





PODCAST  //  January 31, 2024

Are We Ever Really Ready?

Are We Ever Really Ready?

Are We Ever Really Ready - The Self-Creation School Podcast

In the first episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, Self-Creation Coach and school founder, Leanne Letica, explores the concept of readiness – a common barrier many women face when wanting to move towards their goals. Topics discussed include the various barriers that prevent us from feeling ready, such as fear of the unknown, a perfectionist mindset, fear of judgment, and imposter syndrome.

The episode highlights the role of one’s identity in overcoming these barriers and creating a sense of readiness by changing actions and in turn, results. Leanne also shares strategies for cultivating readiness and shares real-life examples of individuals who have embodied readiness successfully. The episode concludes with a call to action challenging listeners to take a specific action aligned with the identity of the person who is ready.

The overriding message is that readiness is a state of mind and that by adopting the lens of a ‘ready’ person, individuals can embrace growth, change, and transformation and turn fear into action.

Tune in and learn how you can become a woman who is ready.

In This Episode:

00:00 Introduction to The Self-Creation School Podcast

00:48 The Journey of Becoming a Self-Created Woman

02:36 Exploring the Concept of Readiness

04:28 Debunking the Myths of Readiness

09:03 Understanding the Barriers to Readiness

12:50 Strategies to Overcome Fears and Develop Readiness

13:00 The Power of Identity in Cultivating Readiness

16:40 Practical Steps to Embrace Readiness

19:24 Real Life Example: Mia’s Journey to Readiness

21:09 Conclusion: Embracing Readiness and Taking Action

Must-Have Resources:

  • Discover your YES! Block here.
  • Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
  • Get My Personal Manifesto here.
  • Grab My Daily Journal here.
  • Join Week of YES! here.

Connect with Leanne:

Episode Transcript:

Download the Transcript here.


Are we ever really ready? That's the question I'm exploring in this very first episode of The Self Creation School podcast.

Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.

Hello beautiful souls and welcome to the very first episode of this podcast where we'll be diving deep into the journey of becoming a Self-Created Woman. I am your host Leanne Letica and the founder of The Self-Creation School. I work with women all across the globe to help them say YES! to more of what they want.

And can I just say, if we were sipping champagne together right now, you'd quickly learn I am wildly passionate about helping women say YES! to a life that truly does set their soul on fire. I want more women to unapologetically stand up, speak out and go after their dreams and goals like never before. No more shrinking, hiding, waiting, people pleasing, procrastinating or letting your life run on autopilot. At my table, the Self-Created Woman creates the life she craves and she lives out her life story by her own personal playbook, where the only rules are the ones she creates. A life where everything truly is possible.

Here's the thing, we all have stories, stories that define who we be and impact what we do. The secret to being a Self-Created Woman is creating those stories on purpose. This isn't about fixing who you are, it's about creating who you want to be. And the power to do just that, my friend, is all yours.

So, today we're diving into the idea of readiness. It's something that touches all of us at one point or another in our lifetime, whether we're contemplating a career change, deciding to start a family, or mustering the courage to perhaps express ourselves creatively. Not being ready or not feeling ready is a really common objection that many of us have when it comes to taking action towards the life we say we want. And if there's one thing that I know for sure, it's keeping so many of you stuck.

Now, the first thing I want to bring front and center is that feeling ready is so much more important than being ready. Because the fact of the matter is, unless you feel ready, you'll never be ready to take that first step, no matter how physically prepared you may actually be. Your mental and emotional state of readiness is what really underscores your self concept of being ready. And it's in the feeling of not being ready that you hold your dreams to ransom.

So the question I posed at the beginning of this podcast was, are we ever really ready? And the truth is, readiness is, it's not just a moment or a milestone, it's a journey. It's a continuous process of becoming and evolving. And while it's natural to desire a sense of readiness before you embark on any new adventure, perhaps the real adventure lies in embracing the journey of readiness itself.

So, in this episode let's debunk the myths of readiness. Let's shine a light on its truth. And above all, let's redefine what it means to be ready. Because at the end of the day, being a Self-Created Woman is all about creating your own definitions, creating your own rules, and creating a life that is unapologetically and authentically yours.

