and that you are capable of, or help you step up and into a more free, fulfilling and flourishing version of you and your life.
So let’s talk about who you are seeking approval from in today’s episode.
Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I’m your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you’re ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.
A very warm hello to you today from my very cold little corner of the world. We had snow this past weekend and I never get tired of its beauty, although the icy wind is not so much my thing. In any case, I hope you are finding beauty in your corner of the world today too.
If you are joining me for the first time in this episode, this podcast is the place where I share my tips, insights, and strategies for becoming the you who lives a life you love—just one YES! at a time, one Wednesday at a time. I’m so glad you said YES! to tuning in. And whether you’re listening in for the first time or you are joining me here again, it really is great to have your company.
Today, I want to talk about who you are seeking approval from and why it matters.
If I asked you right now, do you approve of you? Of your decisions? Your dreams? Your desires? What would your honest answer be? Do you unapologetically and wholly approve on all counts? Or do you have some doubts, some reservations, maybe a little second-guessing, judgment, or criticism?
Maybe you know you struggle with giving yourself approval. Maybe you’ve spent years feeling like you’re not enough, like you never fit in. Or like you’re constantly trying to earn the right to take up space, be seen and heard, and go after what it is that you want. I know for me, for many years, this was definitely the case.
Maybe you’re someone who thinks, I don’t really seek approval. I make my own choices, I’m independent, and I don’t need anyone else’s permission.
Either way, here’s the reality. Almost all of us withhold approval from ourselves in some small way and sometimes in very big ways. Almost all of us ask for approval outside of us on some level, even though we might not realize it. Listen, external approval seeking can show up in really sneaky ways and it’s something that gets programmed into our behavior from the moment we are born.
Think about it. As a kid, you were very likely taught that validation comes from other people. It comes from your parents, it comes from your teachers, your friends, and from society itself. Everyone has an opinion on what’s “right”, what’s “acceptable”, what’s “good behavior” and what’s “worthy”.
And as kids, the world rewards approval seeking behavior, right? You get gold stars for finishing your chores. You are praised for what is considered to be good behavior according to others, for fitting in according to what others believe is acceptable, for following the rules that others impose on you as right. You even get jellybeans just for finishing the running race, even if you came dead last.
But as adults? The world gets way more complicated and a whole lot more judgmental. Suddenly, approval isn’t just handed out for finishing a project on time, meeting your sales targets, or showing up to work every day, and definitely not for coming in dead last. No one is waiting at the finish line with candy.
The stakes get higher. Other people’s approval becomes much more conditional because it is now shaped by this thing called life and the baggage, beliefs and biases that we all collect along the way.
The approval you’ve been conditioned to seek outside of you and you probably no longer even consciously know that you are doing, is suddenly highly conditional on other people’s stuff, and not on anything to do with you or how you are showing up in your world. And that shift? It can keep you stuck in this endless chase for validation that never fully comes.
Let me give you some examples of how external approval seeking behavior shows up in our lives. And let’s start with the more obvious ways, the things you probably already know that you do, or you have done at some stage.
So the first one is asking for permission to make decisions you’re fully capable of making. Like texting three different friends to see if they think you should go for that job, or book that trip, or wear that outfit. When deep down, you already know what you want.
Or maybe it’s something as small as waiting to hear what everyone else thought of last night’s restaurant meal, before you commit to having your own opinion. You might have really enjoyed the meal, but you need someone else to confirm that it was good before you decide that that is your opinion.
Likewise, holding back from saying what you think is another external approval seeking behavior. You might find yourself editing your words in conversations or hesitating before sharing an opinion because you’re worried it’ll be too much, too different, or that someone will disagree. You might even tell yourself that you’re simply being polite, that you don’t want to rock the boat.
But what’s actually happening is you’re not honoring your own authentic life experience and you’re certainly not sharing who you are with other people. Instead, you’re outsourcing your perspective and your truth because you’re waiting to see if others agree with it before you put your hand up and stand fully behind it.
Then there’s over-explaining your choices. Here’s how that goes. You make a decision and then you feel the need to justify it, to rationalize it, or argue your case again and again to make others understand and jump on board with their approval. You tell yourself that having their support matters, that their validation is crucial to you being able to succeed. But the reality is, this is approval seeking behavior in disguise.
