So many of us get stuck in the ‘how’ when it comes to creating the life we want. In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica discusses the importance of focusing on ‘who’ you need to become rather than ‘how’ to achieve your goals. She emphasizes that clarity on ‘who’ will naturally reveal the ‘how’.
Leanne introduces the powerful tool of future self journaling to get clear on your ‘who’, specifically through visualizing and detailing your perfect day. She provides a structured approach for journaling as your future self and actionable tips to help you set the scene for a productive and insightful journaling session.
Leanne also shares a personal story about a transformative journaling retreat and success stories to highlight the transformative potential of this exercise.
The episode encourages listeners to embrace the practice of journaling to gain clarity and manifest a life they love.
In This Episode:
00:00 Overcoming the Obsession with ‘How’
04:19 The Power of Future Self Journaling
10:34 Setting the Scene for Your Perfect Day
14:12 Breaking Down Your Perfect Day
19:59 Reflecting on Your Who
22:24 Find Thoughts and Conclusion
Must-Have Resources:
- Discover your YES! Block here.
- Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
- Get My Personal Manifesto here.
- Grab My Daily Journal here.
- Join Week of YES! here.
Connect with Leanne:
Episode Transcript:
One of the things that so many of us get stuck on is getting caught up in the how. How will this be possible? How will I make it happen? How will things turn out for me?
And the reality is, it's not your job to know the how. Your job is to know firstly the what, what it is you want, and then to get super clear on the who. Who you must become to have what it is you want. Once you do, the how will be revealed.
Because here's the thing, you cannot know exactly how you will do something until it is you've done it. It is only when you look back with hindsight that you can be 100 percent sure of all the things you had to do, all the steps you had to take to do the thing you want to do. And the problem with focusing on the how is that you make it so much harder for yourself to not only just see the next step, but to actually take the action you need to take.
My good friend Jim Rohn used to say this. For things to change, you have to change. For things to be different, you have to be different. So to have something different in your life will require that you become someone different.
If you focus only on the how you'll have that something different and leave the who part out of it, you will always end up adapting the action you take to bring it back in line with the who you are currently being, your current self. And this is why you will only ever create results in your life to the edge of who you believe yourself to be.
When you start with the how, you will always be fighting against the who, who it is you are currently being. That means you will rely on sheer willpower and white knuckling your way through to get the job done. And what I know for sure about willpower is that it will leave you high and dry when you need it the most.
But when you focus on the who first and get crystal clear, the how becomes crystal clear and the doing becomes a whole lot easier. Because by being first, being who it is you need to be, the doing part naturally follows. The action you take is just a natural extension of who you are. The end result is you will have far less resistance to doing the things you need to do to achieve what it is you want to do, have or experience in your life.
And one of the most powerful ways I've found that you can get clear on what you want and who you need to be to have it, so that the how will naturally follow, is to visualize your future self through journaling about your perfect day.
So, today I'd like to share some tips for future self journaling to help you more powerfully visualize the everyday life you would love to wake up to and the you who makes that happen. Let's dive in.
Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.
Hello and thanks so much for tuning in today. A very warm welcome to you if this is your first time listening in. This is a space where I share my Self-Creation secrets for creating a life you love, one YES! at a time. And of course, if you're joining me again, I am so grateful to have your company.
Today, I want to talk about how to get clear on your who through the power of future self journaling. And I want to walk you through one of the ways I've found to be very effective, which is to visualize your future self through living out your perfect day.
Now, if you've been hanging out with me for more than a minute, you'll know I am a huge fan of journaling. The best parts of my life have all happened on paper before they have become my reality. And journaling is such a useful tool for so, so many things.
Things like connecting with our emotions and the stories creating them. Shifting our limiting stories to new, more empowering stories. Elevating our beliefs about who we are and what's possible for us in our world. Finding clarity about what it is we want in our life. Planning, reflecting, learning, growing. Having deep and honest conversations with both our past self and our future self that you maybe wouldn't have with anyone else. And so on, and so on.
The best part for me about journaling is just how easily accessible it is to us all, and it's relatively inexpensive. The biggest cost is our time, and I will suggest that the return on investment you can see by investing your time into journaling is absolutely priceless. Whenever I put pen to paper, I experience shifts in my world, and this is why I am such a huge advocate for journaling. It really can be a game-changer.