So on that note, let's start by examining what the word ready actually means. The dictionary describes it as having done everything that needs to be done to prepare for something.

Now, I don't know about you, but that definition feels a little unrealistic. Just think about it for a moment. It suggests a sense of completion and attainment of absolute preparedness. It conjures up an image of neatly checking off all the items on a list, tying up all those loose ends, leaving no stone unturned. But in the reality of our beautifully messy, unpredictable lives, how often does that actually happen? How often do you feel you have indeed done everything necessary to prepare for something, especially something significant or new?

To me, the very notion of being entirely ready feels impossible. It feels like a mirage, always shimmering on the horizon, but never within your grasp. Because the reality is you can never fully know what needs to be done to achieve a certain outcome until you've actually done it, right? It's only ever in hindsight that you can be a hundred percent sure of everything you needed to do to make something happen.

So if being ready only happens after having done everything that needs to be done to prepare for doing something, then being ready seems like an unattainable proposition. You're chasing after a finish line that keeps moving further away.

Now, there are a number of factors, both internal and external, that can influence your sense of readiness. Things like your confidence, your resources, your mindset, your knowledge and past experiences, your surrounding environment, and even things like global events. And at any given time, you can experience any one of those factors or maybe, maybe you experience all of them.

And what happens is these factors often lead to readiness becoming your focal goal. You get caught up in reaching this state before you can get started on or make progress towards your real goal. You begin to see readiness as a grand destination, a place you need to arrive at before you can move forward. And then suddenly you find yourself in a never ending waiting game, waiting for the perfect time, the perfect conditions, the perfect sense of being ready, which never comes.

My friend, in this waiting game, all you're really doing is stalling. You're simply spinning your wheels. And in the process, you're letting precious time, opportunities and potential pass you by.

Now, there are many external factors you simply cannot control. But what if you stopped outsourcing your readiness to external factors and instead started thinking about it as an inside only job. What if you reframe your internal stories to support your feeling of readiness? And what if, instead of viewing readiness as a final destination, you see it as an ongoing journey? An ever evolving process of learning, growing and adapting that runs alongside your dreams and goals.

Hold on to these thoughts and with this fresh perspective on readiness in mind, I want to take a look at the four most common barriers that often prevent us from cultivating this internal sense of readiness.

The first one, and perhaps one of the most prominent ones, is the fear of the unknown. This fear loves to show up whenever you're on the brink of trying something new or stepping outside your comfort zone. The uncertainty of the outcome, the possibility of failure, the risk of embarrassment, they all form a foreboding cloud of danger that quite simply stops you in your tracks.

And this fear of the unknown is, it's primal, it's deeply ingrained within you. The thing is, it's a vestige from our prehistoric ancestors who needed to be wary of the unknown for their survival. But in today's world, this fear often does more harm than good, preventing you from reaching out for new experiences, opportunities and growth.

The second most common barrier is the perfectionist mindset. Now this is one I know a whole lot about. This is the voice in your head that whispers things like, you're not good enough yet. Or, you need to know more, have more, do more, or be more before you can start. Perfectionism can be absolutely paralyzing because it creates a vicious cycle of over preparing and over thinking and constantly delaying action. So we have fear of the unknown and perfectionism.

The third most common barrier to feeling ready is the fear of judgment. It's being afraid of what others might think of you if you fail, if you're seen starting from the bottom, or if you're seen trying and struggling. You're afraid of being perceived as inadequate or incompetent, of not being good enough, which goes hand in hand with wanting things to be perfect so you don't have any unknowing. You see where I'm going with this, right?

And so the fourth most common barrier is imposter syndrome. This is where you doubt your abilities and fear being exposed as a fraud. It's particularly common when you're venturing into new roles and responsibilities. You might feel like you don't belong, like you're way out of your depth. Imposter syndrome will show up in thoughts like, “who am I to do this?” and “who do I think I am anyway?”.

Now, every one of these fears and insecurities make you crave the safety of readiness. They make you yearn for a guarantee that everything will go smoothly, that you won't fail, that you won't be judged, that you won't be found to not be good enough.