Now let’s talk about the sneaky little ways approval seeking shows up, the ones we don’t always catch as approval seeking in the moment.
Like delaying action until you feel 100 percent ready when really, you’re waiting for external validation that may never come. Or you’re afraid that if you take action, the validation won’t be there.
Or how about checking social media for reassurance? You post something, you felt really good about it when you posted it until it doesn’t get the reaction you expected. Suddenly, you’re questioning yourself, you’re doubting yourself, you’re wondering if it was good enough to post. If people liked it. Why people didn’t like it. If it mattered. If you matter.
And what happens next is you hesitate before posting the next time. You filter your thoughts, your wins, your excitement because you’ve trained yourself to seek approval through external engagement.
And speaking of filtering yourself, let’s talk about playing down your success. Let’s say you feel really proud of something, maybe you landed a big opportunity, you made progress towards a goal, or you just had a really great moment, but if no one else acknowledges it, you start questioning if it’s really a big deal. You start questioning if they actually approve of what it is you succeeded at.
Or worse, you shrink your excitement to make sure no one else feels like you are outshining them. Like, “oh yeah, I got the promotion, but you know, it’s not a huge deal.” Or “yeah, I ran my first 10k, but I wasn’t fast or anything.” And why do we do that? Because we are subconsciously waiting for permission to feel proud. We’re waiting for someone else to reflect our success back to us before we let ourselves fully own it.
Then they’re saying YES! when you mean no. Not because you want to, not because it aligns with you, but because you don’t want to disappoint anyone and risk being on the blunt end of their disapproval.
And lastly, there’s constantly seeking feedback, not for improvement but for validation. You already know what it is that you want to do, you already have an idea, a decision, a next step in mind. But instead of trusting it, you start polling the audience. What do you think? Should I do this? Does this make sense? What am I missing here? And it’s not because you actually need other people’s guidance, but it’s because you’re looking for permission to approve of whatever it is you are seeking feedback on.
The truth is seeking approval in so many of these different ways isn’t always a conscious thing. It’s a habit, a habit that we’ve fallen into right back as far as our early childhood. And like any habit, it can be changed, but only if you first recognize that it’s happening.
Now, here’s the problem with all of these subtle and not so subtle ways of seeking external approval.
When you outsource approval for yourself, for your decisions, your dreams, and your desires, your contribution and value, for the life that you live in any small way, you give away your power to fully own and trust yourself. And with it, you give away your power to be in control of your emotional well-being and to create the life experience you want.
When you ask yourself for approval, you take back your power to think and feel how you truly want to think and feel about every part of you and every part of your life in every moment. This is important because it’s from those thoughts and feelings that you create your reality.
External validation of you and your life is a trap that you must stop falling prey to if you want to own your life and your everyday experience. Approval is an inside job. The truth is it has always been an inside job. And as adults it is now time to step up and take responsibility for approving of yourself and your life choices.
Now, I know it’s tempting to hold back on giving yourself full approval because what if that makes you look self-centered or conceited, like you think you’re better than everyone else in some way. Here’s my take on that.
Approving of yourself doesn’t make you arrogant, it makes you self-sufficient. It means you trust your own judgment instead of outsourcing your confidence to someone else’s opinion. It means you hold yourself to your own high standards, not the shifting, unpredictable expectations of everyone else around you. It means you demand of yourself, not others, to understand and like your reasons for being who you be, for doing what you do and living the life you choose.
Giving yourself approval means making decisions based on your own values, not just on what’s expected of you. It means owning your desires without guilt and without the need for permission. It means freeing yourself from the constant need to prove that you are worthy.
Imagine you are the CEO of your life, but you keep sending every single decision, no matter how big or small, to a panel of 50 different people for approval. It’s exhausting, inefficient, and it’s totally unnecessary.
And here’s what happens when you stop doing that. You stop draining your energy trying to get reassurance from other people. You stop hesitating, second-guessing, and waiting for permission. You stop shaping your life around external approval that may never come. Instead, you start relying on something far more valuable, your SELF Wealth.
