



Being Your YES!: The Power of Self-Identity

Being Your YES! – The Power of Self-Identity – The Self-Creation School

The Secret Behind Long-Lasting Transformation and Success

The most common question Self-Creation Coach and renown Queen of YES! Leanne Letica gets asked when she shares her story of transformation and success is – how?

In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, Leanne reveals the secret behind her extraordinary journey from cleaning multi-millionaire homes to becoming a multi-millionaire and exactly how she overcame significant personal challenges to create a life filled with enrichment and self-defined success.

Leanne emphasizes the power of identity, and how lasting change comes from being the person who naturally achieves your goals, rather than having the results first. She also provides three key shifts to help listeners redefine their identity, rewrite their rules, and reinvent their world from the inside out.

Tune in to learn how to create a life you love one intentional YES! at a time through the power of who you BE.

In This Episode:

00:00 Introduction: The Question of How

01:58 The Power of Saying YES!

02:52 Changing Who You Say YES! to Being

03:34 Understanding the Concept of Being Before Having

04:25 The Importance of Identity in Achieving Goals

13:20 Three Key Shifts to Transform Your Life

18:49 Final Thoughts and Conclusion

Must-Have Resources:

  • Discover your YES! Block here.
  • Steal My Self-Creation Secrets here.
  • Get My Personal Manifesto here.
  • Grab My Daily Journal here.
  • Join Week of YES! here.

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Episode Transcript:

Download the Transcript here.


Whenever I share my story, the most common question I get asked is, okay but how?

How did I go from cleaning the homes of multi-millionaires to being a multi-millionaire? How did I overcome my eating disorder and keep off my weight all these years? How did I get the courage to start a whole new life on the other side of the world?

How did I deal with my imposter syndrome and self-doubt? How did I replace my constant overwhelm and anxiety with calm and confidence? How did I go from being so deeply unfulfilled despite all of my success to living a life that I need to pinch myself to believe is mine?

Well, today I'm sharing my exact answer to these questions. So if you'd like to know my how, stick around and listen in.

Welcome to The Self-Creation School podcast, for women who are ready to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and finally say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire. I'm your host Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach, founder of The Self-Creation School AND Queen of YES!. If you're ready to play life by your own personal rule book, and give yourself permission to say YES! to yourself and your wildest dreams, this podcast is the place for you.

Hello, my friend, and welcome to today's podcast episode. It feels like an age for me because I have just returned from three weeks vacation in Turkey and the Greek islands, and I took a complete break. I completely tuned out from my very busy and overly creative brain, and simply enjoyed every moment of where I was, and who I was with.

It was a remarkable experience and one I'm so glad I said YES! to. And learning how to say YES! to the life I want has been the most invaluable lesson I have ever learned in my lifetime. Which is why today I want to share with you exactly how I've said YES! time and again to the things I dream of and a life that just keeps getting better with every single YES! I allow myself to say.

If it's your first time joining me, this podcast is the place where I talk about creating your SELF so you can create a life you can't wait to live out every single day, one YES! at a time. So let's dive in and talk about exactly that. And let me kick it off by sharing with you straight up what it is I tell people when they ask me how I've been able to create the kind of results in my life I've created. Are you ready? Here's my answer.

By changing who I say YES! to being. I'll say that again. By changing who I say YES! to being.

So let's recap on this and wrap things up. Of course, I'm just kidding. Let me explain what I mean by changing who I say YES! to being, why this is foundational to the results I've created and continue to create and share with you some of my tips for how you can change who you say YES! to being.

Because I know you're here for the how, am I right? But listen, I invite you to do something for your Future Self and not skip straight to the how. The magic in what I'm sharing today lies in understanding the concept of saying YES! to who you be and why it matters, why it will help you more easily and sustainably create the life you want. Once you understand this concept, you will open the door to so many ways forward, so many hows, not just the ones I share with you today.