But in this craving for the feeling of safety, you lose sight of the fact that growth and transformation lies beyond the bounds of the comfortable and the known. So it's important to recognize that these barriers to feeling ready do exist and just call them out for what they are, fear, in its many disguises.

The good news is, these fears and barriers, although they may seem formidable, they're not insurmountable. You have the power to overcome them. You can equip yourself to face these fears head on and navigate your way through them. Because listen, the courage to step into the unknown, to embrace the messy, beautiful process of becoming, is within you. You just need to tap into it.

So let's dive into some strategies that can help you overcome your fears and develop your sense, your feeling of readiness. Which brings me first to the power of your identity.

Your identity is the core essence of who you are. It is shaped by your beliefs, your values, your experiences, your aspirations and the stories you tell yourself about your SELF, two words my friend, your SELF, and what is and isn't possible in your world. Essentially, your identity is the lens through which you see the world and yourself.

The thing that is important to understand here, is that your identity doesn't just reflect your actions, it actually drives them. You normally act in ways that are consistent with who you believe you are. It's not just, I'm doing this, it's I am the kind of person who does this. This means that when you change your identity, you can change your actions – and when you change your actions, you change your results.

So, how does this relate to feeling ready? I'm so glad you asked. Well readiness isn't just about ticking off a list of preconditions, right? It's about feeling ready and one of the fastest ways you can feel ready is to step into the identity of someone who is ready. It's about embodying the mindset, the emotions, the confidence of the person who is ready to leap into the unknown, ready to grow, ready to transform.

Let me explain this a little further.

Suppose you want to start a business, but you don't feel ready. You don't have enough experience, you don't have enough knowledge, enough capital, and so on. Now, if you embrace the identity of an entrepreneur, what changes? An entrepreneur is someone who takes risks, learns on the job, improvises, and innovates. An entrepreneur is someone who is comfortable with the uncomfortable, who knows how to turn obstacles into stepping stones. Can you see how embodying this identity makes you feel more ready to start that business?

Here's another example.

Let's say you want to write a novel. But you feel you're not ready. You don't have a fully fleshed out plot. You don't know enough about your characters. You're unsure about your writing skills. Now, imagine stepping into the identity of a writer. A writer is someone who explores and discovers through writing. A writer is someone who is brave enough to put their thoughts, their stories, out into the world one word at a time. A writer is someone who knows that writing is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. Now, doesn't this make you feel more ready to start writing that novel?

This shift in identity is not so much about pretending or being inauthentic. It's actually quite the opposite. It's about recognizing and embracing the potential that already lies within you. It's about aligning your self concept with your aspiration. And it's about giving yourself permission to grow, to change, to become more than you currently are.

So with that said, let's look at some ways you can cultivate and embrace a feeling of readiness through your identity.

The first step is to cultivate a mindset of readiness. This involves adopting an attitude of openness, flexibility, a mindset of adaptability. It's about recognizing that there'll never be a perfect moment, and that readiness is a state of mind rather than a set of external circumstances. It's about making a conscious decision that you are ready, here and now, to take that leap towards your dream.

Now, don't misinterpret this as just blindly diving into things. It's about balancing preparation with action, ensuring we're not using the former as an excuse to avoid the latter. Are you with me? Prepare, yes, but also remember that perfection is not the goal. The goal is growth and growth happens through action, through learning, through failing and getting back up again.

So the next thing is to surround yourself with the right support network. Now, this could be mentors, coaches, peers, or even perhaps loved ones who understand your aspirations and believe in your potential and importantly can provide you with the right mix of encouragement as well as constructive feedback and practical advice. The company you keep significantly influences your mindset and confidence levels, so this is a really crucial step in embracing readiness.

The third step is to create an environment that facilitates readiness. This could be a physical space that sparks creativity and productivity, or could be a mental space of positivity, optimism, and resilience. When your environment is in alignment with your goals, it becomes so much easier to feel ready and stay ready.