And in case you haven’t heard me talk about SELF Wealth before, I am not talking about the riches of money. What I’m talking about is the kind of wealth that isn’t tied to how much you achieve, how much money you have in the bank, how many people approve of you, or whether other people recognize your worth.
I’m talking about the riches of all of those “self” things like self-approval, self-acceptance, self-belief, self-trust, self-confidence, self-love, self-worth, and so on.
SELF Wealth is about having an internal reserve of confidence, of trust, and self-validation. And SELF Wealth gives you a freedom to live life on your terms that no amount of money can buy. Trust me, I have tried and there isn’t a check that you can write that gives you the freedom that an abundance of SELF Wealth can provide.
SELF Wealth allows you to make decisions without over explaining or caring what others think because you understand that what matters most is what you think, it’s what you care about. SELF Wealth allows you to celebrate and feel proud of your wins without downplaying them, or even needing other people to recognize them or celebrate them, or even notice them. SELF Wealth allows you to go after your dreams without the second-guessing, and without the fear of judgment and rejection. And so much more.
And the best part? When you have a healthy SELF Wealth bank balance, it doesn’t just change your life, it enriches the lives of those around you because instead of constantly seeking approval, validation, and reassurance from other people, you start showing up in their lives differently.
You become more grounded, more whole, more magnetic. You model self-trust and inspire others to trust themselves. Instead of seeking permission, you become the person who leads others to give themselves permission because you give it to yourself. Instead of draining people with your doubts, you lift them up with your confidence.
And that is how self-approval changes everything. Not just for you, but for everyone around you. Remember we all seek external approval in some way. The very people you seek approval from are seeking approval too. I will suggest that not giving yourself approval is being self-centered. It’s making everyone else work hard to give you the reassurance that really is only your job to give to you.
Not taking responsibility for building your own bank balance of SELF Wealth and instead demanding that other people top you up from theirs, that my friend, is self-centered and maybe a little arrogant.
Imagine if we all just got on with the job of self-approval. Imagine if the only filter we ran things through was asking of ourselves, do I approve? Because honestly, at the end of the day, you are not going to look back on your life and think, I’m so glad I didn’t try that dream on for size because someone didn’t approve, or maybe someone wouldn’t approve. You are going to look back with regret for holding your dreams ransom to the approval of people who did not have to live your one precious life.
My friend, self-approval matters and it is life changing. So, here’s what I invite you to do this week. Before you can start giving yourself approval, you first have to know where it is you are currently outsourcing it. As I say, almost on repeat, you cannot change what you do not know exists. Awareness is always the first step to change.
So, set some time aside, grab a journal, and ask yourself these three questions.
The first question is, who are you currently asking for approval? Think about whose opinions are shaping your choices. Who are you trying to impress, please, or avoid disappointing? Then consider, what is it costing you to wait for their YES!?
Question number two, what are you currently waiting for approval to do, have or experience? Think about the things you’ve maybe been putting off because you’re waiting for someone else to validate them, to give you permission to do, have and experience them. Then consider this. If you weren’t waiting for their approval, what would you say YES! to doing, having and experiencing right now?
And the third question is, how are you seeking approval to feel? Are you waiting for someone else to tell you that you’re good enough, successful enough, or worthy enough before you allow yourself to believe it and feel it? Think about what would change for you if you simply decided to own those feelings now?
My friend, if there’s one thing you take away from today’s conversation, I want it to be this. Self-approval isn’t optional if you want to live a life you love. It is essential.
Approving of you is a fundamental requirement for being free to live life on your terms. Approving of your dreams is a fundamental requirement to taking action to fulfill them. Approving of your decisions, your values, your boundaries, your way of being, your approach to living, what you say YES! to, and in turn, what you say no to, self-approval is a fundamental requirement for flourishing confidently in your own skin in every way, every day.
You do not need the green light of approval from anyone, including yourself, to approve of yourself, your dreams, your decisions, and your unique needs, wants, and desires. But breaking free from approval seeking? That is the deeper work you must commit to doing. That’s the work that allows you to step into your power to fully trust yourself and stop waiting for permission to live a life you wildly love.