I journal every morning and regularly throughout my week, month, and year, and I would go so far as to say that my journal is perhaps my best companion. But that role is already taken by my husband, so let's just say it is a very important part of my world.
When I was thinking about what I wanted to share with you today, I was immediately taken back to a time a couple of years ago, while I was still living in Australia, when I went on a retreat with two close girlfriends who are very much committed to elevating their lives through elevating themselves.
We locked ourselves away in a beautiful hotel overlooking the river with gorgeous views of Brisbane city for as far as the eyes could see. And during the three days we spent together, we had a lot of fun, but we worked hard on ourselves first and foremost.
The work we did in that retreat was actually from a masterclass series I offered through my previous coaching brand, which you may or may not know about depending on how long you and I've been hanging out. You may perhaps have enrolled in that masterclass series and done the work for yourself. In any case, it was a really powerful and emotional three days, and we all had some major breakthroughs.
In fact, one girlfriend went on to achieve a goal she hadn't been able to break through on for years, despite doing this kind of work with other coaches and mentors. And she did that in just a few months following our retreat.
It honestly melts my heart every time I think about this, to know how much achieving this particular goal has changed not just her world and her life experience, but that of her husband and her adult children as well. And also the flow on effect that achieving this goal has had in her life, the kinds of decisions both she and her husband have made since then, which have been inspired in part by her dream becoming her reality.
Now the reason I'm sharing this is because we spent quite literally three whole days journaling and one of the exercises we did in particular had a huge impact which was my Perfect Day exercise.
And I've got to tell you, we spent three hours straight writing, and we could have all kept writing. The only noise in the room during those whole three hours was the occasional digging around for another pen because we had run out of ink. I don't know how many pens we actually went through, but it was a few. And the breaking of silence with a WOW! every now and then, as things came out about our perfect day that shocked us. Things we didn't know we wanted or valued in our day.
To today, whenever I offer this exercise to women that I work with, it has powerful outcomes. And so when I thought about what I wanted to share with you today, it took me right back to what happened in that retreat with my girlfriends and what has happened since in our lives as a result. And certainly, when I went back and read my own perfect day I wrote at that time, it is truly incredible how much of it has become my reality.
Now, my Perfect Day exercise is a very in-depth exercise, and it is something I do reserve for the clients I work with personally. We do a lot of work leading into my Perfect Day exercise, which allows us to go to this kind of depth. And so this is obviously more than I can offer here in this podcast in the time we have together today.
But because I know how powerful this kind of journaling is, what I wanted to offer you is some tips on how to approach a journal session with your future self and a simple structure for journaling about your perfect day that I know will still offer you an incredible insight into your future self.
But before I walk you through that, I want to make sure we are on the same page as to what I mean by perfect day. When I talk about your perfect day, what I'm referring to is your average, everyday perfect day. Not the times when your world is extra specially perfect like those once in a lifetime vacations or out of the norm things you do or experience. But the perfect day you would love waking up to and living out every single day.
With that in mind, let's set the scene for your journal session. I recommend that you set aside two to three hours to journal uninterrupted in a space in your home that inspires you. Choose a space where you feel comfortable, where you feel relaxed and calm, and safe to express yourself. If you need to, set your environment up to make you feel good. Maybe you have your favorite scented candle burning, a freshly brewed pot of your favorite tea, and a beautiful journal laid out before you.
You are spending sacred time here to connect with your future self, the you who has achieved your biggest and most boldest goals. It's a date where she is inviting you to step into her shoes for a day so that you can see in great detail every part of the day she loves waking up to. So make it special, make an effort to set up your environment to support you in making this date with your future self a special one.
And as you live out this day as your future self from start to finish, from the moment you open your eyes to your perfect days, the future you to the moment you're closer at night, I want you not just to see every moment, but to feel every moment. Use all of your senses to experience every moment as your future self is experiencing every moment in her perfect day.
Smell the coffee, or tea if you prefer. Taste the freshly squeezed orange juice. Hear the birds chirping as you sit on your terrace journaling. Feel the warmth of the sunshine on your face.