And lastly, most importantly, step into your new identity. Remember, you're not just doing. You are being. This means consistently acting in ways that reinforce this new identity. It's about embodying the habits, the behaviors and attitudes and the beliefs of the person who is ready. When you be that person, doing the actions that align with that identity becomes much more natural and a whole lot less scary.

Let's look at this through the lens of a real life example.

One of my clients, we'll call her Mia, Mia wanted to transition from her corporate job to starting her own wellness coaching business. She was absolutely passionate about wellness and she had a ton of ideas for her business, but she kept saying she wasn't ready yet. And we worked together on shifting her identity from an employee to an entrepreneur and specifically, a wellness coach.

She started embracing the mindset of an entrepreneur, seeking advice from other successful entrepreneurs, setting up a home office, committing to certain actions each day that a successful entrepreneur would do. And she started identifying herself as a wellness coach to other people. So she's embraced this new identity into how she talked to people, what books she read, her daily routines, and even her self care routines, and by investing her time into developing her coaching skills and so on. And within a few months, she not only started her business, but was also getting her first clients. And she realized that she was indeed ready.

Embracing readiness is about stepping out of your comfort zone and stepping into the identity of the person who is ready. It's about saying YES! to growth, YES! to change, YES! to a life you truly desire. And trust me, once you make this shift, you will realize that you were ready all along.

And so, my beautiful friend, we've arrived at the end of this very first episode. An episode where we've challenged the concept of being ready. We've explored the ambiguous nature of readiness. We looked at the misconceptions about it and we talked about the barriers that often make you feel as though you're not ready. We've also touched on the profound impact of identity on your actions and how stepping into the shoes of the person who is ready can be one of the most important influences on your readiness.

My hope is that this discussion has sparked a new perspective for you and a shift in your understanding of what it means to be ready. Readiness is not about achieving a state of perfection, nor is it about waiting for a mythical right time. It's about courage, growth, and evolution. It's about acknowledging that there will always be more to learn, always be more to prepare, always be more to perfect. But despite this, you choose to step into action. You choose to step into growth and to step into the identity of the person who is ready.

Today, my challenge to you is this. What's the one action you can take right now after listening to this podcast that aligns with the identity of the person who is ready?

It could be something small, like writing down your goals, or something big, like signing up for that course you've been considering, or making a call you've been postponing. Whatever it is, I encourage you to take that action today, because remember, every big dream is made up of countless small actions.

And if you're struggling with feeling ready, know that you're not alone. It's a challenge we all face at one point or another. And that's exactly why I created The Self-Creation School, to guide and support, and help you step into your power to create the big, bold and beautiful life you deserve. So if you'd like more resources, be sure to head over to my website at https://selfcreationschool.com and feel free to reach out if you need more personalized support.

Most importantly, remember you are capable of so much more than you realize. And by choosing to listen to this podcast, you've already taken a step towards becoming a Self-Created Woman. And I am so honored to be a part of your journey.

This first episode is the first of six in a special series I've released to celebrate the launch of this podcast. So if you enjoyed it, stick around for the next one and hit the subscribe button to tune in every Wednesday for a new episode, as we dive deeper into the art of Self-Creation and continue to explore how you can step up, embrace your potential and create a life that sets your soul on fire.

Until next time, be the woman who says YES!

Hey, have you joined my FREE mini-workshop the Week of YES!? This powerful five-day workshop will help you take your foot off the brake and start saying YES! to more of the life you crave. Isn't it time you created a life you're beyond excited to wake up to? It all begins with saying YES!. Head over to https://selfcreationschool.com/weekofyes and get started on your YES! story today. I'll see you there.

In the first episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, Self-Creation Coach and school founder, Leanne Letica, explores the concept of readiness – a common barrier many women face when wanting to move towards their goals. Topics discussed include the various barriers that prevent us from feeling ready, such as fear of the unknown, a perfectionist mindset, fear of judgment, and imposter syndrome.

The episode highlights the role of one’s identity in overcoming these barriers and creating a sense of readiness by changing actions and in turn, results. Leanne also shares strategies for cultivating readiness and shares real-life examples of individuals who have embodied readiness successfully. The episode concludes with a call to action challenging listeners to take a specific action aligned with the identity of the person who is ready.