As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and this is one piece of knowledge I've found to play out powerfully true time and again in my lifetime. The life you want to say YES! to living, to having and experiencing, only becomes possible when you say YES! to being the kind of woman who lives that life, who has and experiences that life.

A lot of you want to have the life you want first, the results, and then you can be the woman who has that life. You want the career success before you see yourself as being a successful woman. You want the money and the bank before you see yourself as being a financially savvy woman. You want the thriving business before you see yourself as a woman being in business.

You want the waiting list of clients before you see yourself as a woman who offers value as a coach. You want to write the bestseller before you see yourself as being a woman who writes bestsellers. You want the weight loss before you see yourself as being a fit and healthy woman. You want the love and commitment before you see yourself as being a woman who is lovable.

But this isn't how it works. Well it can, but it's so much harder and you will often give up long before you reach your goals or reach your goals only to sabotage your success and find yourself right back where you started in no time. Because the reality is, having the life you want first doesn't necessarily change who you believe yourself to be. In fact, it rarely does.

You can get the promotion and still not believe yourself to be a success. You can have all the money in the bank, own your home, your car, and so forth, and still believe yourself to be a woman who is financially insecure. You can lose all the weight and still see a woman who isn't good enough in the mirror.

Can you think of a time when you had something you wanted, but it didn't change how you felt about yourself? I certainly have plenty of those times and every time it's because I've gone about things the wrong way around. A great example of how having before being doesn't work is the people who win millions in the lottery only to end up broke in next to no time.

Having the money first doesn't change who they be having that money in the bank and who they be determines what they do, what they do with this money. If they've never seen themselves as a financially savvy person, then I guarantee they've never gone about doing the things they need to do to be financially savvy because it's just a part of who they are and what they do.

Now the money in the bank doesn't suddenly make them become a person who is financially savvy. So, they will behave according to who they likely believe they are. A person who doesn't have money and who doesn't know how to look after their money. And they will take action accordingly to bring themselves back in line with being that person.

So, they invest the money poorly, or simply spend it on frivolous things, and then find themselves back to being a person who doesn't have money because they don't know how to look after it. Who they say YES! to being drives them to take action that matches this and the action they take creates their results.

Which is another really powerful thing I've learned. You can only ever create results in your life to the edge of who you believe yourself to be. When you create results beyond that, like the person who wins the lottery, you will always take action to bring your results back in line with who you tell yourself you are.

It's why when you lose weight, it piles back on before you know it if you don't change who you say YES! to being. Having a number on the scales or a size on your dress tag doesn't suddenly change who you believe yourself to be. It doesn't suddenly make you say YES! to the lifestyle and habits you need to say YES! to in order to be a fit and healthy woman who effortlessly maintains her perfect weight.

If you believe you are a woman who struggles to keep her weight off, you might lose the weight, but you will say YES! to being that woman and continue to struggle keeping your weight off for as long as you say YES! to being that version of you. But when you say YES! to being a woman who eats healthy and exercises every day and in doing so effortlessly maintains her weight, the number on the scales and the dress tag is simply a reflection of who you say YES! to being.

The goal is not to have first, but to be first. Having before being is the hard way of doing things, my friend, and it is the old way of doing things that relies on a whole lot of willpower and white knuckling your way through to do the things that simply don't come naturally to the kind of woman you believe yourself to be.

The secret to long term transformation and success lies in being before having. When you be the kind of woman who lives the life you want, that life has no choice but to become your reality because you will naturally and effortlessly do the things you need to do to have that life. It is simply who you are and what you do. That life is a reflection of who you be.

The life you say YES! to living starts with choosing who you say YES! to being. Every choice, every action and every decision you make is rooted in the identity you claim for yourself. Creating the life you want requires more than simply setting goals or making plans, which is very much a having first approach. It requires that you fundamentally redefine who you believe yourself to be. That you rewrite the rules that hold you back from being that version of you. And ultimately, that you reinvent your world from the inside out.