Every detail is important. No detail is too small. The more specific and detailed you can be in capturing a perfect day in the life of the future you, the more powerful this exercise will be. Less is definitely not more in this case.
And leave all judgment to the side. Allow whatever comes up, whatever you see in your day, whoever you are being, to be. Your job right now is to document your day. Not decide on how it will be possible or if it will be possible. For this exercise, this time you spend in the shoes of your future self, I want you to allow everything to be possible knowing that it is, even if you don't yet know how.
So now that we've set the scene for how you can set yourself up to connect with your future self and the life she is living, here is a simple framework you can use to really tap into the details of each part of your day and from them, discover exactly who the future you is being in her world.
I'm a big fan of breaking things down into small bite sized pieces. Because for a lot of people, the thought of imagining every moment of an entire day feels a little bit overwhelming and this is not going to help you honestly and deeply connect with your future self and the life she's living. So I find it very helpful to break your day up into three main parts. Your morning, the middle part of your day and then your evening.
And whilst I do encourage you to try and set aside the two or three hours for a really deep journaling session, if you can only set aside a shorter amount of time, by breaking up your day like this, you can focus on one part of your day at a time and spread it out over maybe two or three journal sessions.
Again, it is great if you can set aside the time to really get into the flow and live out your entire day from start to finish. But what's important here, first and foremost, is that if you can't do that, you don't let it stop you from doing this all together. However it needs to happen for you is perfect.
Now as you go about each part of your day as the future you, here's what I want you to notice:
Number one. Who are you being? Number two. What do you do, have and experience in your life? What are you saying YES! to? Number three. When do you do, have and experience those things? Number four. Where do you do, have and experience them and with who? And number five, how does the future you behave differently in your day than the you of today? So who, what, when, where, with who and how?
And as you notice, all of these things, I want you to write them down in your journal to ensure you remember them in the greatest detail possible. Remember the idea of this exercise is, more is more.
So with these questions in mind, start with your morning. Imagine waking up as the future you. You open your eyes in an environment that makes your heart sing. Where are you? What time is it? Who are you with? What do you see, hear and feel as you start your day? What is the first thing you do?
Picture everything you do in your morning and describe every part of the morning routine your future self loves waking up to. Remember don't leave out any detail. Allow everything in your perfect morning to be possible and let that flow onto the pages of your journal.
Then after visualizing your perfect morning, take a few moments to reflect on who you are being in this part of your day. What qualities are you embodying? Is it confidence, peace, enthusiasm? How do you feel? What are your core values that guide your morning routine? And then write down your reflections.
For instance, you might realize that your future self is disciplined, peaceful and motivated. She values health and mindfulness and so this is reflected in her morning activity.
Then once you've done that, move on to the middle part of your day. How is it you spend the majority of your day? What are you saying YES! to during this part of your day? Are you working, spending time with loved ones, pursuing a hobby? What fulfills you? What makes you excited about living out your day? What time does this part of your day finish up?
Again, spend a few moments to reflect on who you are being during this part of your day. How do your activities and interactions reflect your values and your goals? What kind of woman are you as you go through your midday activities? And write down your reflections, once again, in your journal.
You might discover that your future self is collaborative, creative, and influential. Maybe she values meaningful work and strong relationships, and this is reflected in her midday activities and interactions.
Then finally, visualize your perfect evening. How do you spend the final hours of your day? Do you spend time with family? Do you read? Or perhaps engage in some other kind of relaxing activity? What do you have for dinner? Describe the table setting, who you are with, what you are eating, how it smells, how it tastes. This is the kind of detail you really want to go into.
And as you go to bed, what are your final thoughts? How do you feel as you reflect on your day and prepare for tomorrow? Visualize every detail about how your perfect day finishes. And again, spend a few moments to reflect on who you are being in this part of your day. How does your evening routine reflect who you are?
Remember the idea in each of these visualizations is to drill down to the finer details to help you discover who it is you are being in your perfect day. So once you have a detailed description of everything you noticed about your day being the future you, along with your reflections from each part of the day, to bring this all together spend some time to look at what your day tells you about who you are.