The overriding message is that readiness is a state of mind and that by adopting the lens of a ‘ready’ person, individuals can embrace growth, change, and transformation and turn fear into action.

Tune in and learn how you can become a woman who is ready.

In This Episode:

00:00 Introduction to The Self-Creation School Podcast

00:48 The Journey of Becoming a Self-Created Woman

02:36 Exploring the Concept of Readiness

04:28 Debunking the Myths of Readiness

09:03 Understanding the Barriers to Readiness

12:50 Strategies to Overcome Fears and Develop Readiness

13:00 The Power of Identity in Cultivating Readiness

16:40 Practical Steps to Embrace Readiness

19:24 Real Life Example: Mia’s Journey to Readiness

21:09 Conclusion: Embracing Readiness and Taking Action

Must-Have Resources:

  • Discover your YES! Block here.
  • Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
  • Get My Personal Manifesto here.
  • Grab My Daily Journal here.
  • Join Week of YES! here.

Connect with Leanne:

Episode Transcript:

Download the Transcript here.


Are we ever really ready? That's the question I'm exploring in this very first episode of The Self Creation School podcast.

Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.

Hello beautiful souls and welcome to the very first episode of this podcast where we'll be diving deep into the journey of becoming a Self-Created Woman. I am your host Leanne Letica and the founder of The Self-Creation School. I work with women all across the globe to help them say YES! to more of what they want.

And can I just say, if we were sipping champagne together right now, you'd quickly learn I am wildly passionate about helping women say YES! to a life that truly does set their soul on fire. I want more women to unapologetically stand up, speak out and go after their dreams and goals like never before. No more shrinking, hiding, waiting, people pleasing, procrastinating or letting your life run on autopilot. At my table, the Self-Created Woman creates the life she craves and she lives out her life story by her own personal playbook, where the only rules are the ones she creates. A life where everything truly is possible.

Here's the thing, we all have stories, stories that define who we be and impact what we do. The secret to being a Self-Created Woman is creating those stories on purpose. This isn't about fixing who you are, it's about creating who you want to be. And the power to do just that, my friend, is all yours.

So, today we're diving into the idea of readiness. It's something that touches all of us at one point or another in our lifetime, whether we're contemplating a career change, deciding to start a family, or mustering the courage to perhaps express ourselves creatively. Not being ready or not feeling ready is a really common objection that many of us have when it comes to taking action towards the life we say we want. And if there's one thing that I know for sure, it's keeping so many of you stuck.

Now, the first thing I want to bring front and center is that feeling ready is so much more important than being ready. Because the fact of the matter is, unless you feel ready, you'll never be ready to take that first step, no matter how physically prepared you may actually be. Your mental and emotional state of readiness is what really underscores your self concept of being ready. And it's in the feeling of not being ready that you hold your dreams to ransom.

So the question I posed at the beginning of this podcast was, are we ever really ready? And the truth is, readiness is, it's not just a moment or a milestone, it's a journey. It's a continuous process of becoming and evolving. And while it's natural to desire a sense of readiness before you embark on any new adventure, perhaps the real adventure lies in embracing the journey of readiness itself.

So, in this episode let's debunk the myths of readiness. Let's shine a light on its truth. And above all, let's redefine what it means to be ready. Because at the end of the day, being a Self-Created Woman is all about creating your own definitions, creating your own rules, and creating a life that is unapologetically and authentically yours.

So on that note, let's start by examining what the word ready actually means. The dictionary describes it as having done everything that needs to be done to prepare for something.

Now, I don't know about you, but that definition feels a little unrealistic. Just think about it for a moment. It suggests a sense of completion and attainment of absolute preparedness. It conjures up an image of neatly checking off all the items on a list, tying up all those loose ends, leaving no stone unturned. But in the reality of our beautifully messy, unpredictable lives, how often does that actually happen? How often do you feel you have indeed done everything necessary to prepare for something, especially something significant or new?

To me, the very notion of being entirely ready feels impossible. It feels like a mirage, always shimmering on the horizon, but never within your grasp. Because the reality is you can never fully know what needs to be done to achieve a certain outcome until you've actually done it, right? It's only ever in hindsight that you can be a hundred percent sure of everything you needed to do to make something happen.