Don't get me wrong, setting goals and making plans is an important part of the process, yes. But this is the surface layer, this is what comes as a result of choosing who you say YES! to being. If that's all you focus on, your results will be superficial, and you'll very likely sabotage your results if you haven't done the work to change who you say YES! to being.

Now, many of you think who you are is set in stone, and this just isn't true. You can choose who you be and in turn how you show up in your world. In fact, you're already choosing who you be right now. The problem is many of you have that set on autopilot. You're not taking pause to think about who it is you are being and whether or not that is supporting the life you want to create for yourself.

You want a life where you are fit and healthy and you have a closet filled with the clothes you dream of wearing. But who you are being is a woman who says YES! to those late-night snacks, and not getting up early enough to leave time for your morning workout. I'm guilty of this, don't get me wrong, but the secret behind every success I have ever experienced lies in taking my SELF off autopilot and intentionally choosing who I say YES! to being.

That, in a nutshell, is my how. Pretty simple, right? Well, YES! and no. Listen, I'm not a coach who would tell you choosing who you say YES! to being is a piece of cake. It's not. But it doesn't have to be as hard as we so often make it either.

Most of us want the whole new me in an instant. That is what's hard. Like doing one session at the gym expecting six pack abs kind of hard. I probably don't have to tell you, it just doesn't work like that. Trust me, I've tried, and I'm pretty sure you have too. Wouldn't it be great though if they had a six pack abs lottery? I mean, I would buy a ticket in that, wouldn't you?

But seriously, when you commit to going to the gym every day, doing a few sit ups, and then a few more, and then a few more, gradually it gets easier, and you start to see your abs take shape.

Choosing who you say YES! to being is like this too. It's about committing to stepping into who you want to be every single day and choosing to do all the things one by one until they gradually become a natural part of who you are and what you do. It's just one intentional decision at a time made consistently over time. One intentional YES! at a time.

That in its simplest form is how you can change who you say YES! to being and how in turn you can change the life you say YES! to living. But like I said earlier, I know you want me to give you the exact steps how. And like I also said, once you understand the concepts I just shared with you, you will open the door to many hows.

So what I'd like to do is offer you three key shifts I personally found to be a really great starting point both in my own life and in the work I do with my private coaching clients to help you move forward on your YES! today.

And shift number one is to start by redefining you. Now, to do this, you first must know what it is you want, and then get crystal clear on who it is you need to be to naturally and effortlessly do the things you need to do to have what it is you want. Redefining your SELF means consciously choosing a new identity that aligns with the life you want to create.

It could also mean, by the way, uncovering the you who already exists but lays buried beneath a lifetime of shoulds, people-pleasing and playing life by everyone else's rules but your own. Which leads me to shift number two, which is to rewrite your rules.

What I'm talking about here is rewriting the beliefs you hold onto that dictate what's possible for you. Beliefs about who you should be, who you shouldn't be. How you should live your life, how you shouldn't live your life. What you should do, have, and experience. How you should think, feel, and act, and so on, and so on, and so on.

By the time we get to our midlife reinvention phase, we all have lots of rules that we live by that tell us who we can be and what life we can live. Saying YES! to the you who has the life you want will require that you identify your rules, those beliefs you hold and stories you tell yourself, and rewrite them to support you in saying YES! to who you choose to be.

I also find it helpful here to think about your standards and shift these to reflect who you are saying YES! to moving forward. Setting new standards can really help your new rules for who you see yourself as and how you live your life to take root in your daily life.

Here's a quick example of what I mean here.

Let's say you want to lose weight so you can be a fit and healthy woman. You rewrite your rule about being a woman who struggles with her weight to being a woman who looks after her health and fitness.

In turn, you might set a new standard for yourself that you prioritize activity in your day. Which means when you're faced with the choice between taking an elevator or taking the stairs, your new standard is going to help you make that decision and say YES! to who you want to be, which in turn reinforces your new belief that you are a woman who looks after her health and fitness.