So, take your time with these questions. Be honest with yourself. Where are you outsourcing approval? What would change for you if, just for today, you approved of you fully and unapologetically? And then you repeated that, one day at a time, one YES! to you at a time.
I promise when you give to yourself the approval you are seeking outside of you, you will start saying YES! to a life beyond your wildest dreams. A life that feels remarkably rich in all the ways that matter uniquely to you. A life where you truly do feel free to live on your terms, fulfilled by who you are and what you do, and you flourish confidently in your own skin.
And that? That is a life worth living.
Thanks so much for joining me today. I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway from today’s conversation has been. So, leave me a comment, connect with me over on my socials or drop me an email and let me know. I personally reply to all of my comments and emails, and I’d really love to celebrate your biggest takeaways with you.
Don’t forget, if you found this episode helpful, there’s more to come next Wednesday. So hit the subscribe button to make sure that episode is queued and ready for listening right inside your library. I look forward to your company.
Until then, be the woman who says YES!
Hey, want to know what’s stopping you from saying YES! to you and a life you love?
Head over to and take my FREE 60 second quiz to find out what’s standing in your way today and I’ll send you my Self-Creation Shift process for shifting it.
That’s I’ll see you there.
Breaking Free from External Approval: Say YES! to You
Leading Self-Creation Coach Leanne Letica explores the significance of self-approval and its impact on living a fulfilling life. She discusses how seeking external validation can limit personal growth and highlights common behaviors of seeking approval.
Leanne emphasizes the importance of SELF Wealth, which includes self-approval, self-trust, and self-confidence. She provides actionable steps for recognizing and overcoming approval-seeking habits, urging listeners to take control of their lives by saying YES! to themselves and their dreams.
Tune in to discover how to reclaim your power to live a life you love.
In This Episode:
00:00 Introduction: The Power of Approval
01:55 The Importance of Self-Approval
03:28 Recognizing External Approval Seeking
05:44 Examples of Approval Seeking Behaviors
11:03 The Impact of External Approval Seeking
14:47 Self-Approval and Building SELF Wealth
18:54 Questions to Reflect on Self-Approval
22:57 Conclusion: Embracing Self-Approval
YES! Moments:
“Self-approval isn’t optional if you want to live a life you love. It is essential.”
“Approval is an inside job.”
“Imagine if we all just got on with the job of self-approval. Imagine if the only filter we ran things through was asking of ourselves, do I approve?”
“You are not going to look back on your life and think, I’m so glad I didn’t try that dream on for size because someone didn’t approve.”
“What would change for you if, just for today, you approved of you fully and unapologetically? And then you repeated that, one day at a time, one YES! to you at a time.”
Must-Have Resources:
- Discover your YES! Block here.
- Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
- Get My Personal Manifesto here.
- Grab My Daily Journal here.
- Join Week of YES! here.
Connect with Leanne:
Episode Transcript:
Do you approve?
It’s such a powerful question and it’s who you’re asking that question of that will either keep you playing life small and settling for less than you deserve and that you are capable of, or help you step up and into a more free, fulfilling and flourishing version of you and your life.
So let’s talk about who you are seeking approval from in today’s episode.
Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I’m your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you’re ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.
A very warm hello to you today from my very cold little corner of the world. We had snow this past weekend and I never get tired of its beauty, although the icy wind is not so much my thing. In any case, I hope you are finding beauty in your corner of the world today too.
If you are joining me for the first time in this episode, this podcast is the place where I share my tips, insights, and strategies for becoming the you who lives a life you love—just one YES! at a time, one Wednesday at a time. I’m so glad you said YES! to tuning in. And whether you’re listening in for the first time or you are joining me here again, it really is great to have your company.
Today, I want to talk about who you are seeking approval from and why it matters.
If I asked you right now, do you approve of you? Of your decisions? Your dreams? Your desires? What would your honest answer be? Do you unapologetically and wholly approve on all counts? Or do you have some doubts, some reservations, maybe a little second-guessing, judgment, or criticism?
Maybe you know you struggle with giving yourself approval. Maybe you’ve spent years feeling like you’re not enough, like you never fit in. Or like you’re constantly trying to earn the right to take up space, be seen and heard, and go after what it is that you want. I know for me, for many years, this was definitely the case.