So if being ready only happens after having done everything that needs to be done to prepare for doing something, then being ready seems like an unattainable proposition. You're chasing after a finish line that keeps moving further away.

Now, there are a number of factors, both internal and external, that can influence your sense of readiness. Things like your confidence, your resources, your mindset, your knowledge and past experiences, your surrounding environment, and even things like global events. And at any given time, you can experience any one of those factors or maybe, maybe you experience all of them.

And what happens is these factors often lead to readiness becoming your focal goal. You get caught up in reaching this state before you can get started on or make progress towards your real goal. You begin to see readiness as a grand destination, a place you need to arrive at before you can move forward. And then suddenly you find yourself in a never ending waiting game, waiting for the perfect time, the perfect conditions, the perfect sense of being ready, which never comes.

My friend, in this waiting game, all you're really doing is stalling. You're simply spinning your wheels. And in the process, you're letting precious time, opportunities and potential pass you by.

Now, there are many external factors you simply cannot control. But what if you stopped outsourcing your readiness to external factors and instead started thinking about it as an inside only job. What if you reframe your internal stories to support your feeling of readiness? And what if, instead of viewing readiness as a final destination, you see it as an ongoing journey? An ever evolving process of learning, growing and adapting that runs alongside your dreams and goals.

Hold on to these thoughts and with this fresh perspective on readiness in mind, I want to take a look at the four most common barriers that often prevent us from cultivating this internal sense of readiness.

The first one, and perhaps one of the most prominent ones, is the fear of the unknown. This fear loves to show up whenever you're on the brink of trying something new or stepping outside your comfort zone. The uncertainty of the outcome, the possibility of failure, the risk of embarrassment, they all form a foreboding cloud of danger that quite simply stops you in your tracks.

And this fear of the unknown is, it's primal, it's deeply ingrained within you. The thing is, it's a vestige from our prehistoric ancestors who needed to be wary of the unknown for their survival. But in today's world, this fear often does more harm than good, preventing you from reaching out for new experiences, opportunities and growth.

The second most common barrier is the perfectionist mindset. Now this is one I know a whole lot about. This is the voice in your head that whispers things like, you're not good enough yet. Or, you need to know more, have more, do more, or be more before you can start. Perfectionism can be absolutely paralyzing because it creates a vicious cycle of over preparing and over thinking and constantly delaying action. So we have fear of the unknown and perfectionism.

The third most common barrier to feeling ready is the fear of judgment. It's being afraid of what others might think of you if you fail, if you're seen starting from the bottom, or if you're seen trying and struggling. You're afraid of being perceived as inadequate or incompetent, of not being good enough, which goes hand in hand with wanting things to be perfect so you don't have any unknowing. You see where I'm going with this, right?

And so the fourth most common barrier is imposter syndrome. This is where you doubt your abilities and fear being exposed as a fraud. It's particularly common when you're venturing into new roles and responsibilities. You might feel like you don't belong, like you're way out of your depth. Imposter syndrome will show up in thoughts like, “who am I to do this?” and “who do I think I am anyway?”.

Now, every one of these fears and insecurities make you crave the safety of readiness. They make you yearn for a guarantee that everything will go smoothly, that you won't fail, that you won't be judged, that you won't be found to not be good enough.

But in this craving for the feeling of safety, you lose sight of the fact that growth and transformation lies beyond the bounds of the comfortable and the known. So it's important to recognize that these barriers to feeling ready do exist and just call them out for what they are, fear, in its many disguises.

The good news is, these fears and barriers, although they may seem formidable, they're not insurmountable. You have the power to overcome them. You can equip yourself to face these fears head on and navigate your way through them. Because listen, the courage to step into the unknown, to embrace the messy, beautiful process of becoming, is within you. You just need to tap into it.

So let's dive into some strategies that can help you overcome your fears and develop your sense, your feeling of readiness. Which brings me first to the power of your identity.