What characteristics do you have? What do you value? What standards do you hold yourself to? What do you accept and no longer accept in your day? What does your perfect day reveal that you believe to be true about you?
Like I said earlier, if you will start with the who, the how will fall into place. But sometimes it can be difficult to get a clear picture of the who it is you need to be. This is why digging deeper into the details of each part of your perfect day is so very powerful because it helps you connect the dots and piece together your who.
And once you have a clear picture of your who – who the you is who wakes up every day to a life she's obsessed with from the inside out, a life that is richly fulfilling in all the ways that matter – once you are clear, the only job you have from here is to go about being her. And the how everything needs to happen, how it all needs to unfold, will happen naturally as part of who you be every single day. No more willpower, no more white knuckling your way through, no more struggling wondering how.
Focus on the being who you need to be to live out your perfect day and before you know it, you'll be looking back on this future self journaling session amazed at how the things you wrote, that maybe you even forgot the details of, how they are now your lived reality. I promise you, my friend, putting pen to paper is powerful and when it involves your future self, it is even more so.
What will your perfect day reveal about your future self? I wonder. Schedule that time aside and I'd love to hear all about who you discover in your future self journaling session. So, drop me an email and tell me all the things. Honestly, I'd love to hear from you.
And if you enjoyed this episode and found it helpful in any way, please help me reach more women with these tips so we can all create lives we love. You can do that by sharing the podcast and also by leaving me a review. A few seconds of your time to leave your thoughts about how this podcast has helped you in any small way can encourage other women to listen in too and have a big impact in helping them change their lives. So I really am grateful if you would leave me a few words if you found this helpful or this podcast in general to be helpful.
Over the next couple of weeks, I have some super great conversations coming up about creating a life you love, one YES! at a time. I do hope you'll join me. Have a wonderful rest of your week. I'll see you next Wednesday.
Until then, be the woman who says YES!
Hey, want to know what's stopping you from saying YES! to you and a life you love?
Head over to and take my FREE 60 second quiz to find out what's standing in your way today and I'll send you my Self-Creation Shift process for shifting it. That's I’ll see you there.
So many of us get stuck in the ‘how’ when it comes to creating the life we want. In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica discusses the importance of focusing on ‘who’ you need to become rather than ‘how’ to achieve your goals. She emphasizes that clarity on ‘who’ will naturally reveal the ‘how’.
Leanne introduces the powerful tool of future self journaling to get clear on your ‘who’, specifically through visualizing and detailing your perfect day. She provides a structured approach for journaling as your future self and actionable tips to help you set the scene for a productive and insightful journaling session.
Leanne also shares a personal story about a transformative journaling retreat and success stories to highlight the transformative potential of this exercise.
The episode encourages listeners to embrace the practice of journaling to gain clarity and manifest a life they love.
In This Episode:
00:00 Overcoming the Obsession with ‘How’
04:19 The Power of Future Self Journaling
10:34 Setting the Scene for Your Perfect Day
14:12 Breaking Down Your Perfect Day
19:59 Reflecting on Your Who
22:24 Find Thoughts and Conclusion
Must-Have Resources:
- Discover your YES! Block here.
- Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
- Get My Personal Manifesto here.
- Grab My Daily Journal here.
- Join Week of YES! here.
Connect with Leanne:
Episode Transcript:
One of the things that so many of us get stuck on is getting caught up in the how. How will this be possible? How will I make it happen? How will things turn out for me?
And the reality is, it's not your job to know the how. Your job is to know firstly the what, what it is you want, and then to get super clear on the who. Who you must become to have what it is you want. Once you do, the how will be revealed.
Because here's the thing, you cannot know exactly how you will do something until it is you've done it. It is only when you look back with hindsight that you can be 100 percent sure of all the things you had to do, all the steps you had to take to do the thing you want to do. And the problem with focusing on the how is that you make it so much harder for yourself to not only just see the next step, but to actually take the action you need to take.
My good friend Jim Rohn used to say this. For things to change, you have to change. For things to be different, you have to be different. So to have something different in your life will require that you become someone different.
If you focus only on the how you'll have that something different and leave the who part out of it, you will always end up adapting the action you take to bring it back in line with the who you are currently being, your current self. And this is why you will only ever create results in your life to the edge of who you believe yourself to be.