Maybe you’re someone who thinks, I don’t really seek approval. I make my own choices, I’m independent, and I don’t need anyone else’s permission.
Either way, here’s the reality. Almost all of us withhold approval from ourselves in some small way and sometimes in very big ways. Almost all of us ask for approval outside of us on some level, even though we might not realize it. Listen, external approval seeking can show up in really sneaky ways and it’s something that gets programmed into our behavior from the moment we are born.
Think about it. As a kid, you were very likely taught that validation comes from other people. It comes from your parents, it comes from your teachers, your friends, and from society itself. Everyone has an opinion on what’s “right”, what’s “acceptable”, what’s “good behavior” and what’s “worthy”.
And as kids, the world rewards approval seeking behavior, right? You get gold stars for finishing your chores. You are praised for what is considered to be good behavior according to others, for fitting in according to what others believe is acceptable, for following the rules that others impose on you as right. You even get jellybeans just for finishing the running race, even if you came dead last.
But as adults? The world gets way more complicated and a whole lot more judgmental. Suddenly, approval isn’t just handed out for finishing a project on time, meeting your sales targets, or showing up to work every day, and definitely not for coming in dead last. No one is waiting at the finish line with candy.
The stakes get higher. Other people’s approval becomes much more conditional because it is now shaped by this thing called life and the baggage, beliefs and biases that we all collect along the way.
The approval you’ve been conditioned to seek outside of you and you probably no longer even consciously know that you are doing, is suddenly highly conditional on other people’s stuff, and not on anything to do with you or how you are showing up in your world. And that shift? It can keep you stuck in this endless chase for validation that never fully comes.
Let me give you some examples of how external approval seeking behavior shows up in our lives. And let’s start with the more obvious ways, the things you probably already know that you do, or you have done at some stage.
So the first one is asking for permission to make decisions you’re fully capable of making. Like texting three different friends to see if they think you should go for that job, or book that trip, or wear that outfit. When deep down, you already know what you want.
Or maybe it’s something as small as waiting to hear what everyone else thought of last night’s restaurant meal, before you commit to having your own opinion. You might have really enjoyed the meal, but you need someone else to confirm that it was good before you decide that that is your opinion.
Likewise, holding back from saying what you think is another external approval seeking behavior. You might find yourself editing your words in conversations or hesitating before sharing an opinion because you’re worried it’ll be too much, too different, or that someone will disagree. You might even tell yourself that you’re simply being polite, that you don’t want to rock the boat.
But what’s actually happening is you’re not honoring your own authentic life experience and you’re certainly not sharing who you are with other people. Instead, you’re outsourcing your perspective and your truth because you’re waiting to see if others agree with it before you put your hand up and stand fully behind it.
Then there’s over-explaining your choices. Here’s how that goes. You make a decision and then you feel the need to justify it, to rationalize it, or argue your case again and again to make others understand and jump on board with their approval. You tell yourself that having their support matters, that their validation is crucial to you being able to succeed. But the reality is, this is approval seeking behavior in disguise.
Now let’s talk about the sneaky little ways approval seeking shows up, the ones we don’t always catch as approval seeking in the moment.
Like delaying action until you feel 100 percent ready when really, you’re waiting for external validation that may never come. Or you’re afraid that if you take action, the validation won’t be there.
Or how about checking social media for reassurance? You post something, you felt really good about it when you posted it until it doesn’t get the reaction you expected. Suddenly, you’re questioning yourself, you’re doubting yourself, you’re wondering if it was good enough to post. If people liked it. Why people didn’t like it. If it mattered. If you matter.
And what happens next is you hesitate before posting the next time. You filter your thoughts, your wins, your excitement because you’ve trained yourself to seek approval through external engagement.
And speaking of filtering yourself, let’s talk about playing down your success. Let’s say you feel really proud of something, maybe you landed a big opportunity, you made progress towards a goal, or you just had a really great moment, but if no one else acknowledges it, you start questioning if it’s really a big deal. You start questioning if they actually approve of what it is you succeeded at.