Your identity is the core essence of who you are. It is shaped by your beliefs, your values, your experiences, your aspirations and the stories you tell yourself about your SELF, two words my friend, your SELF, and what is and isn't possible in your world. Essentially, your identity is the lens through which you see the world and yourself.

The thing that is important to understand here, is that your identity doesn't just reflect your actions, it actually drives them. You normally act in ways that are consistent with who you believe you are. It's not just, I'm doing this, it's I am the kind of person who does this. This means that when you change your identity, you can change your actions – and when you change your actions, you change your results.

So, how does this relate to feeling ready? I'm so glad you asked. Well readiness isn't just about ticking off a list of preconditions, right? It's about feeling ready and one of the fastest ways you can feel ready is to step into the identity of someone who is ready. It's about embodying the mindset, the emotions, the confidence of the person who is ready to leap into the unknown, ready to grow, ready to transform.

Let me explain this a little further.

Suppose you want to start a business, but you don't feel ready. You don't have enough experience, you don't have enough knowledge, enough capital, and so on. Now, if you embrace the identity of an entrepreneur, what changes? An entrepreneur is someone who takes risks, learns on the job, improvises, and innovates. An entrepreneur is someone who is comfortable with the uncomfortable, who knows how to turn obstacles into stepping stones. Can you see how embodying this identity makes you feel more ready to start that business?

Here's another example.

Let's say you want to write a novel. But you feel you're not ready. You don't have a fully fleshed out plot. You don't know enough about your characters. You're unsure about your writing skills. Now, imagine stepping into the identity of a writer. A writer is someone who explores and discovers through writing. A writer is someone who is brave enough to put their thoughts, their stories, out into the world one word at a time. A writer is someone who knows that writing is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. Now, doesn't this make you feel more ready to start writing that novel?

This shift in identity is not so much about pretending or being inauthentic. It's actually quite the opposite. It's about recognizing and embracing the potential that already lies within you. It's about aligning your self concept with your aspiration. And it's about giving yourself permission to grow, to change, to become more than you currently are.

So with that said, let's look at some ways you can cultivate and embrace a feeling of readiness through your identity.

The first step is to cultivate a mindset of readiness. This involves adopting an attitude of openness, flexibility, a mindset of adaptability. It's about recognizing that there'll never be a perfect moment, and that readiness is a state of mind rather than a set of external circumstances. It's about making a conscious decision that you are ready, here and now, to take that leap towards your dream.

Now, don't misinterpret this as just blindly diving into things. It's about balancing preparation with action, ensuring we're not using the former as an excuse to avoid the latter. Are you with me? Prepare, yes, but also remember that perfection is not the goal. The goal is growth and growth happens through action, through learning, through failing and getting back up again.

So the next thing is to surround yourself with the right support network. Now, this could be mentors, coaches, peers, or even perhaps loved ones who understand your aspirations and believe in your potential and importantly can provide you with the right mix of encouragement as well as constructive feedback and practical advice. The company you keep significantly influences your mindset and confidence levels, so this is a really crucial step in embracing readiness.

The third step is to create an environment that facilitates readiness. This could be a physical space that sparks creativity and productivity, or could be a mental space of positivity, optimism, and resilience. When your environment is in alignment with your goals, it becomes so much easier to feel ready and stay ready.

And lastly, most importantly, step into your new identity. Remember, you're not just doing. You are being. This means consistently acting in ways that reinforce this new identity. It's about embodying the habits, the behaviors and attitudes and the beliefs of the person who is ready. When you be that person, doing the actions that align with that identity becomes much more natural and a whole lot less scary.

Let's look at this through the lens of a real life example.

One of my clients, we'll call her Mia, Mia wanted to transition from her corporate job to starting her own wellness coaching business. She was absolutely passionate about wellness and she had a ton of ideas for her business, but she kept saying she wasn't ready yet. And we worked together on shifting her identity from an employee to an entrepreneur and specifically, a wellness coach.

She started embracing the mindset of an entrepreneur, seeking advice from other successful entrepreneurs, setting up a home office, committing to certain actions each day that a successful entrepreneur would do. And she started identifying herself as a wellness coach to other people. So she's embraced this new identity into how she talked to people, what books she read, her daily routines, and even her self care routines, and by investing her time into developing her coaching skills and so on. And within a few months, she not only started her business, but was also getting her first clients. And she realized that she was indeed ready.