Now that's just a quick and simple example, but I hope it gives you an idea of how standards can help say YES! to who you want to be by reinforcing your new rules, your new beliefs and stories into your everyday actions.

So redefining who you are sets the foundation. Rewriting your rules supports this new identity. The third shift is to go about reinventing your world from the inside out. It's about embodying who you say YES! to being and using your rewritten rules to help you do exactly that, as I just gave you an example of. This, my friend, is where the magic happens.

When your internal world begins to change, your external world will begin to change with it. When you see yourself as a woman who looks after her health and fitness, you will choose to take those stairs every time and over time, you will become a fitter and healthier woman. The reality you want to say YES! to begins with who you say YES! to being from the inside out.

This is where that commitment to making one intentional decision at a time consistently over time is key. Because while sometimes I look back and it feels like a lot of my success happened overnight, the reality is it happened one YES! at a time, over time. One intentional "YES!, I choose to be this me in this moment", at a time.

And listen, if you want to be a woman who says YES! to your biggest boldest dreams, one dream after another, the aim here is not for drastic overnight changes, because those kind of changes rarely last. The aim is for building your new identity slowly but surely, until each part of the new you feels like a natural extension of simply who you are and what you do.

So start with small daily actions that align with who you say YES! to being, your new identity, and use your new rules to support you, to help you make intentional decisions. If you've redefined yourself as a fit and healthy woman, begin by making one healthy choice today. If you've rewritten a rule about your self-worth, practice affirming your value in a situation where you'd usually doubt yourself.

Each small action you take, in line with who you say YES! to being, is a step towards reinventing your world in the most effective way possible – from the inside, out. Which brings me full circle back to the key takeaway I want you to get from today's episode. The life you say YES! to living starts with choosing who you say YES! to being.

When you focus on who you are being, when you say YES! to being the woman who lives the life you desire, you create a solid foundation that supports every goal, every dream, and every YES! that follows. This is what makes your results sustainable. It's what makes them effortless. And it's what makes them truly aligned with your deepest desires.

By redefining who you are, rewriting the rules that dictate who you be and how you live your life, and consistently making choices that align with your new identity and rules, you will naturally create the life you want.

The best part is, it's not about forcing or struggling. There's no willpower or white knuckling your way through required. It's about simply being. And when you focus on who you are being, I promise you my friend, the results will follow.

So as you go about your week, I challenge you to ask yourself, who am I saying YES! to being today? Let that question guide your decisions, your actions, and your mindset because every YES! you make is an opportunity to step closer to living the life you truly want.

That's it from me this week. I'll be back next Wednesday for another conversation about creating a life you love. I do hope you will join me.

Until then, be the woman who says YES!

Hey, want to know what's stopping you from saying YES! to you and a life you love?

Head over to https://selfcreationschool.com/yesblock and take my FREE 60 second quiz to find out what's standing in your way today and I'll send you my Self-Creation Shift process for shifting it.

That's https://selfcreationschool.com/yesblock. I’ll see you there.

EPISODE release date  //  August 28, 2024

By Leanne Letica





Hello! I’m Leanne Letica, Queen of YES! and founder of The Self-Creation School.

Going from a Millionaire’s Maid to making my own millions, I learned how to rewrite the rules I live by, redefine who I can be, and reinvent my entire world.

I *also* learned the HARD WAY that all the money in the world won’t buy a LIFE YOU LOVE.

But I found a SECRET
STASH of riches that will...

And every Wednesday, I share my SECRETS with you.

Join me for powerful conversations, Self-Creation tips and insights, and discover how to SAY YES! to a life you wildly love.

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not ALREADY saying YES!
to a life you LOVE?



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feel FULFILLED by who you are and what you do, and FLOURISH
confidently in your own skin… come take a seat at my table.