When you start with the how, you will always be fighting against the who, who it is you are currently being. That means you will rely on sheer willpower and white knuckling your way through to get the job done. And what I know for sure about willpower is that it will leave you high and dry when you need it the most.
But when you focus on the who first and get crystal clear, the how becomes crystal clear and the doing becomes a whole lot easier. Because by being first, being who it is you need to be, the doing part naturally follows. The action you take is just a natural extension of who you are. The end result is you will have far less resistance to doing the things you need to do to achieve what it is you want to do, have or experience in your life.
And one of the most powerful ways I've found that you can get clear on what you want and who you need to be to have it, so that the how will naturally follow, is to visualize your future self through journaling about your perfect day.
So, today I'd like to share some tips for future self journaling to help you more powerfully visualize the everyday life you would love to wake up to and the you who makes that happen. Let's dive in.
Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.
Hello and thanks so much for tuning in today. A very warm welcome to you if this is your first time listening in. This is a space where I share my Self-Creation secrets for creating a life you love, one YES! at a time. And of course, if you're joining me again, I am so grateful to have your company.
Today, I want to talk about how to get clear on your who through the power of future self journaling. And I want to walk you through one of the ways I've found to be very effective, which is to visualize your future self through living out your perfect day.
Now, if you've been hanging out with me for more than a minute, you'll know I am a huge fan of journaling. The best parts of my life have all happened on paper before they have become my reality. And journaling is such a useful tool for so, so many things.
Things like connecting with our emotions and the stories creating them. Shifting our limiting stories to new, more empowering stories. Elevating our beliefs about who we are and what's possible for us in our world. Finding clarity about what it is we want in our life. Planning, reflecting, learning, growing. Having deep and honest conversations with both our past self and our future self that you maybe wouldn't have with anyone else. And so on, and so on.
The best part for me about journaling is just how easily accessible it is to us all, and it's relatively inexpensive. The biggest cost is our time, and I will suggest that the return on investment you can see by investing your time into journaling is absolutely priceless. Whenever I put pen to paper, I experience shifts in my world, and this is why I am such a huge advocate for journaling. It really can be a game-changer.
I journal every morning and regularly throughout my week, month, and year, and I would go so far as to say that my journal is perhaps my best companion. But that role is already taken by my husband, so let's just say it is a very important part of my world.
When I was thinking about what I wanted to share with you today, I was immediately taken back to a time a couple of years ago, while I was still living in Australia, when I went on a retreat with two close girlfriends who are very much committed to elevating their lives through elevating themselves.
We locked ourselves away in a beautiful hotel overlooking the river with gorgeous views of Brisbane city for as far as the eyes could see. And during the three days we spent together, we had a lot of fun, but we worked hard on ourselves first and foremost.
The work we did in that retreat was actually from a masterclass series I offered through my previous coaching brand, which you may or may not know about depending on how long you and I've been hanging out. You may perhaps have enrolled in that masterclass series and done the work for yourself. In any case, it was a really powerful and emotional three days, and we all had some major breakthroughs.
In fact, one girlfriend went on to achieve a goal she hadn't been able to break through on for years, despite doing this kind of work with other coaches and mentors. And she did that in just a few months following our retreat.
It honestly melts my heart every time I think about this, to know how much achieving this particular goal has changed not just her world and her life experience, but that of her husband and her adult children as well. And also the flow on effect that achieving this goal has had in her life, the kinds of decisions both she and her husband have made since then, which have been inspired in part by her dream becoming her reality.
Now the reason I'm sharing this is because we spent quite literally three whole days journaling and one of the exercises we did in particular had a huge impact which was my Perfect Day exercise.
And I've got to tell you, we spent three hours straight writing, and we could have all kept writing. The only noise in the room during those whole three hours was the occasional digging around for another pen because we had run out of ink. I don't know how many pens we actually went through, but it was a few. And the breaking of silence with a WOW! every now and then, as things came out about our perfect day that shocked us. Things we didn't know we wanted or valued in our day.