Embracing readiness is about stepping out of your comfort zone and stepping into the identity of the person who is ready. It's about saying YES! to growth, YES! to change, YES! to a life you truly desire. And trust me, once you make this shift, you will realize that you were ready all along.

And so, my beautiful friend, we've arrived at the end of this very first episode. An episode where we've challenged the concept of being ready. We've explored the ambiguous nature of readiness. We looked at the misconceptions about it and we talked about the barriers that often make you feel as though you're not ready. We've also touched on the profound impact of identity on your actions and how stepping into the shoes of the person who is ready can be one of the most important influences on your readiness.

My hope is that this discussion has sparked a new perspective for you and a shift in your understanding of what it means to be ready. Readiness is not about achieving a state of perfection, nor is it about waiting for a mythical right time. It's about courage, growth, and evolution. It's about acknowledging that there will always be more to learn, always be more to prepare, always be more to perfect. But despite this, you choose to step into action. You choose to step into growth and to step into the identity of the person who is ready.

Today, my challenge to you is this. What's the one action you can take right now after listening to this podcast that aligns with the identity of the person who is ready?

It could be something small, like writing down your goals, or something big, like signing up for that course you've been considering, or making a call you've been postponing. Whatever it is, I encourage you to take that action today, because remember, every big dream is made up of countless small actions.

And if you're struggling with feeling ready, know that you're not alone. It's a challenge we all face at one point or another. And that's exactly why I created The Self-Creation School, to guide and support, and help you step into your power to create the big, bold and beautiful life you deserve. So if you'd like more resources, be sure to head over to my website at https://selfcreationschool.com and feel free to reach out if you need more personalized support.

Most importantly, remember you are capable of so much more than you realize. And by choosing to listen to this podcast, you've already taken a step towards becoming a Self-Created Woman. And I am so honored to be a part of your journey.

This first episode is the first of six in a special series I've released to celebrate the launch of this podcast. So if you enjoyed it, stick around for the next one and hit the subscribe button to tune in every Wednesday for a new episode, as we dive deeper into the art of Self-Creation and continue to explore how you can step up, embrace your potential and create a life that sets your soul on fire.

Until next time, be the woman who says YES!

Hey, have you joined my FREE mini-workshop the Week of YES!? This powerful five-day workshop will help you take your foot off the brake and start saying YES! to more of the life you crave. Isn't it time you created a life you're beyond excited to wake up to? It all begins with saying YES!. Head over to https://selfcreationschool.com/weekofyes and get started on your YES! story today. I'll see you there.

EPISODE release date  //  January 31, 2024





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practical tips, and my SELF-CREATION SECRETS as I share
how to SAY YES! to a wildly fulfilling love affair with life.

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Join me every Wednesday for powerful conversations, practical tips, and my SELF-CREATION SECRETS as I share how to SAY YES! to a wildly fulfilling love affair with life.

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an episode when it hits the airways!

Hello! I’m Leanne Letica, Queen of YES! and founder of The Self-Creation School.

Going from a Millionaire’s Maid to making my own millions, I learned how to rewrite the rules I live by, redefine who I can be, and reinvent my entire world.

I *also* learned the HARD WAY that all the money in the world won’t buy a LIFE YOU LOVE.

But I found a SECRET
STASH of riches that will...

And every Wednesday, I share my SECRETS with you.

Join me for powerful conversations, Self-Creation tips and insights, and discover how to SAY YES! to a life you wildly love.

Like a good story? MEET Desperella

Like a good story?
MEET Desperella

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not ALREADY saying YES!
to a life you LOVE?

Wondering why
you’re not ALREADY saying YES! to a life
you LOVE?



If you want to finally be FREE to live a life you love,
feel FULFILLED by who you are and what you do, and FLOURISH
confidently in your own skin… come take a seat at my table.

If you want to finally be FREE to live a life
you love, feel FULFILLED by who you are and what you do, and FLOURISH confidently in your own skin… come take a seat at my table.