Or worse, you shrink your excitement to make sure no one else feels like you are outshining them. Like, “oh yeah, I got the promotion, but you know, it’s not a huge deal.” Or “yeah, I ran my first 10k, but I wasn’t fast or anything.” And why do we do that? Because we are subconsciously waiting for permission to feel proud. We’re waiting for someone else to reflect our success back to us before we let ourselves fully own it.
Then they’re saying YES! when you mean no. Not because you want to, not because it aligns with you, but because you don’t want to disappoint anyone and risk being on the blunt end of their disapproval.
And lastly, there’s constantly seeking feedback, not for improvement but for validation. You already know what it is that you want to do, you already have an idea, a decision, a next step in mind. But instead of trusting it, you start polling the audience. What do you think? Should I do this? Does this make sense? What am I missing here? And it’s not because you actually need other people’s guidance, but it’s because you’re looking for permission to approve of whatever it is you are seeking feedback on.
The truth is seeking approval in so many of these different ways isn’t always a conscious thing. It’s a habit, a habit that we’ve fallen into right back as far as our early childhood. And like any habit, it can be changed, but only if you first recognize that it’s happening.
Now, here’s the problem with all of these subtle and not so subtle ways of seeking external approval.
When you outsource approval for yourself, for your decisions, your dreams, and your desires, your contribution and value, for the life that you live in any small way, you give away your power to fully own and trust yourself. And with it, you give away your power to be in control of your emotional well-being and to create the life experience you want.
When you ask yourself for approval, you take back your power to think and feel how you truly want to think and feel about every part of you and every part of your life in every moment. This is important because it’s from those thoughts and feelings that you create your reality.
External validation of you and your life is a trap that you must stop falling prey to if you want to own your life and your everyday experience. Approval is an inside job. The truth is it has always been an inside job. And as adults it is now time to step up and take responsibility for approving of yourself and your life choices.
Now, I know it’s tempting to hold back on giving yourself full approval because what if that makes you look self-centered or conceited, like you think you’re better than everyone else in some way. Here’s my take on that.
Approving of yourself doesn’t make you arrogant, it makes you self-sufficient. It means you trust your own judgment instead of outsourcing your confidence to someone else’s opinion. It means you hold yourself to your own high standards, not the shifting, unpredictable expectations of everyone else around you. It means you demand of yourself, not others, to understand and like your reasons for being who you be, for doing what you do and living the life you choose.
Giving yourself approval means making decisions based on your own values, not just on what’s expected of you. It means owning your desires without guilt and without the need for permission. It means freeing yourself from the constant need to prove that you are worthy.
Imagine you are the CEO of your life, but you keep sending every single decision, no matter how big or small, to a panel of 50 different people for approval. It’s exhausting, inefficient, and it’s totally unnecessary.
And here’s what happens when you stop doing that. You stop draining your energy trying to get reassurance from other people. You stop hesitating, second-guessing, and waiting for permission. You stop shaping your life around external approval that may never come. Instead, you start relying on something far more valuable, your SELF Wealth.
And in case you haven’t heard me talk about SELF Wealth before, I am not talking about the riches of money. What I’m talking about is the kind of wealth that isn’t tied to how much you achieve, how much money you have in the bank, how many people approve of you, or whether other people recognize your worth.
I’m talking about the riches of all of those “self” things like self-approval, self-acceptance, self-belief, self-trust, self-confidence, self-love, self-worth, and so on.
SELF Wealth is about having an internal reserve of confidence, of trust, and self-validation. And SELF Wealth gives you a freedom to live life on your terms that no amount of money can buy. Trust me, I have tried and there isn’t a check that you can write that gives you the freedom that an abundance of SELF Wealth can provide.
SELF Wealth allows you to make decisions without over explaining or caring what others think because you understand that what matters most is what you think, it’s what you care about. SELF Wealth allows you to celebrate and feel proud of your wins without downplaying them, or even needing other people to recognize them or celebrate them, or even notice them. SELF Wealth allows you to go after your dreams without the second-guessing, and without the fear of judgment and rejection. And so much more.
And the best part? When you have a healthy SELF Wealth bank balance, it doesn’t just change your life, it enriches the lives of those around you because instead of constantly seeking approval, validation, and reassurance from other people, you start showing up in their lives differently.