To today, whenever I offer this exercise to women that I work with, it has powerful outcomes. And so when I thought about what I wanted to share with you today, it took me right back to what happened in that retreat with my girlfriends and what has happened since in our lives as a result. And certainly, when I went back and read my own perfect day I wrote at that time, it is truly incredible how much of it has become my reality.
Now, my Perfect Day exercise is a very in-depth exercise, and it is something I do reserve for the clients I work with personally. We do a lot of work leading into my Perfect Day exercise, which allows us to go to this kind of depth. And so this is obviously more than I can offer here in this podcast in the time we have together today.
But because I know how powerful this kind of journaling is, what I wanted to offer you is some tips on how to approach a journal session with your future self and a simple structure for journaling about your perfect day that I know will still offer you an incredible insight into your future self.
But before I walk you through that, I want to make sure we are on the same page as to what I mean by perfect day. When I talk about your perfect day, what I'm referring to is your average, everyday perfect day. Not the times when your world is extra specially perfect like those once in a lifetime vacations or out of the norm things you do or experience. But the perfect day you would love waking up to and living out every single day.
With that in mind, let's set the scene for your journal session. I recommend that you set aside two to three hours to journal uninterrupted in a space in your home that inspires you. Choose a space where you feel comfortable, where you feel relaxed and calm, and safe to express yourself. If you need to, set your environment up to make you feel good. Maybe you have your favorite scented candle burning, a freshly brewed pot of your favorite tea, and a beautiful journal laid out before you.
You are spending sacred time here to connect with your future self, the you who has achieved your biggest and most boldest goals. It's a date where she is inviting you to step into her shoes for a day so that you can see in great detail every part of the day she loves waking up to. So make it special, make an effort to set up your environment to support you in making this date with your future self a special one.
And as you live out this day as your future self from start to finish, from the moment you open your eyes to your perfect days, the future you to the moment you're closer at night, I want you not just to see every moment, but to feel every moment. Use all of your senses to experience every moment as your future self is experiencing every moment in her perfect day.
Smell the coffee, or tea if you prefer. Taste the freshly squeezed orange juice. Hear the birds chirping as you sit on your terrace journaling. Feel the warmth of the sunshine on your face.
Every detail is important. No detail is too small. The more specific and detailed you can be in capturing a perfect day in the life of the future you, the more powerful this exercise will be. Less is definitely not more in this case.
And leave all judgment to the side. Allow whatever comes up, whatever you see in your day, whoever you are being, to be. Your job right now is to document your day. Not decide on how it will be possible or if it will be possible. For this exercise, this time you spend in the shoes of your future self, I want you to allow everything to be possible knowing that it is, even if you don't yet know how.
So now that we've set the scene for how you can set yourself up to connect with your future self and the life she is living, here is a simple framework you can use to really tap into the details of each part of your day and from them, discover exactly who the future you is being in her world.
I'm a big fan of breaking things down into small bite sized pieces. Because for a lot of people, the thought of imagining every moment of an entire day feels a little bit overwhelming and this is not going to help you honestly and deeply connect with your future self and the life she's living. So I find it very helpful to break your day up into three main parts. Your morning, the middle part of your day and then your evening.
And whilst I do encourage you to try and set aside the two or three hours for a really deep journaling session, if you can only set aside a shorter amount of time, by breaking up your day like this, you can focus on one part of your day at a time and spread it out over maybe two or three journal sessions.
Again, it is great if you can set aside the time to really get into the flow and live out your entire day from start to finish. But what's important here, first and foremost, is that if you can't do that, you don't let it stop you from doing this all together. However it needs to happen for you is perfect.
Now as you go about each part of your day as the future you, here's what I want you to notice:
Number one. Who are you being? Number two. What do you do, have and experience in your life? What are you saying YES! to? Number three. When do you do, have and experience those things? Number four. Where do you do, have and experience them and with who? And number five, how does the future you behave differently in your day than the you of today? So who, what, when, where, with who and how?
And as you notice, all of these things, I want you to write them down in your journal to ensure you remember them in the greatest detail possible. Remember the idea of this exercise is, more is more.
So with these questions in mind, start with your morning. Imagine waking up as the future you. You open your eyes in an environment that makes your heart sing. Where are you? What time is it? Who are you with? What do you see, hear and feel as you start your day? What is the first thing you do?
Picture everything you do in your morning and describe every part of the morning routine your future self loves waking up to. Remember don't leave out any detail. Allow everything in your perfect morning to be possible and let that flow onto the pages of your journal.
Then after visualizing your perfect morning, take a few moments to reflect on who you are being in this part of your day. What qualities are you embodying? Is it confidence, peace, enthusiasm? How do you feel? What are your core values that guide your morning routine? And then write down your reflections.
For instance, you might realize that your future self is disciplined, peaceful and motivated. She values health and mindfulness and so this is reflected in her morning activity.
Then once you've done that, move on to the middle part of your day. How is it you spend the majority of your day? What are you saying YES! to during this part of your day? Are you working, spending time with loved ones, pursuing a hobby? What fulfills you? What makes you excited about living out your day? What time does this part of your day finish up?
Again, spend a few moments to reflect on who you are being during this part of your day. How do your activities and interactions reflect your values and your goals? What kind of woman are you as you go through your midday activities? And write down your reflections, once again, in your journal.
You might discover that your future self is collaborative, creative, and influential. Maybe she values meaningful work and strong relationships, and this is reflected in her midday activities and interactions.
Then finally, visualize your perfect evening. How do you spend the final hours of your day? Do you spend time with family? Do you read? Or perhaps engage in some other kind of relaxing activity? What do you have for dinner? Describe the table setting, who you are with, what you are eating, how it smells, how it tastes. This is the kind of detail you really want to go into.
And as you go to bed, what are your final thoughts? How do you feel as you reflect on your day and prepare for tomorrow? Visualize every detail about how your perfect day finishes. And again, spend a few moments to reflect on who you are being in this part of your day. How does your evening routine reflect who you are?
Remember the idea in each of these visualizations is to drill down to the finer details to help you discover who it is you are being in your perfect day. So once you have a detailed description of everything you noticed about your day being the future you, along with your reflections from each part of the day, to bring this all together spend some time to look at what your day tells you about who you are.
What characteristics do you have? What do you value? What standards do you hold yourself to? What do you accept and no longer accept in your day? What does your perfect day reveal that you believe to be true about you?
Like I said earlier, if you will start with the who, the how will fall into place. But sometimes it can be difficult to get a clear picture of the who it is you need to be. This is why digging deeper into the details of each part of your perfect day is so very powerful because it helps you connect the dots and piece together your who.
And once you have a clear picture of your who – who the you is who wakes up every day to a life she's obsessed with from the inside out, a life that is richly fulfilling in all the ways that matter – once you are clear, the only job you have from here is to go about being her. And the how everything needs to happen, how it all needs to unfold, will happen naturally as part of who you be every single day. No more willpower, no more white knuckling your way through, no more struggling wondering how.
Focus on the being who you need to be to live out your perfect day and before you know it, you'll be looking back on this future self journaling session amazed at how the things you wrote, that maybe you even forgot the details of, how they are now your lived reality. I promise you, my friend, putting pen to paper is powerful and when it involves your future self, it is even more so.
What will your perfect day reveal about your future self? I wonder. Schedule that time aside and I'd love to hear all about who you discover in your future self journaling session. So, drop me an email and tell me all the things. Honestly, I'd love to hear from you.
And if you enjoyed this episode and found it helpful in any way, please help me reach more women with these tips so we can all create lives we love. You can do that by sharing the podcast and also by leaving me a review. A few seconds of your time to leave your thoughts about how this podcast has helped you in any small way can encourage other women to listen in too and have a big impact in helping them change their lives. So I really am grateful if you would leave me a few words if you found this helpful or this podcast in general to be helpful.
Over the next couple of weeks, I have some super great conversations coming up about creating a life you love, one YES! at a time. I do hope you'll join me. Have a wonderful rest of your week. I'll see you next Wednesday.
Until then, be the woman who says YES!
Hey, want to know what's stopping you from saying YES! to you and a life you love?
Head over to and take my FREE 60 second quiz to find out what's standing in your way today and I'll send you my Self-Creation Shift process for shifting it. That's I’ll see you there.
EPISODE release date // July 17, 2024