You become more grounded, more whole, more magnetic. You model self-trust and inspire others to trust themselves. Instead of seeking permission, you become the person who leads others to give themselves permission because you give it to yourself. Instead of draining people with your doubts, you lift them up with your confidence.
And that is how self-approval changes everything. Not just for you, but for everyone around you. Remember we all seek external approval in some way. The very people you seek approval from are seeking approval too. I will suggest that not giving yourself approval is being self-centered. It’s making everyone else work hard to give you the reassurance that really is only your job to give to you.
Not taking responsibility for building your own bank balance of SELF Wealth and instead demanding that other people top you up from theirs, that my friend, is self-centered and maybe a little arrogant.
Imagine if we all just got on with the job of self-approval. Imagine if the only filter we ran things through was asking of ourselves, do I approve? Because honestly, at the end of the day, you are not going to look back on your life and think, I’m so glad I didn’t try that dream on for size because someone didn’t approve, or maybe someone wouldn’t approve. You are going to look back with regret for holding your dreams ransom to the approval of people who did not have to live your one precious life.
My friend, self-approval matters and it is life changing. So, here’s what I invite you to do this week. Before you can start giving yourself approval, you first have to know where it is you are currently outsourcing it. As I say, almost on repeat, you cannot change what you do not know exists. Awareness is always the first step to change.
So, set some time aside, grab a journal, and ask yourself these three questions.
The first question is, who are you currently asking for approval? Think about whose opinions are shaping your choices. Who are you trying to impress, please, or avoid disappointing? Then consider, what is it costing you to wait for their YES!?
Question number two, what are you currently waiting for approval to do, have or experience? Think about the things you’ve maybe been putting off because you’re waiting for someone else to validate them, to give you permission to do, have and experience them. Then consider this. If you weren’t waiting for their approval, what would you say YES! to doing, having and experiencing right now?
And the third question is, how are you seeking approval to feel? Are you waiting for someone else to tell you that you’re good enough, successful enough, or worthy enough before you allow yourself to believe it and feel it? Think about what would change for you if you simply decided to own those feelings now?
My friend, if there’s one thing you take away from today’s conversation, I want it to be this. Self-approval isn’t optional if you want to live a life you love. It is essential.
Approving of you is a fundamental requirement for being free to live life on your terms. Approving of your dreams is a fundamental requirement to taking action to fulfill them. Approving of your decisions, your values, your boundaries, your way of being, your approach to living, what you say YES! to, and in turn, what you say no to, self-approval is a fundamental requirement for flourishing confidently in your own skin in every way, every day.
You do not need the green light of approval from anyone, including yourself, to approve of yourself, your dreams, your decisions, and your unique needs, wants, and desires. But breaking free from approval seeking? That is the deeper work you must commit to doing. That’s the work that allows you to step into your power to fully trust yourself and stop waiting for permission to live a life you wildly love.
So, take your time with these questions. Be honest with yourself. Where are you outsourcing approval? What would change for you if, just for today, you approved of you fully and unapologetically? And then you repeated that, one day at a time, one YES! to you at a time.
I promise when you give to yourself the approval you are seeking outside of you, you will start saying YES! to a life beyond your wildest dreams. A life that feels remarkably rich in all the ways that matter uniquely to you. A life where you truly do feel free to live on your terms, fulfilled by who you are and what you do, and you flourish confidently in your own skin.
And that? That is a life worth living.
Thanks so much for joining me today. I’d love to hear what your biggest takeaway from today’s conversation has been. So, leave me a comment, connect with me over on my socials or drop me an email and let me know. I personally reply to all of my comments and emails, and I’d really love to celebrate your biggest takeaways with you.
Don’t forget, if you found this episode helpful, there’s more to come next Wednesday. So hit the subscribe button to make sure that episode is queued and ready for listening right inside your library. I look forward to your company.
Until then, be the woman who says YES!
Hey, want to know what’s stopping you from saying YES! to you and a life you love?
Head over to and take my FREE 60 second quiz to find out what’s standing in your way today and I’ll send you my Self-Creation Shift process for shifting it.
That’s I’ll see you there.
EPISODE release date // February 12, 2025